35 research outputs found

    A flexible modular master programme in technology developped whithin a Tempus Project

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    In today’s competitive industry and in view of recent economic turbulences new frontiers of challenges emerge that require new educational paradigms accompanied by new tools and methodologies applicable to all aspects of engineering areas including the functional and organizational aspects. In accordance with the objectives stipulated by the Council of European Union work programme on the future of education and training, a Tempus project (2010-2013) has been mounted to develop a novel model for modular programmes to be used in education of technology specialities at master level. The model is implemented in manufacturing technology and management area and has general applicability for technology education in several fields. The main feature of this project consists in flexibility, adaptability, dynamic interactivity while consolidating theoretical and practical skills. MasTech is the name of a flexible modular master two-year programme in technology being developed according to the Bologna process that is to be adapted to the particular conditions of the universities in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. Three European Universities (Sweden, Germany, France) are involved in the project. This paper introduces MasTech and describes the different steps that have been followed to develop the master programme taking into account both academic and industrial needs and priorities. Results are expressed in terms of a professional master programme that has been submitted for accreditation.TEMPUS - MASTECH -2010 - 3369 / 001 - 00

    Choix d'un algorithme explicite ou implicite pour  la simulation du retour élastique

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    Il est connu que la simulation explicite du retour élastique n’a pas de problème de convergence mais fournit une solution oscillante qui nécessite un important temps de calcul pour aboutir à la forme finale relâchée. Nous montrons que l’emploi et le choix judicieux d’un facteur d’amortissement permet une prédiction précise et rapide du retour élastique

    Visual Metaphtonymy in Automobile Femvertising

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    In a 2017 landmark reform, Saudi authorities decided to lift the ban on women driving in this conservative society. In tribute to women's newly-gained freedom to drive, major automakers turned to Twitter to launch creative femvertising campaigns that vividly articulate the female empowering motto 'driving is feminine'. Building on the eloquence of visual rhetoric, which combines the communicative force of figurative language with the expressive potential of visual imagery, automobile advertisers resorted to visual metaphtonymy to efficiently target prospective female consumers. The selection of this visual compound, which emerges from the intricate interplay between metaphor and metonymy, allows for a dynamic interaction between the highlighting function of metonymy and the mapping role of metaphoric thought to establish informed parallels between femininity and automobility. Analysis of survey data on the likeability, complexity and effectiveness of a representative sample of four digital automobile advertisements asserts the role and value of visual metaphtontonymy in automobile femvertising

    Modélisation et effet du recouvrement non linéaire sur le retour élastique des tôles

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    La prédiction numérique du retour élastique des tôles après mise en forme reste relativement imprécise. En particulier, le recouvrement non linéaire (dégradation du module élastique en fonction de la déformation plastique et de la contrainte atteinte en fin de déchargement) est généralement non pris en compte lors des simulations numériques. Dans ce travail, nous proposons une modélisation de ce phénomène et nous étudions son effet sur la prédiction numérique du retour élastique. Des comparaisons simulations/expériences seront menées

    Programme Flexible de Master en Technologies de Production

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    Un projet Tempus (2010-2013) entre 9 universités (trois Européennes et six Maghrébines) a conduit au montage d’un programme d’enseignement de Master en technologie de production mécanique (MASTECH), modulaire et enseigné en langue anglaise est présenté. Les objectifs de ce nouveau programme, le retour d’expérience ainsi que les contenus des matières sont présentés avec la spécificité de la mise au point d’un outil pédagogique d’enseignement (Package Education) qui facilitera le déroulement des enseignements, limitera les variances entre les partenaires maghrébins et devra permettre la mobilité des étudiants et des enseignants. Dans la même expérience, les points-clés de réussite de ce programme commun sont exposés. Il s’agit notamment de l’acquisition de matériels pédagogiques, de déroulement d’écoles d’été, de validations des contenus des modules pédagogiques, de transfert auprès des enseignants, des conventions avec des industriels locaux, de la convention entre partenaires maghrébins, du support pédagogique des universités européennes et des prévisions de mobilité. Les difficultés relatives à la coordination des différentes facettes du projet et à la langue d’enseignement sont aussi discutées. Le démarrage des enseignements élaborés par ce programme dans les cursus de formation est prévu pour septembre 2013 sous forme d’un master professionnalisant.programme européen TEMPUS 2010 - 3369 / 001 - 00

    CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering

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    This high quality reference work has been written and reviewed by members of The International Academy for Production Engineering, also known as CIRP. This Academy is recognized worldwide to represent the highest standards in research on production engineering, which includes design, optimization, control, management of processes, machines, and systems. One key concept behind this Encyclopedia is that apart from covering fundamental concepts in the field of production engineering, it also closely follows recent developments and emerging concepts. In particular this renewed print edition covers a wide range of new topical entries such as Hybrid Processes, High Performance Grinding, Biomimetic Design, Cold Spray, Sheet-bulk Metal Forming, Ecodesign, Cyber Physical System, Nano Technology, or Geometrical Product Specification. The second edition also comprises reviewed entries from the first version, which have been updated to reflect new standards or developments. The target audience primarily comprises researchers, engineers, managers, graduate students, and many others whose day-to-day work gravitates around production engineering technologies in the global market

    Remarks on causative force-dynamics

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    This paper presents a force-dynamics analysis of the meaning of English periphrastic causative verbs. It challenges the traditional categorization of causative semantics into direct and indirect causation and highlights the role of lexico-semantic elements such as (i) the balance of forces, (ii) the desirability of the causal effect, and (iii) the animacy of the causative entities in interaction. Combined together, these elements help defi ne causative semantics and offer a new causative typology built on the categories of factitivity, manipulation and permission

    Semantics of periphrastic causation

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    Cette thèse porte sur la question de la sémantique causative. Elle propose une typologie sémantique pour les verbes causatifs analytiques CAUSE, MAKE, HAVE, GET et LET, fondée sur le modèle de la dynamique des forces. Le premier chapitre est une étude épistémologique de l’essence de la notion de causation et de son expression linguistique en anglais. Le second chapitre situe le cadre théorique de notre analyse, à savoir la sémantique cognitive. Le troisième chapitre est un tour d’horizon des idées les plus récurrentes dans la littérature au sujet de la sémantique des verbes causatifs analytiques. Dans le quatrième chapitre, nous proposons une étude de corpus portant sur les propriétés lexico-sémantiques des verbes CAUSE, MAKE, HAVE, GET et LET. Sur la base des donnés empiriques de notre étude de corpus, nous présentons, dans le dernier chapitre, une nouvelle typologie sémantique pour les verbes causatifs analytiques anglaisThis thesis deals with the semantics of causative constructions. It develops a semantic typology for English periphrastic causative verbs CAUSE, MAKE, HAVE, GET, and LET, based on the force-dynamics model. The first chapter aims to capture the essence of the notion of causation from an epistemic as well as a linguistic viewpoints. The second chapter sets the theoretical framework, which is cognitive semantics. The third chapter offers a discussion of some of the most commonly shared hypotheses about the semantics of English periphrastic causative verbs in literature. In the fourth chapter, we propose a corpus study of the lexico-semantic features of the verbs CAUSE, MAKE, HAVE, GET and LET. The last chapter presents a newly semantic typology for English periphrastic causative verbs, drawn upon the data we collected from our corpus study

    Military Framing of Health Threats: The COVID-19 Disease as a Case Study

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    Military metaphors matter. In war as in peace, the language of warfare serves communicative purposes for it appeals to fear to persuade or dissuade. Given the analogy between the experience of disease and the enterprise of war, public health communication has often been receptive to the use of military jargon and war-related metaphors. The global outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic earlier this year evidenced the role and value of the warfare metaphor in framing the understanding of the novel infectious disease and informing pandemic response plans to this unprecedented and multifaceted crisis. The versatile function of the warfare metaphor poses, however, more problems than it solves. The paper explores the multiple correspondences between the source domain of war and the target domain of disease to explain the merits and limits of the warfare framing of the COVID-19 disease. It offers also an analysis of the collocational properties of the ‘coronavirus’ and ‘COVID-19’ lexemes to show the visceral relationship between treating diseases and waging wars. The fear-driven implications of such conceptual link motivate the use of alternative, hope-oriented metaphors to reframe the COVID-19 disease