2,599 research outputs found

    Study of W± boson in the ALICE muon spectrometer: considerations and analysis using the HLT tool

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    W± bosons produced in proton-proton collisions can be observed in the ALICE muon spectrometer via their decay into single muons at a transverse momentum, pt ~ Mw/2 40 GeV/c. However the identification of these single muons is complicated by a large amount of muonic background, especially in the low pt region. Therefore, it is necessary to apply precise pt cuts below the region of interest. This can be done by means of the High Level Trigger (HLT). In this paper we present the performance of detecting high pt muons at the HLT level. In order to improve the momentum resolution of the L0 trigger, fast clusterization of the tracking chambers together with L0 trigger matching and fast tracking reconstruction is applied. This will reduce the background in the high pt muon analysis

    Real Time Global Tests of the ALICE High Level Trigger Data Transport Framework

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    The High Level Trigger (HLT) system of the ALICE experiment is an online event filter and trigger system designed for input bandwidths of up to 25 GB/s at event rates of up to 1 kHz. The system is designed as a scalable PC cluster, implementing several hundred nodes. The transport of data in the system is handled by an object-oriented data flow framework operating on the basis of the publisher-subscriber principle, being designed fully pipelined with lowest processing overhead and communication latency in the cluster. In this paper, we report the latest measurements where this framework has been operated on five different sites over a global north-south link extending more than 10,000 km, processing a ``real-time'' data flow.Comment: 8 pages 4 figure

    Simple predictions from ALCOR_c for rehadronisation of charmed quark matter

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    We study the production of charmed hadrons with the help of ALCOR_c, the algebraic coalescence model for rehadronisation of charmed quark matter. Mesonic ratios are introduced as factors connecting various antibaryon to baryon ratios. The resulting simple relations could serve as tests of quark matter formation and coalescence type rehadronization in heavy ion collisions.Comment: 7 pages in Latex, 1 PS figur

    Per un pugno di libri... scientifici : a divulgation project for high-school students

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    We discuss the project "Per un pugno di libri... scientifici", aimed at bringing the young generations closer to scientific culture through reading divulgation books about physics. The project, which is addressed to high-school students, is sponsored by INFN and other national and regional research institutions, along with physics departments of some Italian universities

    Study of dimuon production in Indium-Indium collisions with the NA60 experiment

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    The NA60 experiment at the CERN-SPS is devoted to the study of dimuon production in heavy-ion and proton-nucleus collisions. We present preliminary results from the analysis of Indium-Indium collisions at 158 GeV per nucleon. The topics covered are low mass vector meson production, J/psi production and suppression, and the feasibility of the open charm measurement from the dimuon continuum in the mass range below the J/psi peak.Comment: Contribution at XXXXth Rencontres de Moriond, "QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions

    New Eco-gas mixtures for the Extreme Energy Events MRPCs: results and plans

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    The Extreme Energy Events observatory is an extended muon telescope array, covering more than 10 degrees both in latitude and longitude. Its 59 muon telescopes are equipped with tracking detectors based on Multigap Resistive Plate Chamber technology with time resolution of the order of a few hundred picoseconds. The recent restrictions on greenhouse gases demand studies for new gas mixtures in compliance with the relative requirements. Tetrafluoropropene is one of the candidates for tetrafluoroethane substitution, since it is characterized by a Global Warming Power around 300 times lower than the gas mixtures used up to now. Several mixtures have been tested, measuring efficiency curves, charge distributions, streamer fractions and time resolutions. Results are presented for the whole set of mixtures and operating conditions, %. A set of tests on a real EEE telescope, with cosmic muons, are being performed at the CERN-01 EEE telescope. The tests are focusing on identifying a mixture with good performance at the low rates typical of an EEE telescope.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, proceedings for the "XIV Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors" (19-23 February 2018), Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco State, Mexic

    First results from the NA60 experiment at CERN

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    Since 1986, several heavy ion experiments have studied some signatures of the formation of the quark-gluon plasma and a few exciting results have been found. However, some important questions are still unanswered and require new measurements. The NA60 experiment, with a new detector concept that vastly improves dimuon detection in proton-nucleus and heavy-ion collisions, studies several of those open questions, including the production of open charm. This paper presents the experiment and some first results from data collected in 2002.Comment: Paper presented at the XXXVIII Rencontres de Moriond, QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions, Les Arcs, March 22-29, 2003. 4 pages, 6 figure

    Ď•\phi Meson Production in In-In Collisions and the Ď•\phi Puzzle

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    The NA60 experiment measured dimuon production in In-In collisions at 158 AGeV. This paper presents a high statistics measurement of ϕ→μμ\phi\to\mu\mu with the specific objective to provide insight on the ϕ\phi puzzle, i.e. the difference in the inverse TT slopes and absolute yields measured by NA49 and NA50 in the kaon and lepton channel, respectively. Transverse momentum distributions were studied as a function of centrality. The slope parameter TT shows a rapid increase with centrality, followed by a saturation. Variations of TT with the fit range of the order of 15 MeV were observed, possibly as a consequence of radial flow. The ϕ\phi meson yield normalized to the number of participants increases with centrality and is consistently higher than the yield measured by the NA49 experiment at any centrality.Comment: 4 Pages, 2 Figures. Proceedings of the 20th^{th} International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus Nucleus Collision

    Low Mass Dimuon Production in Indium-Indium Collisions at the CERN SPS

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    NA60 is a fixed-target experiment at the CERN SPS which measured dimuon production in nucleus-nucleus and proton-nucleus collisions. In this paper we report on a precision measurement of low-mass muon pairs in 158 AGeV indium-indium collisions. A significant excess of pairs is observed above the yield expected from neutral meson decays. The excess can be isolated by subtraction of expected sources, thanks to the excellent mass resolution and large sample size.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Contribution at XLIst Rencontres de Moriond, "QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions

    Thermal dileptons at SPS energies

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    Clear signs of excess dileptons above the known sources were found at the SPS since long. However, a real clarification of these observations was only recently achieved by NA60, measuring dimuons with unprecedented precision in 158A GeV, In-In collisions. The excess mass spectrum in the region M<1 GeV is consistent with a dominant contribution from pi+pi- -> rho -> mu+mu- annihilation. The associated rho spectral function shows a strong broadening, but essentially no shift in mass. In the region M>1 GeV, the excess is found to be prompt, not due to enhanced charm production. The inverse slope parameter Teff associated with the transverse momentum spectra rises with mass up to the rho, followed by a sudden decline above. While the initial rise, coupled to a hierarchy in hadron freeze-out, points to radial flow of a hadronic decay source, the decline above signals a transition to a low-flow source, presumably of partonic origin. The mass spectra show at low transverse momenta the steep rise towards low masses characteristic for Planck-like radiation. The polarization of the excess referred to the Collins Soper frame is found to be isotropic. All observations are consistent with the interpretation of the excess as thermal radiation.Comment: Prepared for 20th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions: Quark Matter 2008 (QM2008), Jaipur, India, 4-10 Feb. 200
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