625 research outputs found

    Presence of Marphysa disjuncta (Polychaeta: Eunicidae) in the Mediterranean Sea

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    An individual belonging to the eunicid polychaete species Marphysa disjuncta Hartman, 1961 was collected on muddy substratum at 100 m deep in Fethiye Bay (Levantine Sea, eastern Mediterranean). This species is new to the Mediterranean fauna. It closely resembles to Marphysa bellii, a native species, but it lacks compound falcigers and has unidentate subacicular hooks. This species was only reported from the eastern and western Pacific Ocean and could have been introduced to the Mediterranean Sea via ballast waters of vessels

    Structural, Vibrational and Electronic Properties of Single Layer Hexagonal Crystals of Groups IV and V

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    Using first-principles density functional theory calculations, we investigate a family of stable two-dimensional crystals with chemical formula A2B2A_2B_2, where AA and BB belong to groups IV and V, respectively (AA = C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb; BB = N, P, As, Sb, Bi). Two structural symmetries of hexagonal lattices P6ˉm2P\bar{6}m2 and P3ˉm1P\bar{3}m1 are shown to be dynamically stable, named as α\alpha- and β\beta-phases correspondingly. Both phases have similar cohesive energies, and the α\alpha-phase is found to be energetically favorable for structures except CP, CAs, CSb and CBi, for which the β\beta-phase is favored. The effects of spin-orbit coupling and Hartree-Fock corrections to exchange-correlation are included to elucidate the electronic structures. All structures are semiconductors except CBi and PbN, which have metallic character. SiBi, GeBi and SnBi have direct band gaps, whereas the remaining semiconductor structures have indirect band gaps. All structures have quartic dispersion in their valence bands, some of which make the valence band maximum and resemble a Mexican hat shape. SnAs and PbAs have purely quartic valence band edges, i.e. Eαk4E{\sim}{-}\alpha k^4, a property reported for the first time. The predicted materials are candidates for a variety of applications. Owing to their wide band gaps, CP, SiN, SiP, SiAs, GeN, GeP can find their applications in optoelectronics. The relative band positions qualify a number of the structures as suitable for water splitting, where CN and SiAs are favorable at all pH values. Structures with quartic band edges are expected to be efficient for thermoelectric applications

    Controlled enzymatic stability and release characteristics of supramolecular chiral peptide amphiphile nanofiber gels

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    Supramolecular bioarchitectures formed by assembly of achiral or chiral building blocks play important roles in various biochemical processes. Stereochemistry of amino acids is important for structural organization of peptide and protein assemblies and structure-microenvironment interactions. In this study, oppositely charged peptide amphiphile (PA) molecules with L-, D- and mixture of L- and D-amino acid conformations are coassembled into supramolecular nanofibers and formed self-supporting gels at pH 7.4 in water. The enzymatic stability of the PA nanofiber gels was studied in the presence of proteinase K enzyme, which digest a broad spectrum of proteins and peptides. The structural changes on the chiral PA nanofibers were also analyzed at different time periods in the presence of enzymatic activity. Controlled release of a model cargo molecule through the chiral PA nanofiber gels was monitored. The diffusivity parameters were measured for all gel systems. Release characteristics and the enzymatic stability of the peptide nanofiber gels were modulated depending on organization of the chiral PA molecules within the supramolecular assemblies. © 2017 Elsevier B.V

    Increased anxiety-like behavior following circuit-specific catecholamine denervation in mice

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) presents with a constellation of non-motor symptoms, notably increased anxiety, which are currently poorly treated and underrepresented in animal models of the disease. Human post-mortem studies report loss of catecholaminergic neurons in the pre-symptomatic phases of PD when anxiety symptoms emerge, and a large literature from rodent and human studies indicate that catecholamines are important mediators of anxiety via their modulatory effects on limbic regions such as the amygdala. On the basis of these observations, we hypothesized that anxiety in PD could result from an early loss of catecholaminergic inputs to the amygdala and/or other limbic structures. To interrogate this hypothesis, we bilaterally injected the neurotoxin 6-OHDA in the mouse basolateral amygdala (BL). This produced a restricted pattern of catecholaminergic (tyrosine-hydroxylase-labeled) denervation in the BL, intercalated cell masses and ventral hippocampus, but not the central amygdala or prefrontal cortex. We found that this circuit-specific lesion did not compromise performance on multiple measures of motor function (home cage, accelerating rotarod, beam balance, pole climbing), but did increase anxiety-like behavior in the elevated plus-maze and light-dark exploration tests. Fear behavior in the pavlovian cued conditioning and passive avoidance assays was, by contrast, unaffected; possibly due to preservation of catecholamine innervation of the central amygdala from the periaqueductal gray. These data provide some of the first evidence implicating loss of catecholaminergic neurotransmission in midbrain-amygdala circuits to increased anxiety-like behavior. Our findings offer an initial step towards identifying the neural substrates for pre-motor anxiety symptoms in PD

    Self-assembled peptide nanostructures for functional materials

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    Nature is an important inspirational source for scientists, and presents complex and elegant examples of adaptive and intelligent systems created by self-assembly. Significant effort has been devoted to understanding these sophisticated systems. The self-assembly process enables us to create supramolecular nanostructures with high order and complexity, and peptide-based self-assembling building blocks can serve as suitable platforms to construct nanostructures showing diverse features and applications. In this review, peptide-based supramolecular assemblies will be discussed in terms of their synthesis, design, characterization and application. Peptide nanostructures are categorized based on their chemical and physical properties and will be examined by rationalizing the influence of peptide design on the resulting morphology and the methods employed to characterize these high order complex systems. Moreover, the application of self-assembled peptide nanomaterials as functional materials in information technologies and environmental sciences will be reviewed by providing examples from recently published high-impact studies. � 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Amyloid Inspired Self-Assembled Peptide Nanofibers

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Amyloid peptides are important components in many degenerative diseases as well as in maintaining cellular metabolism. Their unique stable structure provides new insights in developing new materials. Designing bioinspired selfassembling peptides is essential to generate new forms of hierarchical nanostructures. Here we present oppositely charged amyloid inspired peptides (AIPs), which rapidly self-assemble into nanofibers at pH 7 upon mixing in water caused by noncovalent interactions. Mechanical properties of the gels formed by selfassembled AIP nanofibers were analyzed with oscillatory rheology. AIP gels exhibited strong mechanical characteristics superior to gels formed by self-assembly of previously reported synthetic short peptides. Rheological studies of gels composed of oppositely charged mixed AIP molecules (AIP-1 + 2) revealed superior mechanical stability compared to individual peptide networks (AIP-1 and AIP-2) formed by neutralization of net charges through pH change. Adhesion and elasticity properties of AIP mixed nanofibers and charge neutralized AIP-1, AIP-2 nanofibers were analyzed by high resolution force− distance mapping using atomic force microscopy (AFM). Nanomechanical characterization of self-assembled AIP-1 + 2, AIP-1, and AIP-2 nanofibers also confirmed macroscopic rheology results, and mechanical stability of AIP mixed nanofibers was higher compared to individual AIP-1 and AIP-2 nanofibers self-assembled at acidic and basic pH, respectively. Experimental results were supported with molecular dynamics simulations by considering potential noncovalent interactions between the amino acid residues and possible aggregate forms. In addition, HUVEC cells were cultured on AIP mixed nanofibers at pH 7 and biocompatibility and collagen mimetic scaffold properties of the nanofibrous system were observed. Encapsulation of a zwitterionic dye (rhodamine B) within AIP nanofiber network was accomplished at physiological conditions to demonstrate that this network can be utilized for inclusion of soluble factors as a scaffold for cell culture studies. Copyright © 2012 American Chemical Societ

    Local delivery of doxorubicin through supramolecular peptide amphiphile nanofiber gels

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    Peptide amphiphiles (PAs) self-assemble into supramolecular nanofiber gels that provide a suitable environment for encapsulation of both hydrophobic and hydrophilic molecules. The PA gels have significant advantages for controlled delivery applications due to their high capacity to retain water, biocompatibility, and biodegradability. In this study, we demonstrate injectable supramolecular PA nanofiber gels for drug delivery applications. Doxorubicin (Dox), as a widely used chemotherapeutic drug for breast cancer treatment, was encapsulated within the PA gels prepared at different concentrations. Physical and chemical properties of the gels were characterized, and slow release of the Dox molecules through the supramolecular PA nanofiber gels was studied. In addition, the diffusion constants of the drug molecules within the PA nanofiber gels were estimated using fluorescence recovery after the photobleaching (FRAP) method. The PA nanofiber gels did not show any cytotoxicity and the encapsulation strategy enhanced the activity of drug molecules on cellular viability through prolonged release compared to direct administration under in vitro conditions. Moreover, the local in vivo injection of the Dox encapsulated PA nanofiber gels (Dox/PA) to the tumor site demonstrated the lowest tumor growth rate compared to the direct Dox injection and increased the apoptotic cells within the tumor tissue for local drug release through the PA nanofiber gels under in vivo conditions. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017

    Gemcitabine Integrated Nano-Prodrug Carrier System

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    Peptide nanomaterials have received a great deal of interest in drug-delivery applications due to their biodegradability, biocompatibility, suitability for large-scale synthesis, high drug-loading capacities, targeting ability, and ordered structural organization. The covalent conjugation of drugs to peptide backbones results in prolonged circulation time and improved stability of drugs. Therapeutic efficacy of gemcitabine, which is used for breast cancer treatment, is severely compromised due to its rapid plasma degradation. Its hydrophilic nature poses a challenge for both its efficient encapsulation into nanocarrier systems and its sustained release property. Here, we designed a new peptide prodrug molecule for the anticancer drug gemcitabine, which was covalently conjugated to the C-terminal of 9-fluorenylmethoxy carbonyl (Fmoc)-protected glycine. The prodrug was further integrated into peptide nanocarrier system through noncovalent interactions. A pair of oppositely charged amyloid-inspired peptides (Fmoc-AIPs) were exploited as components of the drug-carrier system and self-assembled into one-dimensional nanofibers at physiological conditions. The gemcitabine integrated nanoprodrug carrier system exhibited slow release and reduced the cellular viability of 4T1 breast cancer cell line in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. © 2017 American Chemical Society