4 research outputs found

    The teaching-learning process of high school students: a case of educational biology for teachers formation

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    A disciplina de Biologia Educacional está inserida nos currículos de graduação para formação de professores e sua importância é considerada, atualmente, uma necessidade pelo fato de a escola ser promotora da saúde, como uma das suas funções sociais. Crianças que estudam na rede pública, mesmo na cidade de São Paulo, apresentam quadros de doenças bastante expressivos. Criança sem saúde, não aprende e conseqüentemente tem menos chances em sua vida adulta. Os futuros educadores devem ter estes conhecimentos para um envolvimento e trabalho com seus alunos e as comunidades locais. Objetivo. Analisar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem de alunos universitários, no âmbito desta disciplina. Planejar e desenvolver uma metodologia com estratégias de aula que facilitem o aprendizado. Analisar, na visão dos alunos, quais os pontos positivos e negativos no processo. Método. Desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa, da qual participaram estudantes do primeiro semestre do curso de Pedagogia de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior privada da cidade de São Paulo, do tipo pesquisa-ação, em que o pesquisador é também autor de uma prática, no caso, de docência, com caráter qualitativo acrescida de instrumentos quantitativos; como forma de coleta de dados, foram utilizados questionários e o diário de campo; para análise dos dados foi realizada primeiramente a tabulação dos questionários, verificou-se a freqüência das respostas, calculada em porcentagem, e posteriormente os resultados foram expressos em gráficos; em seguida, os dados coletados pelos depoimentos foram analisados segundo a técnica de análise do sujeito coletivo. Resultados. Os resultados obtidos forneceram informações importantes para reflexão dos docentes do ensino superior sobre o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, mostrando que as estratégias utilizadas propiciaram envolvimento e participação do aluno, aproximação da realidade pessoal e profissional, maior interação nas relações interpessoais, reflexão e crítica. Conclusões. O referencial teórico sobre o aprendizado de adultos, as metodologias ativas e o relacionamento interpessoal entre professor e alunos, aliados à análise da visão dos alunos sobre os pontos positivos e negativos no processo de ensinoaprendizagem, proporcionaram subsídios para acreditar numa metodologia e estratégias didáticas específicas para adultos e que devem contemplar a motivação do docente e a comunicação pedagógica, incluindo os elementos criatividade, conteúdo técnico atualizado e conteúdo formativo aplicados à futura profissão, troca de experiências, que permitam uma relação professoraluno afetiva, com interação e diálogo. Pretende-se com esta pesquisa contribuir para reflexões, incentivar ações e novas pesquisas voltadas para o aprendizado e, conseqüentemente, para a formação de profissionais.The discipline Educational Biology is inserted in the graduation courses for teachers formation and its importance is considered, currently, a necessity for the fact of the school be health promoter, as one of its social functions. Children who study in the public school, even in the São Paulo city, present important diseases. And child without health does not learn and, consequently, has few chances in the adult life. The future educators must have these knowledge for an envolvement with their pupils and the local communities. Objective. To analyze the teach-learning process of high school students, in the scope of this disciplines. To plan and to develop a methodology with lesson strategies that facilitate the learning. To analyze, in the students vision, the positive and negative points in the process. Method. A research was developed -- of which had participated students of the first semester of the Pedagogy of a high school private institution in São Paulo city -- of the type action-research, where the researcher is also a practice author, in this case the teacher, with increased qualitative character of quantitative instruments; as a way of data collect, had been used questionnaires and field diary; for data analysis, the tabulation of the questionnaires was made first, the frequency of the answers was verified, calculated in percentage, and later the results had been converted in charts; after that, the data collected by the questionnaires had been analyzed according to the technique of the collective subject analysis. Results. The results had supplied important information to high school teachers reflection about teach-learning process, showing that the used strategies allowed student envolvement and participation, proximity with personal and professional reality, bigger interaction in the interpersonal relations and critical reflection. Conclusions. The theoretical referencial about adult learning, the active methodologies and the interpersonal relationship between professor and pupils, with the analysis of the students vision about the positive and negative points in the teach-learning process, had provided subsidies to believe a methodology and specific didactic strategies for adults and that must contemplate the teachers motivation and the pedagogical communication, including elements like creativity, up to date technician content and formative content to the future profession, experiences exchange, that allow an affective relationship teacherstudent, with interaction and dialogue. This research intends to contribute for reflections, to stimulate actions and new learning researches and, consequently, the professionals formation.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertaçõe

    The teach-learning process of high school students: a case of Educational Biology for teachers formation

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    Objective. To analyze the teach-learning process of high school students, in the scope of Educational Biology. To plan and to develop a methodology with lesson strategies that facilitate the learning. To analyze, in the students vision, the positive and negative points in the process. Method. A research was developed -- of which had participated students of the first semester of the Pedagogy of a high school private institution in São Paulo city -- of the type action-research, with increased qualitative character of quantitative instruments; as a way of data collect, had been used questionnaires and field diary; the results had been converted in charts; after that, the data collected by the questionnaires had been analyzed according to the technique of the collective subject analysis. Results. The results had supplied important information to high school teachers reflection about teach-learning process, showing that the used strategies allowed student envolvement and participation, proximity with personal and professional reality, bigger interaction in the interpersonal relations and critical reflection. Conclusions. The theoretical referencial about adult learning, the active methodologies and the interpersonal relationship between professor and pupils, with the analysis of the students vision about the positive and negative points in the teach-learning process, had provided subsidies to believe a methodology and specific didactic strategies for adults and that must contemplate the teachers motivation and the pedagogical communication, including elements like creativity, up to date technician content and formative content to the future profession, experiences exchange, that allow an affective relationship teacher-student, with interaction and dialogue

    Sentidos de prática pedagógica na produção brasileira sobre formação inicial de professores de ciências (2000-2010)

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