21 research outputs found

    Transcriptomic and biochemical investigations support the role of rootstock-scion interaction in grapevine berry quality

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    Background In viticulture, rootstock genotype plays a critical role to improve scion physiology, berry quality and to adapt grapevine (Vitis viniferaL.) to different environmental conditions. This study aimed at investigating the effect of two different rootstocks (1103 Paulsen - P - and Mgt 101-14 - M) in comparison with not grafted plants - NGC - on transcriptome (RNA-seq and small RNA-seq) and chemical composition of berry skin inPinot noir, and exploring the influence of rootstock-scion interaction on grape quality. Berry samples, collected at veraison and maturity, were investigated at transcriptional and biochemical levels to depict the impact of rootstock on berry maturation. Results RNA- and miRNA-seq analyses highlighted that, at veraison, the transcriptomes of the berry skin are extremely similar, while variations associated with the different rootstocks become evident at maturity, suggesting a greater diversification at transcriptional level towards the end of the ripening process. In the experimental design, resembling standard agronomic growth conditions, the vines grafted on the two different rootstocks do not show a high degree of diversity. In general, the few genes differentially expressed at veraison were linked to photosynthesis, putatively because of a ripening delay in not grafted vines, while at maturity the differentially expressed genes were mainly involved in the synthesis and transport of phenylpropanoids (e.g. flavonoids), cell wall loosening, and stress response. These results were supported by some differences in berry phenolic composition detected between grafted and not grafted plants, in particular in resveratrol derivatives accumulation. Conclusions Transcriptomic and biochemical data demonstrate a stronger impact of 1103 Paulsen rootstock than Mgt 101-14 or not grafted plants on ripening processes related to the secondary metabolite accumulations in berry skin tissue. Interestingly, theMYB14gene, involved in the feedback regulation of resveratrol biosynthesis was up-regulated in 1103 Paulsen thus supporting a putative greater accumulation of stilbenes in mature berries

    InfluĂȘncia do tipo de corte na qualidade de abobrinha 'Menina Brasileira' minimamente processada Influence of cut type on quality of cv. 'Menina Brasileira' summer squash fresh-cut

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do tipo de corte na manutenção da qualidade de abobrinhas 'Menina Brasileira' minimamente processadas armazenadas sob refrigeração. As abobrinhas foram fatiadas ou raladas, sendo sanificadas com solução de hipoclorito de sĂłdio 50 mg L-1 por 10 minutos. Estas foram acondicionadas em bandejas de polipropileno envoltas com filme de PVC (0,020 mm de espessura), e armazenadas em cĂąmara fria (6ÂșC e 95% UR) por 12 dias. As seguintes variĂĄveis foram avaliadas: perda de massa, pH, sĂłlidos solĂșveis (SS), valores L*, C* e hÂș, aparĂȘncia e cor. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial (2x5), sendo dois tipos de corte (fatiada e ralada) e cinco tempos de armazenamento (0, 3, 6, 9 e 12 dias). A perda de massa foi pequena, atingindo valores mĂĄximos de 1,5% para a abobrinha ralada. Os valores de pH foram menores a partir do 6Âș dia nas abobrinhas raladas quando comparadas Ă s fatiadas. ApĂłs o 3Âș dia de armazenamento, as abobrinhas raladas apresentaram menores valores de SS em relação Ă s abobrinhas fatiadas. Maiores valores L* foram encontrados nas abobrinhas fatiadas, observando-se um acrĂ©scimo ao longo do armazenamento. Abobrinha fatiada apresentou menores perdas de coloração, baseado nos valores h&deg; e C* e melhor aceitabilidade quando avaliada sensorialmente em relação Ă  ralada, com decrĂ©scimos nas notas com o armazenamento. O tipo de corte influencia a vida de prateleira de abobrinha minimamente processada sendo que as formas fatiada e ralada mantĂȘm a aparĂȘncia e as caracterĂ­sticas fĂ­sico-quĂ­micas atĂ© o 12Âș dia de armazenamento.<br>The goal of this work was to evaluate the effect of the type of cut the on maintenance quality of fresh-cut 'Menina Brasileira' summer squash stored under refrigeration. Summer squashes were sliced or grated and sanitized with sodium hypochloride solution at 50 mg L-1 for 10 minutes. They were placed in polypropylene packages covered with PVC film (0.020 mm), and stored in cold chamber (6ÂșC and 95% RH) for 12 days. The following variables were evaluated: Fresh mass loss, pH, soluble solids (SS), L*, C* and h&deg; values, appearance and color. The experiment was carried out in completely random design in factorial scheme (2x5), with two types of cut (sliced e grated) and five times of storage (0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 days). The fresh mass loss was low, attaining maximal values of 1.5% in grated summer squash. The values of pH in grated summer squashes were lower than in sliced summer squashes from 6th day. Grated summer squashes presented lower SS content than sliced summer squashes, after 3rd day of storage. Higher L* values were found in sliced summer squashes and an increase in that variable was observed during the storage. Sliced summer squash presented lower color losses, based to h&deg; and C* values, and better sensorial acceptability in relation to grated one, with reduction in their scores over the storage period. It was the cut type wich influences the shelf-life of sliced and grated summer squashes, keeping their appearance and physical-chemical characteristics until the 12th day of storage