6 research outputs found

    Valores econômicos para habilidade de permanência e probabilidade de prenhez aos 14 meses em bovinos de corte Economic value for stayability and heifer pregnancy at 14 months in beef cattle herds

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    Estimaram-se os valores econômicos para as características reprodutivas de probabilidade de prenhez aos 14 meses (PP14) e habilidade de permanência (HP). Foram simulados dados de uma propriedade pecuária de corte, especializada na fase de cria para aplicação de modelagem bioeconômica. A PP14 foi avaliada considerando taxas percentuais crescentes de prenhez de novilhas aos 14 meses de idade, e a HP foi avaliada a partir da diminuição da taxa de descarte de vacas. O valor econômico da PP14 foi estimado em R695,97porunidadepercentualdeprenhezdenovilhasaos14meses,avaliadaparaosistemaprodutivo,enquantoovalorecono^micodaHPvariouemfunc\ca~odocustodecompradanovilhadereposic\ca~o.Osvalores,avaliadosporunidadepercentualdediminuic\ca~onataxadedescartedevacas,foramdeR695,97 por unidade percentual de prenhez de novilhas aos 14 meses, avaliada para o sistema produtivo, enquanto o valor econômico da HP variou em função do custo de compra da novilha de reposição. Os valores, avaliados por unidade percentual de diminuição na taxa de descarte de vacas, foram de R-2.140,00, R140,00eR-140,00 e R2.860,00 para o custo de compra da novilha de R500,00,R500,00, R700,00 e R1.000,00,respectivamente.Osvaloresecono^micosnegativosparaHPindicaramqueovalordedescartedavacasuperouocustodecompradanovilha.Quantomaiorforovalorinvestidonareposic\ca~odenovilhasmaiorseraˊaimporta^nciaecono^micadoHP.<br>Economicvaluesfortworeproductivetraits,percentageofheiferspregnantat14monthsofage(PP14)andstayability(HP),wereestimatedusingsimulatedbioeconomicmodelingdataforacowcalfproductionsystem.ChangesinHPweremodeledasdecreasesinpercentageofannualcullingofcows.TheeconomicvalueofPP14wasR1.000,00, respectivamente. Os valores econômicos negativos para HP indicaram que o valor de descarte da vaca superou o custo de compra da novilha. Quanto maior for o valor investido na reposição de novilhas maior será a importância econômica do HP.<br>Economic values for two reproductive traits, percentage of heifers pregnant at 14 months of age (PP14) and stayability (HP), were estimated using simulated bioeconomic modeling data for a cow-calf production system. Changes in HP were modeled as decreases in percentage of annual culling of cows. The economic value of PP14 was R695.97 per one unit increase in percentage of heifers pregnant at 14 months of age, while the economic value of HP varied according to the simulated cost of replacement heifers. Economic values per unit decrease in cow culling percentage were R2,140.00,R-2,140.00, R-140.00 and R2,860.00forheiferpricesofR2,860.00 for heifer prices of R500, R700andR700 and R1,000, respectively. Economic values for HP were negative when the salvage value of a cull cow was higher than the cost of a replacement heifer. Thus higher investment for replacement heifers increases the importance of stayability in a cattle herd

    In vitro assessment of gastrointestinal viability of two photosynthetic bacteria, Rhodopseudomonas palustris and Rhodobacter sphaeroides *

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    The objectives of this study were to assess the potential of two photosynthetic bacteria (PSB), Rhodopseudomonas palustris HZ0301 and Rhodobacter sphaeroides HZ0302, as probiotics in aquaculture. The viability of HZ0301 and HZ0302 in simulated gastric transit conditions (pH 2.0, pH 3.0 and pH 4.0 gastric juices) and in simulated small intestinal transit conditions (pH 8.0, with or without 0.3% bile salts) was tested. The effects of HZ0301 and HZ0302 on the viability and permeability of intestinal epithelial cell in primary culture of tilapias, Oreochromis nilotica, were also detected. All the treatments were determined with three replicates. The simulated gastric transit tolerance of HZ0301 and HZ0302 strains was pH-dependent and correspondingly showed lower viability at pH 2.0 after 180 min compared with pH 3.0 and pH 4.0. Both HZ0301 and HZ0302 were tolerant to simulated small intestine transit with or without bile salts in our research. Moreover, there was no significant difference (P>0.05) among three treatments including the control and the groups treated with HZ0301 or HZ0302 both in intestinal epithelial cell viability and membrane permeability, showing no cell damage. In summary, this study demonstrated that HZ0301 and HZ0302 had high capacity of upper gastrointestinal transit tolerance and were relatively safe for intestinal epithelial cells of tilapias

    Critical Discourse Analysis: Definition, Approaches, Relation to Pragmatics, Critique, and Trends

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    This chapter introduces the transdisciplinary research movement of critical discourse analysis (CDA) beginning with its definition and recent examples of CDA work. In addition, approaches to CDA such as the dialectical relational (Fairclough), sociocognitive (van Dijk), discourse historical (Wodak), social actors (van Leeuwen), and the Foucauldian dispositive analysis (Jager and Maier) are outlined, as well as the complex relation of CDA to pragmatics. Next, the chapter provides a brief mention of the extensive critique of CDA, the creation of critical discourse studies (CDS), and new trends in CDA, including positive discourse analysis (PDA), CDA with multimodality, CDA and cognitive linguistics, critical applied linguistics, and other areas (rhetoric, education, anthropology/ethnography, sociolinguistics, culture, feminism/gender, and corpus studies). It ends with new directions aiming towards social action for social justice