459 research outputs found

    Confirmation that Luobuma ameliorates the deterioration of antioxidant defense in senescence-accelerated mice

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    To determine whether Luobuma extract ameliorates the deterioration in antioxidant defense with aging, the effect of Luobuma extract was investigated in senescence-accelerated mice (SAM). In comparison with AKR/N Slc mice, a strain consistent with SAM but exhibiting normal aging, SAM treated with extract showed a lower glutathione (GSH) and glutathione/glutathione disulfide (GSH/GSSG) ratio in the liver and kidney, and increased levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), a lipid peroxidation product. Administration of Luobuma extract increased the GSH level and GSH/GSSG ratio, and suppressed MDA production. On the other hand, the reduced activities of hepatic superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase participating in the glutathione redox cycle were increased significantly by administration of Luobuma extract. A significant increase in renal SOD activity was also observed. In addition, the increased level of MDA in hepatic tissue was reduced in SAM given Luobuma extract. These findings indicate that Luobuma extract helps to ameliorate oxidative stress in SAM. 羅布麻エキスが老化における酸化防御機構にいかなる影響を及ぼしているかについて,老化促進マウス(SAM)を用い検討した。SAMと同じ系統ではあるが,通常の老化過程を辿るAKR/N Slcマウスに比べ,SAMでは肝,腎組織中のグルタチオンレベルとグルタチオン/グルタチオンジスルフィド比は低下し,脂質過酸化物のマロンジアルデヒドは逆に増加していた。一方,羅布麻エキスを投与したSAMでは,これらパラメーターがいずれも改善し,グルタチオン酸化還元サイクルに関係している肝組織中のスーパーオキシドジスムターゼ,グルタチオンペルオキシダーゼ,グルタチオンレダクターゼ活性と腎組織中のスーパーオキシドジスムターゼ活性が有意に上昇していた。また肝組織中のマロンジアルデヒドも低下し,SAMで認められた酸化的ストレス状態を羅布麻エキスが緩和していた

    Evaluation of Oriental medicines using a cultured renal epithelial cell line, LLC-PK_1 : Effects of Carthami Flos, Rhei Rhizoma and Astragali Radix

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    The effects of Carthami Flos,Rhei Rhizoma and Astragali Radix extract,which have been proved to ameliorate renal failure in rats with glycerol-induced renal failure,were examined in cell culture under three different culture conditions.Rhei Rhizoma extract showed the most potent effect among the three crude drugs under any of the routine,hypoxia-reoxygenation and cisplatin exposure conditions employed,suggesting that its favorable effect on proximal tubule function is due to suppression of lipid peroxidation via free radicals.In contrast,this anti-cytotoxic activity was low in Astragali Radix extract,and almost nil in Carthami Flos extract.These results indicate that Rhei Rhizoma,Astragali Radix and Carthami Flos exert their actions on different sites in the kidney

    Chiyu extract stimulates antioxidant defense ability in senescence-accelerated mice

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    The effect of chiyu extract on antioxidant defense alteration in senescence-accelerated mice (SAM) was examined. Comparison with AKR/N Slc mice, a strain consistent with SAM but exhibiting normal aging, showed a lower glutathione (GSH) level and glutathione/glutathione disulfide (GSH/ GSSG) ratio in the kidney and liver of SAM, whereas malondialdehyde (MDA), a lipid peroxidation product, was increased significantly. Administration of chiyu extract increased the GSH level and GSH/ GSSG ratio, and markedly suppressed MDA production. On the other hand, detection of renal enzymes related to the glutathione redox cycle showed that catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities were largely decreased in SAM, whereas chiyu extract reversed this tendency. The reduced activities of hepatic catalase and glutathione reductase were increased significantly by the extract. These findings suggest that a decline of the antioxidant defense system occurs in SAM, and that chiyu extract may have a beneficial effect in ameliorating oxidative stress or damage. 老化促進マウス(SAM)の抗酸化防御機構に対し,地楡エキスがいかなる影響を及ぼしているかについて,SAMと同じ系統ではあるが,通常の老化過程を辿るAKR/N Slcマウスと比較検討した。その結果,SAMの腎,肝グルタチオンレベルとグルクチオン/グルタチオンジスルフィド比は低下し,脂質過酸化物のマロンジアルデヒドは逆に有意に上昇していたが,地楡エキスを投与したSAMでは,これらパラメーターがいずれも改善していた。一方,グルタチオン酸化還元サイクルに関係している酵素のうち,腎ではカタラーゼとグルクチオンペルオキシダーゼ活性がSAMで著しく低下し,地楡エキス投与によってこれら酵素の活性が回復していた。肝においても低下していたカタラーゼとグルタチオンレダクターゼ活性がエキス投与により著しく回復していた。これら所見は,SAMで認められる抗酸化防御系の低下が,地楡エキスによって是正されることを示唆するものである

    Protective effect of Sanguisorbae Radix against apoptosis and function of renal tissues subjected to ischemia-reperfusion

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    DNA ladders were detected by gel electrophoresis of DNA obtained from rat kidney subjected to 60 min of ischemia followed by 24 h of reperfusion, indicating the involvement of apoptosis in ischemia-reperfusion injury. This ladder formation was significantly inhibited by oral administration of Sanguisorbae Radix extract to rats for 30 days prior to ischemia-reperfusion. In addition, blood levels of urea nitrogen and creatinine, two parameters of renal function, were markedly lower in the Sanguisorbae Radix-treated animals than in the untreated controls. These results suggest that Sanguisorbae Radix has potential for attenuating renal injury and accelerating the recovery of renal function after ischemia-reperfusion injury, which might involve inhibition of apoptosis. 60分間虚血後,24時間再灌流したラット腎のDNAにラダーが出現し,腎虚血一再灌流障害にアポトーシスが関与していることが示唆された。このようなDNAの断片化は,地楡エキスを前もって30日間経口投与した場合,有意に抑制され,腎機能の指標の血中尿素窒素とクレアチニンレベルも地楡エキス処理群で著しく低下していた。このことから,地楡はアポトーシスが関与した腎虚血一再灌流障害を軽滅して,腎機能の回復をはかっているものと推測された

    Transformer Compression via Subspace Projection

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    We propose TCSP, a novel method for compressing a transformer model by focusing on reducing the hidden size of the model. By projecting the whole transform model into a subspace, we enable matrix operations between the weight matrices in the model and features in a reduced-dimensional space, leading to significant reductions in model parameters and computing resources. To establish this subspace, we decompose the feature matrix, derived from different layers of sampled data instances, into a projection matrix. For evaluation, TCSP is applied to compress T5 and BERT models on the GLUE and SQuAD benchmarks. Experimental results demonstrate that TCSP achieves a compression ratio of 44\% with at most 1.6\% degradation in accuracy, surpassing or matching prior compression methods. Furthermore, TCSP exhibits compatibility with other methods targeting filter and attention head size compression.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure

    RESDSQL: Decoupling Schema Linking and Skeleton Parsing for Text-to-SQL

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    One of the recent best attempts at Text-to-SQL is the pre-trained language model. Due to the structural property of the SQL queries, the seq2seq model takes the responsibility of parsing both the schema items (i.e., tables and columns) and the skeleton (i.e., SQL keywords). Such coupled targets increase the difficulty of parsing the correct SQL queries especially when they involve many schema items and logic operators. This paper proposes a ranking-enhanced encoding and skeleton-aware decoding framework to decouple the schema linking and the skeleton parsing. Specifically, for a seq2seq encoder-decode model, its encoder is injected by the most relevant schema items instead of the whole unordered ones, which could alleviate the schema linking effort during SQL parsing, and its decoder first generates the skeleton and then the actual SQL query, which could implicitly constrain the SQL parsing. We evaluate our proposed framework on Spider and its three robustness variants: Spider-DK, Spider-Syn, and Spider-Realistic. The experimental results show that our framework delivers promising performance and robustness. Our code is available at https://github.com/RUCKBReasoning/RESDSQL.Comment: Accepted to AAAI 2023 main conference (oral

    Protective effect of Sanguisorbae Radix against peroxynitrite-mediated renal injury

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    3-Nitrotyrosine, an oxidative product of protein that is produced via peroxynitrite (ONOO^-) nitration, was detected by HPLC analysis in plasma obtained from rats injected with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and subjected to renal ischemia followed by reperfusion (LPS+ischemia-reperfusion), but not in rats subjected to sham-treatment. Rats pretreated with Sanguisorbae Radix extract orally for 30 days before LPS+ischemia-reperfusion, had lower 3-nitrotyrosine levels than rats without the pretreatment. Plasma levels of urea nitrogen and creatinine, indicators of renal dysfunction, were markedly lower in the animals pretreated with Sanguisorbae Radix extract than in those without the pretreatment. In addition, DNA fragmentation in renal tissues was significantly inhibited by administration of Sanguisorbae Radix prior to LPS+ischemia-reperfusion. These results suggest that Sanguisorbae Radix extract ameliorates oxidative damage caused by ONOO^-. パーオキシナイトライトは蛋白中のチロシンをニトロ化して3-ニトロチロシンを生成するが,この3-ニトロチロシンをHPLCで測定した結果,リポポリサッカライドと虚血-再灌流を施したラット血漿で検出され,偽処理した場合には検出されなかった。一方,リポポリサッカライドと虚血-再灌流を施す前に30日間地楡エキスを経口投与したラットでは,非投与群より低い3-ニトロチロシン値を示し,腎機能の指標の血漿尿素窒素,クレアチニンレベルも著しく低下していた。また腎組織中のDNA断片化も抑制され,地楡エキスがパーオキシナイトライトによる酸化的損傷を軽減することが推測された