2,653 research outputs found

    Impact of training status on maximal oxygen uptake criteria attainment during running

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    Objectives. The aims of this study were to assess whether training status influenced maximal physiological and perceptual responses and whether certain maximal criteria were more sensitive for individuals with different levels of training. Methods. Males who were either trained (N=8) or untrained (N=9) underwent a maximal treadmill test to assess whether thecriteria to indicate VO2 max were training-specific.Results. VO2 max was significantly higher in the trained (70.0mlO2.kg-1.min-1) compared with the untrained group (54.5 mlO2.kg-1.min-1). Only 11% of the trained and 56% of the untrained individuals achieved a plateau in the oxygen uptake curve. Peak treadmill running speed was significantly faster and total test time significantly longer in the trained group. In contrast, peak lactate, although maximal for both groups, was significantly higher in the untrained group (13.5 mmol.l-1 compared with 10.3 mmol.l-1). The other responses were not different between the groups. Noteworthy is that none of the subjects achieved all of the criteria indicating a maximal effort. The criteria most achieved in both sampleswere HRmax, RPEmax and Lamax with the latter being the mostattained in the untrained group and RPEmax being mostly attainedby the trained group.Conclusions. The criteria used to indicate attainment of VO2 max may be limited and may differ when comparing a heterogeneous training sample. Although VO2 max was significantly higher in the trained group, responses were different for O2 plateau attainment and Lamax but similar for the other British Association of Sports Sciences criteria. It may be concluded that the physiological variables coinciding with maximal effort may differ in individuals with different levels of training

    Stabilising touch interactions in cockpits, aerospace, and vibrating environments

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    © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018. Incorporating touch screen interaction into cockpit flight systems is increasingly gaining traction given its several potential advantages to design as well as usability to pilots. However, perturbations to the user input are prevalent in such environments due to vibrations, turbulence and high accelerations. This poses particular challenges for interacting with displays in the cockpit, for example, accidental activation during turbulence or high levels of distraction from the primary task of airplane control to accomplish selection tasks. On the other hand, predictive displays have emerged as a solution to minimize the effort as well as cognitive, visual and physical workload associated with using in-vehicle displays under perturbations, induced by road and driving conditions. This technology employs gesture tracking in 3D and potentially eye-gaze as well as other sensory data to substantially facilitate the acquisition (pointing and selection) of an interface component by predicting the item the user intents to select on the display, early in the movements towards the screen. A key aspect is utilising principled Bayesian modelling to incorporate and treat the present perturbation, thus, it is a software-based solution that showed promising results when applied to automotive applications. This paper explores the potential of applying this technology to applications in aerospace and vibrating environments in general and presents design recommendations for such an approach to enhance interactions accuracy as well as safety

    Topological Properties and the Dynamical Crossover from Mixed-Valence to Kondo-Lattice Behavior in the Golden Phase of SmS

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    We have investigated temperature-dependent behaviors of electronic structure and resistivity in a mixed-valent golden phase of SmS, based on the dynamical mean-field-theory band-structure calculations. Upon cooling, the coherent Sm 4f bands are formed to produce the hybridization-induced pseudogap near the Fermi level, and accordingly the topology of the Fermi surface is changed to exhibit a Lifshitz-like transition. The surface states emerging in the bulk gap region are found to be not topologically protected states but just typical Rashba spin-polarized states, indicating that SmS is not a topological Kondo semimetal. From the analysis of anomalous resistivity behavior in SmS, we have identified universal energy scales, which characterize the Kondo-mixed-valent semimetallic systems.open1177sciescopu

    Neutrophils from Both Susceptible and Resistant Mice Efficiently Kill Opsonized \u3cem\u3eListeria monocytogenes\u3c/em\u3e

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    Inbred mouse strains differ in their susceptibility to infection with the facultative intracellular bacterium Listeria monocytogenes, largely due to delayed or deficient innate immune responses. Previous antibody depletion studies suggested that neutrophils (polymorphonuclear leukocytes [PMN]) were particularly important for clearance in the liver, but the ability of PMN from susceptible and resistant mice to directly kill L. monocytogenes has not been examined. In this study, we showed that PMN infiltrated the livers of BALB/c/By/J (BALB/c) and C57BL/6 (B6) mice in similar numbers and that both cell types readily migrated toward leukotriene B4 in an in vitro chemotaxis assay. However, CFU burdens in the liver were significantly higher in BALB/c mice than in other strains, suggesting that PMN in the BALB/c liver might not be able to clear L. monocytogenes as efficiently as B6 PMN. Unprimed PMN harvested from either BALB/c or B6 bone marrow killed L. monocytogenes directly ex vivo, and pretreatment with autologous serum significantly enhanced killing efficiency for both. L. monocytogenes were internalized within 10 min and rapidly triggered intracellular production of reactive oxygen species in a dose-dependent manner. However, PMN from gp91phox-deficient mice also readily killed L. monocytogenes, which suggested that nonoxidative killing mechanisms may be sufficient for bacterial clearance. Together, these results indicate that there is not an intrinsic defect in the ability of PMN from susceptible BALB/c mice to kill L. monocytogenes and further suggest that if PMN function is impaired in BALB/c mice, it is likely due to locally produced modulating factors present in the liver during infection

    Somatic Integration of Single Ion Channel Responses of α7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Enhanced by PNU-120596

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    Positive allosteric modulators of highly Ca2+-permeable α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, such as PNU-120596, may become useful therapeutic tools supporting neuronal survival and function. However, despite promising results, the initial optimism has been tempered by the concerns for cytotoxicity. The same concentration of a given nicotinic agent can be neuroprotective, ineffective or neurotoxic due to differences in the expression of α7 receptors and susceptibility to Ca2+ influx among various subtypes of neurons. Resolution of these concerns may require an ability to reliably detect, evaluate and optimize the extent of α7 somatic ionic influx, a key determinant of the likelihood of neuronal survival and function. In the presence of PNU-120596 and physiological choline (∼10 µM), the activity of individual α7 channels can be detected in whole-cell recordings as step-like current/voltage deviations. However, the extent of α7 somatic influx remains elusive because the activity of individual α7 channels may not be integrated across the entire soma, instead affecting only specific subdomains located in the channel vicinity. Such a compartmentalization may obstruct detection and integration of α7 currents, causing an underestimation of α7 activity. By contrast, if step-like α7 currents are integrated across the soma, then a reliable quantification of α7 influx in whole-cell recordings is possible and could provide a rational basis for optimization of conditions that support survival of α7-expressing neurons. This approach can be used to directly correlate α7 single-channel activity to neuronal function. In this study, somatic dual-patch recordings were conducted using large hypothalamic and hippocampal neurons in acute coronal rat brain slices. The results demonstrate that the membrane electrotonic properties do not impede somatic signaling, allowing reliable estimates of somatic ionic and Ca2+ influx through α7 channels, while the somatic space-clamp error is minimal (∼0.01 mV/µm). These research efforts could benefit optimization of potential α7-PAM-based therapies

    The Linear Algebraic Method for Electron-Molecule Collisions

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    In order to find numerical solutions to many problems in physics, chemistry and engineering it is necessary to place the equations of motion (classical or quantal) of the variables of dynamical interest on a discrete mesh. The formulation of scattering theory in quantum mechanics is no exception and leads to partial differential or integral equations which may only be solved on digital computers. Typical approaches introduce a numerical grid or basis set expansion of the scattering wavefunction in order to reduce `the problem to the solution of a set of algebraic equations. Often it is more convenient to deal with the scattering matrix or phase amplitude rather than the wavefunction but the essential features of the numerics are unchanged. In this section we will formulate the Linear Algebraic Method (LAM) for electron-atom/molecule scattering for a simple, one-dimensional radial potential. This will illustrate the basic approach and enable the uninitiated reader to follow the subsequent discussion of the general, multi-channel, electron-molecule formulation without undue difficulty. We begin by writing the Schroedinger equation for the s-wave scattering of a structureless particle by a short-range, local potential

    Thermal and electrical conductivity of iron at Earth's core conditions

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    The Earth acts as a gigantic heat engine driven by decay of radiogenic isotopes and slow cooling, which gives rise to plate tectonics, volcanoes, and mountain building. Another key product is the geomagnetic field, generated in the liquid iron core by a dynamo running on heat released by cooling and freezing to grow the solid inner core, and on chemical convection due to light elements expelled from the liquid on freezing. The power supplied to the geodynamo, measured by the heat-flux across the core-mantle boundary (CMB), places constraints on Earth's evolution. Estimates of CMB heat-flux depend on properties of iron mixtures under the extreme pressure and temperature conditions in the core, most critically on the thermal and electrical conductivities. These quantities remain poorly known because of inherent difficulties in experimentation and theory. Here we use density functional theory to compute these conductivities in liquid iron mixtures at core conditions from first principles- the first directly computed values that do not rely on estimates based on extrapolations. The mixtures of Fe, O, S, and Si are taken from earlier work and fit the seismologically-determined core density and inner-core boundary density jump. We find both conductivities to be 2-3 times higher than estimates in current use. The changes are so large that core thermal histories and power requirements must be reassessed. New estimates of adiabatic heat-flux give 15-16 TW at the CMB, higher than present estimates of CMB heat-flux based on mantle convection; the top of the core must be thermally stratified and any convection in the upper core driven by chemical convection against the adverse thermal buoyancy or lateral variations in CMB heat flow. Power for the geodynamo is greatly restricted and future models of mantle evolution must incorporate a high CMB heat-flux and explain recent formation of the inner core.Comment: 11 pages including supplementary information, two figures. Scheduled to appear in Nature, April 201

    Pioglitazone Prevents Capillary Rarefaction in Streptozotocin-Diabetic Rats Independently of Glucose Control and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Expression

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    Background/Aims: Reduction of capillary network density occurs early in the development of metabolic syndrome and may be relevant for the precipitation of diabetes. Agonists of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-gamma transcription factor are vasculoprotective, but their capacity for structural preservation of the microcirculation is unclear. Methods: Male Wistar rats were rendered diabetic by streptozotocin and treated with pioglitazone in chow for up to 12 weeks. Capillary density was determined in heart and skeletal muscle after platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1) immunostaining. Hallmarks of apoptosis and angiogenesis were determined. Results: Capillary density deteriorated progressively in the presence of hyperglycemia (from 971/mm(2) to 475/mm(2) in quadriceps muscle during 13 weeks). Pioglitazone did not influence plasma glucose, left ventricular weight, or body weight but nearly doubled absolute and relative capillary densities compared to untreated controls (1.2 vs. 0.6 capillaries/myocyte in heart and 1.5 vs. 0.9 capillaries/myocyte in quadriceps muscle) after 13 weeks of diabetes. No antiapoptotic or angiogenic influence of pioglitazone was detected while a reduced expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-3 alpha and PPAR coactivator-1 alpha (PGC-1 alpha) mRNA as well as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) protein possibly occurred as a consequence of improved vascularization. Conclusion: Pioglitazone preserves microvascular structure in diabetes independently of improvements in glycemic control and by a mechanism unrelated to VEGF-mediated angiogenesis. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Base

    Theoretical Analysis of Competing Conformational Transitions in Superhelical DNA

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    We develop a statistical mechanical model to analyze the competitive behavior of transitions to multiple alternate conformations in a negatively supercoiled DNA molecule of kilobase length and specified base sequence. Since DNA superhelicity topologically couples together the transition behaviors of all base pairs, a unified model is required to analyze all the transitions to which the DNA sequence is susceptible. Here we present a first model of this type. Our numerical approach generalizes the strategy of previously developed algorithms, which studied superhelical transitions to a single alternate conformation. We apply our multi-state model to study the competition between strand separation and B-Z transitions in superhelical DNA. We show this competition to be highly sensitive to temperature and to the imposed level of supercoiling. Comparison of our results with experimental data shows that, when the energetics appropriate to the experimental conditions are used, the competition between these two transitions is accurately captured by our algorithm. We analyze the superhelical competition between B-Z transitions and denaturation around the c-myc oncogene, where both transitions are known to occur when this gene is transcribing. We apply our model to explore the correlation between stress-induced transitions and transcriptional activity in various organisms. In higher eukaryotes we find a strong enhancement of Z-forming regions immediately 5′ to their transcription start sites (TSS), and a depletion of strand separating sites in a broad region around the TSS. The opposite patterns occur around transcript end locations. We also show that susceptibility to each type of transition is different in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. By analyzing a set of untranscribed pseudogenes we show that the Z-susceptibility just downstream of the TSS is not preserved, suggesting it may be under selection pressure