3,755 research outputs found

    Mercury in the environs of the north slope of Alaska

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    The analysis of Greenland ice suggests that the flux of mercury from the continents to the atmosphere has increased in recent times, perhaps partly as a result of the many of man’s activities that effect an alteration of terrestrial surfaces. Upon the exposure of fresh crustal matter, the natural outgassing of mercury vapor from the earth’s surface could be enhanced. Accordingly, mercury was measured in a variety of environmental materials gathered from the North Slope of Alaska to provide background data prior to the anticipated increase of activity in this environment. The materials were collected during the U. S. Coast Guard WEBSEC 72-73 cruises as well as through the facilities provided by Naval Arctic Research Laboratory in the spring of 1973. The method of measurement depended upon radioactivation of mercury with neutrons and the subsequent quantification of characteristic gamma radiations after radiochemical purification. Mercury concentrations in seawater at several locations in the vicinity of 151°W, 71°N averaged 20 parts per trillion. The waters from all stations east of this location showed a significantly smaller concentration. This difference may relate to penetration o f Bering- Chukchi Sea water into the southern Beaufort Sea to 151°W. Marine sediments on the shelf and slope between 143°W and 153°W contained about 100 parts per billion mercury, except for those on the continental shelf between Barter Island and the Canning River, where the concentration was less than half this value. These results are consistent with sediment input from the respective rivers when their mercury content and mineralogy are considered. The mercury content of river waters was 18 ppt and in reasonable agreement with the average of snow samples (13 ppt). The burden of mercury in plankton was 37 ppb.This work was supported by the office of Naval Research under grant N R 083-290

    The Riemann Surface of a Static Dispersion Model and Regge Trajectories

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    The S-matrix in the static limit of a dispersion relation is a matrix of a finite order N of meromorphic functions of energy ω\omega in the plane with cuts (,1],[+1,+)(-\infty,-1],[+1,+\infty). In the elastic case it reduces to N functions Si(ω)S_{i}(\omega) connected by the crossing symmetry matrix A. The scattering of a neutral pseodoscalar meson with an arbitrary angular momentum l at a source with spin 1/2 is considered (N=2). The Regge trajectories of this model are explicitly found.Comment: 5 pages, LaTe

    Recursion relations for generalized Fresnel coefficients: Casimir force in a planar cavity

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    We emphasize and demonstrate that, besides using the usual recursion relations involving successive layers, generalized Fresnel coefficients of a multilayer can equivalently be calculated using the recursion relations involving stacks of layers, as introduced some time ago [M. S. Tomas, Phys. Rev. A 51, 2545 (1995)]. Moreover, since the definition of the generalized Fresnel coefficients employed does not imply properties of the stacks, these nonstandard recursion relations can be used to calculate Fresnel coefficients not only for local systems but also for a general multilayer consisting of various types (local, nonlocal, inhomogeneous etc.) of layers. Their utility is illustrated by deriving a few simple algorithms for calculating the reflectivity of a Bragg mirror and extending the formula for the Casimir force in a planar cavity to arbitrary media.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, slightly expande

    Bistability and chaos at low-level of quanta

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    We study nonlinear phenomena of bistability and chaos at a level of few quanta. For this purpose we consider a single-mode dissipative oscillator with strong Kerr nonlinearity with respect to dissipation rate driven by a monochromatic force as well as by a train of Gaussian pulses. The quantum effects and decoherence in oscillatory mode are investigated on the framework of the purity of states and the Wigner functions calculated from the master equation. We demonstrate the quantum chaotic regime by means of a comparison between the contour plots of the Wigner functions and the strange attractors on the classical Poincar\'e section. Considering bistability at low-limit of quanta, we analyze what is the minimal level of excitation numbers at which the bistable regime of the system is displayed? We also discuss the formation of oscillatory chaotic regime by varying oscillatory excitation numbers at ranges of few quanta. We demonstrate quantum-interference phenomena that are assisted hysteresis-cycle behavior and quantum chaos for the oscillator driven by the train of Gaussian pulses as well as we establish the border of classical-quantum correspondence for chaotic regimes in the case of strong nonlinearities.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figure

    Reaction-diffusion kinetics on lattice at the microscopic scale

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    Lattice-based stochastic simulators are commonly used to study biological reaction-diffusion processes. Some of these schemes that are based on the reaction-diffusion master equation (RDME), can simulate for extended spatial and temporal scales but cannot directly account for the microscopic effects in the cell such as volume exclusion and diffusion-influenced reactions. Nonetheless, schemes based on the high-resolution microscopic lattice method (MLM) can directly simulate these effects by representing each finite-sized molecule explicitly as a random walker on fine lattice voxels. The theory and consistency of MLM in simulating diffusion-influenced reactions have not been clarified in detail. Here, we examine MLM in solving diffusion-influenced reactions in 3D space by employing the Spatiocyte simulation scheme. Applying the random walk theory, we construct the general theoretical framework underlying the method and obtain analytical expressions for the total rebinding probability and the effective reaction rate. By matching Collins-Kimball and lattice-based rate constants, we obtained the exact expressions to determine the reaction acceptance probability and voxel size. We found that the size of voxel should be about 2% larger than the molecule. MLM is validated by numerical simulations, showing good agreement with the off-lattice particle-based method, eGFRD. MLM run time is more than an order of magnitude faster than eGFRD when diffusing macromolecules with typical concentrations in the cell. MLM also showed good agreements with eGFRD and mean-field models in case studies of two basic motifs of intracellular signaling, the protein production-degradation process and the dual phosphorylation cycle. Moreover, when a reaction compartment is populated with volume-excluding obstacles, MLM captures the non-classical reaction kinetics caused by anomalous diffusion of reacting molecules


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    As outgrowth of a topological bootstrap theory of strong interactions and precursor to a corresponding theory of weak interactions, we propose a representation of electromagnetic interactions for "elementary" hadrons and leptons through combinatorial topology. The representation supports the prediction of four lepton doublets

    Newton-sor iterative method for solving the two-dimensional porous medium equation

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    In this paper, we consider the application of the Newton-SOR iterative method in obtainingthe approximate solution of the two-dimensional porous medium equation (2D PME). Thenonlinear finite difference approximation equation to the 2D PME is derived by using theimplicit finite difference scheme. The developed nonlinear system is linearized by using theNewton method. At each temporal step, the corresponding linear systems are solved by usingSOR iteration. We investigate the efficiency of the Newton-SOR iterative method by solvingthree examples of 2D PME and the performance is compared with the Newton-GS iterativemethod. Numerical results show that the Newton-SOR iterative method is better than theNewton-GS iterative method in terms of a number of iterations, computer time and maximum absolute errors.Keywords: porous medium equation; finite difference scheme; Newton; Successive OverRelaxation, Gauss-Seidel

    A Strict Test of Stellar Evolution Models: The Absolute Dimensions of Massive Benchmark Eclipsing Binary V578 Mon

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    We determine the absolute dimensions of the eclipsing binary V578 Mon, a detached system of two early B-type stars (B0V + B1V, P==2.40848 d) in the star-forming region NGC 2244 of the Rosette Nebula. From the light curve analysis of 40 yr of photometry and the analysis of HERMES spectra, we find radii of 5.41±0.045.41\pm0.04 Rsun and 4.29±0.054.29\pm 0.05 Rsun, and temperatures of 30000±500 30000\pm 500~K and 25750±435 25750\pm 435 K respectively. We find that our disentangled component spectra for V578 Mon agree well previous spectral disentangling from the literature. We also reconfirm the previous spectroscopic orbit of V578 Mon finding that masses of 14.54±0.08 14.54\pm 0.08 Msun and 10.29±0.06 10.29\pm 0.06 Msun are fully compatible with the new analysis. We compare the absolute dimensions to the rotating models of the Geneva and Utrecht groups and the models of Granada group. We find all three sets of models marginally reproduce the absolute dimensions of both stars with a common age within uncertainty for gravity-effective temperature isochrones. However - there are some apparent age discrepancies for the corresponding mass-radius isochrones. Models with larger convective overshoot >0.35>0.35 worked best. Combined with our previously determined apsidal motion of 0.070890.00013+0.000210.07089^{+0.00021}_{-0.00013} deg cycle1^{-1}, we compute the internal structure constants (tidal Love number) for the newtonian and general relativistic contribution to the apsidal motion, logk2=1.975±0.017\log{k_2}=-1.975\pm0.017 and logk2=3.412±0.018\log{k_2}=-3.412\pm0.018 respectively. We find the relativistic contribution to the apsidal motion of be small <4%<4\%. We find that the prediction of logk2,theo=2.005±0.025\log{k_{\rm 2,theo}}=-2.005\pm0.025 of the Granada models fully agrees with our observed logk2\log{k_2}.Comment: accepted for publication in AJ 05/02/201