1,063 research outputs found

    All Lepton Propagation Monte Carlo

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    IceCube: Initial Performance

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    Vetoing atmospheric neutrinos in a high energy neutrino telescope

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    We discuss the possibility to suppress downward atmospheric neutrinos in a high energy neutrino telescope. This can be achieved by vetoing the muon which is produced by the same parent meson decaying in the atmosphere. In principle, atmospheric neutrinos with energies Eν>10E_\nu > 10 TeV and zenith angle up to 60 degree can be vetoed with an efficiency of > 99%. Practical realization will depend on the depth of the neutrino telescope, on the muon veto efficiency and on the ability to identify downward moving neutrinos with a good energy estimation.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Recent ν\nus from IceCube

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    IceCube is a 1 km3^3 neutrino detector now being built at the South Pole. Its 4800 optical modules will detect Cherenkov radiation from charged particles produced in neutrino interactions. IceCube will search for neutrinos of astrophysical origin, with energies from 100 GeV up to 101910^{19} eV. It will be able to separate νe\nu_e, νμ\nu_\mu and ντ\nu_\tau. In addition to detecting astrophysical neutrinos, IceCube will also search for neutrinos from WIMP annihilation in the Sun and the Earth, look for low-energy (10 MeV) neutrinos from supernovae, and search for a host of exotic signatures. With the associated IceTop surface air shower array, it will study cosmic-ray air showers. IceCube construction is now 50% complete. After presenting preliminary results from the partial detector, I will discuss IceCube's future plans.Comment: Invited talk presented at Neutrino 2008; 7 page

    The Big Brother as a Son of the Big God — Transformation of Role and Function of Surveilance Division

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    В статье рассматривается изменение в историческом контексте акторов надзора их целей. Автор анализирует соотношение концепции «паноптикума» Мишеля Фуко. В заключении описывается вероятность использования карантинных мер для роста тоталитаризма по всему миру.The article discusses the change of the surveillance division and its purpose in the historical context. The author analyzes the relationship between the concept of “panopticum” by Michel Foucault. It concludes with the description of the likelihood of the rise of totalitarianism due to the quarantine measures being used

    Training in Personal and Professional Competencies for Digital Economy

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    The article deals with the concept of digital economy and its development prospects in Russia. Definitions of personal and digital competences are given. The author also analyzes the process of learning digital economy competencies in the modern educational environment and considers the training of digital competencies in the business environment.В статье рассматривается понятие цифровая экономика и ее перспективы развития в России. Даются определения личностных и цифровых компетенций. Автор также анализирует процесс обучения компетенциям цифровой экономики в современной образовательной среде и рассматривает обучение цифровым компетенциям в бизнес-среде

    The Influence of Russian Special Military Operation on Foreign Politics Positions of Right-Wing Populist Parties of Germany, italy and Hungary

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    В статье рассматривается отношение правопопулистских партий Германии, Италии и Венгрии к поставкам оружия на Украину. Автор дает определение понятия правого популизма и изучает внешнеполи-тические ориентации правопопулистских движений. Изучаются взаимосвязь внешнеполитических взглядов правопопулистских партий и их отношение к поставкам оружия на Украину, а также трансформация этих взглядов. Проанализировано влияние связей с Россией на трансформацию взглядов правых популистов на поставки оружия на Украину. В качестве вывода приводится заключение, что поддержка мнения о неприятии поставок оружия на Украину будет увеличиваться.The article gives an overview of right-wing populist parties of Germany, Italy and Hungary to military supplies to Ukraine. The author gives definition of right-wing populism and studies positions of right-wing populism parties about their foreign politics. The connection between foreign politics positions of right-wing populism parties and their attitude to military supplies to Ukraine, and transformation of these positions are studied too. The article analyses an influence of connections with Russia to the transformation of attitude of right-wing populist parties to military supplies to Ukraine. In conclusion, the article states that peoples’ disagreement with military supplies to Ukraine will be growing with time

    The influence of coronavirus pandemic on processes of integration of the European Union

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    The article examines the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on integration processes of the European Union. It studies the various types of issues caused by the pandemic which might be dangerous for the structure of the European Union. It also explores the difference in the level of comtences of national states and the structures of the EU.В статье рассматривается влияние пандемии коронавируса на интеграционную структуру Европейского союза. Изучаются типы проблем, созданных пандемией для общеевропейской интеграции стран. Также исследуются соотношение полномочий наднациональных органов и национальных государств