7 research outputs found

    Production Of Ethanol From Extruded Degermed Corn Grits By A Nonconventional Fermentation Method

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    Degermed corn grits (DCG) were extruded at 150°C, with a compression rate of 1 : 2, and the materials were fermented by a nonconventional fermentation method. Yields of ethanol from various concentrations (12-30 g/200 ml) of extruded DCG were 0.37-0.38. It was found that the mold brad enzyme was superior to the glucoamylase preparations for ethanol fermentation, but combinedenzyme systems such as a mixture of glucoamylase, acid protease, and cellulolytic enzymes are as efficient in converting the extruded DCG to ethanol as the mold bran enzyme alone. © 1987.654469473Ueda, Zenin, Monteiro, Park, Production of ethanol from raw cassava starch by a nonconventional fermentation method (1981) Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 23, p. 291Park, Rivera, Alcohol production from various enzymes-converted starches with or without cooking (1982) Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 24, p. 495Matsumoto, Fukushi, Miyanaga, Kakihara, Nakajima, Yoshizumi, Industrialization of a noncooking system for alcoholic fermentation from grains. (1982) Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 46, p. 1549Korn, Harper, (1982) Biotechnol. Lett., 4, p. 417Linko, Hakulin, Linko, (1984) Enzyme Microb. Technol., 6, p. 457Mercier, Feillet, (1975) Cereal Chem., 52, p. 283Gomez, Aguilera, Changes in the Starch Fraction During Extrusion-cooking of Corn (1983) Journal of Food Science, 48, p. 378Gomez, Aguilera, A Physicochemical Model for Extrusion of Corn Starch (1984) Journal of Food Science, 49, p. 4

    Qualidade do inhame 'Da Costa' em função das épocas de colheita e da adubação orgânica Da Costa yam quality in relation to harvest time and organic fertilization

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    Foi desenvolvido um trabalho na EMEPA em João Pessoa, entre setembro/98 e junho/99, com o objetivo de quantificar o teor de matéria seca, de amido e de cinzas em rizomas do inhame, cultivar Da Costa, em função das épocas de colheita e da adubação orgânica, em solo Podzólico Vermelho-Amarelo, textura arenosa. Estudaram-se níveis de esterco bovino (5; 10; 15 e 20 t/ha) e de esterco de galinha (2,8; 5,6; 8,4 e 11,2 t/ha), duas épocas de colheita (sete e nove meses após o plantio) e uma testemunha, sem resíduo orgânico. Os tratamentos foram arranjados como fatorial 2x4x2+1, no delineamento de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. O teor de matéria seca nos rizomas aumentou com a maturidade do cará-da-costa, passando de 33% em rizomas colhidos aos sete meses, para 36% em rizoma colhidos aos nove meses. Os teores de matéria seca nos rizomas colhidos aos sete meses decresceram de 35,80% e 34,71%, respectivamente, na ausência de estercos para 30,03% e 29,25%, respectivamente, com as doses de 20 t/ha de esterco bovino e de 11,2 t/ha de esterco de galinha. Na colheita realizada aos sete meses, o teor de amido foi de 26%, elevando-se para 29% na colheita aos noves meses. O teor de amido, na colheita realizada aos nove meses, aumentou com as doses de esterco de galinha, atingindo o máximo de 31,6% com a dose de 4,8 t/ha. O teor de cinzas nos rizomas não foi influenciado pelas épocas de colheita, mas naqueles colhidos aos nove meses, o teor aumentou com as doses de esterco bovino e de galinha, atingindo o máximo de 0,78 e 0,67%, respectivamente, nas doses de 12,8 e 6,7 t/ha.<br>An experiment was carried out in EMEPA, João Pessoa, Brazil between September 98 and June 99 to quantify the dry matter, starch and ash content of yam rhizomes, cv. Da Costa, in relation to harvest time and organic fertilization. The area consisted of a red-yellow podzolic sandy soil. Four levels of cattle manure (5; 10; 15 and 20 t/ha), four levels of chicken manure (2.8; 5.6; 8.4 and 11.2 t/ha), and two harvest times [seven and nine months after planting date (APD))] plus a treatment without organic residue, were studied, arranged in a factorial cheme 2x4x2+1 in randomized blocks, with four replications. Dry matter was of 33% and 36% in rhizomes harvested seven and nine months APD, respectively. At seven months APD, dry matter decreased from 35.80% and 34.71%, without cattle or chicken manure, respectively, to 30.03% and 29.25%, for highest levels of cattle manure (20 t/ha) and chicken manure (11.2 t/ha). Starch content increased from 26% at seven months APD to 29% at nine months APD. Nine months APD, starch content in rhizomes increased (31.6%) with increasing levels of chicken manure (4.8 t/ha). Ash content was not affected by harvest dates. However, applying 12.8 t/ha of cattle manure and 6.7 t/ha of chicken manure, rhizomes presented increase in ash content of 0.78% and 0.67% respectively, when harvested nine months APD

    Características físico-químicas de fontes proteicas e suas interações sobre a degradação ruminal e a taxa de passagem Physical-chemical characteristics of protein sources and their interactions on ruminal degradation and passage rate

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de características físicas (densidade, solubilidade, tamanho médio de partículas e capacidade de retenção de água) sobre a fração efetivamente degradada in situ da matéria seca dos farelos de soja, canola, amendoim e algodão. Avaliou-se também a taxa de passagem de sólidos utilizando-se quatro ovinos castrados da raça Santa Inês canulados no rúmen. Amostras de 100 g de cada farelo proteico marcado com dicromato de sódio foram introduzidas no rúmen, e mantidas durante seis tempos de incubação (0, 3, 6, 12, 24 e 48 horas.) Os tempos de colheita de fezes foram de 0, 9, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72 e 96 horas. Os parâmetros de solubilidade e capacidade de retenção de água modificaram a fração efetivamente degradada. A menor densidade e a maior proporção de parede celular do farelo de canola proporcionaram menor taxa de passagem dessa fonte proteica. Somente a capacidade de retenção de água influenciou a taxa de passagem de sólidos dos ingredientes avaliados. A solubilidade, a capacidade de retenção de água, o tamanho médio de partículas e a densidade devem ser utilizados na avaliação de alimentos para estudos de degradação e cinética ruminal. A introdução de novas características físicas na biblioteca de ingredientes de sistemas de avaliação de alimentos pode auxiliar na interpretação e na predição de parâmetros metabólicos.<br>It was aimed to evaluate in this work the effects of physical characteristics (density, solubility, average particle size and water holding capacity) on in situ effective degraded fraction of the dry matter of soybean meal, canola meal, peanut meal, and cottonseed meal. It was also evaluated the passage rate of solids using four Santa Ines castrated wethers cannulated in the rumen. Samples with 100 g of each protein meal marked with sodium dichromate were put in the rumen and kept in there during six times of incubation (0, 3, 6, 12, 24, and 48 hours). Fecal collection times were 0, 9, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72 and 96 hours. Parameters of solubility and water holding capacity changed the effectively degraded fraction. The lowest density and the highest proportion of the cellular wall of canola meal provided the lowest passage rate of this protein source. Only water holding capacity influenced solid passage rate of the evaluated ingredients. The solubility, water holding capacity, average particle size and density should be used in the diet feed evaluation for degradation and ruminal metabolism studies. Introduction of new physical characteristics in the ingredient library of food evaluation system may help to interpret and to predict metabolic parameters