4 research outputs found

    Thermal responses of single zone offices on existing near-extreme summer weather data

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    There have been a number of attempts in the past to define “near extreme” weather for facilitating overheating analysis in free running buildings. The most recently efforts include CIBSE latest release of Design Summer Year (DSY) weather using multiple complete weather years and a newly proposed composite DSY. This research aims to assess how various single zone offices respond to these new definitions of near extreme weathers. Parametric studies were carried out on single zone offices through which four sampling sets of models were employed to examine the thermal responses of dry bulb temperature, global solar radiation & wind speed collectively. London weather data from 1976 to 1995 were used and the overheating assessments were made based on CIBSE Guide A & BS EN 15251. The research discovers that solar radiation and wind both influence the predicted indoor warmth with solar radiation has obvious stronger impacts than wind. No perfect correlation was found from observation and Spearman’s rank order analysis on the ranks between the weather warmth and the predicted indoor warmth. The ranks made using multiple weather parameters show better correlation than some of the dry bulb temperature only metrics. The research also discovers that the Test Reference Year weather behaves warmer than expected. It is also found that a single complete year can not represent the near-extreme consistently and there is no evidence a composite DSY is better statistically. These findings support the notion of using multiple complete warm weather years for overheating assessments

    Generating design reference years from the UKCP09 projections and their application to future air-conditioning loads

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    A method is developed to generate future design reference year (DRY) data from the United Kingdom Climate Impact Programme's 2009 (UKCP09) climate change projections for a variety of future time horizons and carbon emission assumptions. The method selects three near-extreme summer months and three near-extreme winter months and weaves them into an existing test reference year (TRY). Risk levels associated with the 85th percentile (broadly equivalent to existing Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers [CIBSE] design summer years) of the cumulative distribution function of dry-bulb temperature and, for comparison, the 99th percentile are used. A comparison is made with DRYs generated using alternative methods from other research groups. The data are applied to future air-conditioning (cooling) loads analysis for a wide range of non-domestic case study building types. Simulations using a control DRY set applied to these buildings are used to develop a simplified regression-based calculation method for predicting future air-conditioning loads. The simplified model is shown to be applicable to future weather data without loss of accuracy, which makes it possible to carry out large numbers of future cooling loads predictions without the need to perform extensive and complex energy simulations. Practical applications: It is becoming increasingly necessary to design energy and comfort services for buildings with a whole-life perspective. To assist with this, the CIBSE future weather years can be used for building simulations through to the 2080s. In June 2009, the UK’s Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) with the support of the United Kingdom Climate Impacts Programme (UKCIP) published updated climate change projections using a probabilistic method. In future, the responsibility will rest with designers to select design data from a large number of probabilistic outcomes. This work develops a technique to select design weather data called a DRY at two alternative risk levels for use in building simulations through to the 2080s. A simplified method is also proposed to allow practitioners to generate large numbers of probabilistic design cooling loads without the need to perform extensive simulations

    Thermal comfort standards, measured internal temperatures and thermal resilience to climate change of free-running buildings: A case-study of hospital wards

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    In view of the warming climate, there is increasing concern about the likelihood of overheating inside UK buildings that are not mechanically cooled. A number of studies are examining this matter, of which the DeDeRHECC project is one. The recent availability of the UKCP09 future climate data projections has acted as a stimulus to such work. This paper illustrates how field measurement, thermal modelling and the generation of current and future typical and extreme weather years, can be used to provide a picture of the resilience of buildings to climate change. The unified framework for assessing both measurements and current and future predictions that is offered by the BSEN15251 thermal comfort standard is a crucial component. The paper focuses on internal temperatures during the day and at night in wards within the tower building at Addenbrooke’s hospital, which has a hybrid ventilation strategy. The maintenance of thermal comfort in such spaces is critically important and installing air-conditioning in response to climate change is expensive and potentially energy intensive. Fans appear to be a simple retrofit measure that may substantially improve the wards’ resilience to climate change even in extreme years. Whilst healthcare provides the back cloth, the methodology developed has a much wider utility for assessing thermal comfort in buildings in the current and future climate of the UK