86 research outputs found

    Modelling Multiphase Flow Using a Dynamic Pore Network Model for Imbibition

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    Design for Additive Manufacturing

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    This document outlines the critical design details and timeline for the Design for Additive Manufacturing Senior Project sponsored by Solar Turbines, Inc. The scope of this project encompasses the redesign of two of Solar Turbine’s cast parts for metal additive manufacturing in order to minimize lead time, cost, and weight. With the overall objective of performing in-depth analysis exploring affordability & feasibility, this redesign process will aid Solar Turbines in expanding their knowledge of Design for Additive Manufacturing principles and enable them to further incorporate the use of additive manufacturing into their production processes. The first part that the team redesigned is a bracket arm, which the team optimized for weight and manufacturability. The team improved the bracket both by completely removing portions of excess mass and by incorporating internal lattice structures into the part. After completing the bracket part redesign, the team further developed their AM design process through working on the second part—a thin-walled splash plate located in the combustion chamber which the team is using to study deflection in AM. The splash plate is currently in the critical design stage and ready for testing and validation. The team has run computer simulations modeling the part deflection and has successfully printed two copies of the part for quantitative comparison with the simulation. This document will provide further details as to the team’s research, design concepts, and conclusions from both the bracket and splash plate redesigns

    Geochronological and geochemical characterization of magmatic-hydrothermal events within the Southern Variscan external domain (Ce'vennes area, France)

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    International audienceGeochronological, mineralogical, and geochemical analyses have been focussed on the Mont-Loze're- Borne plutonic complex and surrounding rocks (Ce'vennes, French Massif Central) in which B-W-Sn and As-Au-Sb mineralization is encountered. Two main results are highlighted: (1) the existence of a 301-306 Ma magmatohydrothermal event unrelated to the emplacement of the Pont-de-Montvert-Borne plutonic body at 316 Ma; (2) the magmatic and hydrothermal features are strongly associated, both in time and in space, thus demonstrating an intimate connection between mineralizing processes and magmatism in this part of the French Massif Central. We also show that mineralization and associated hydrothermal occurrences do not correspond to a simple and single geochemical signature and that a contamination model must be invoked in order to account for the complexity of isotopic results. This study demonstrates that the application of the O and H isotopic signatures as tracers of the source and nature of fluids in an orogenic context requires some specific care. Finally, a model of the tectonic-magmatic- hydrothermal evolution of the study area is suggested in which we discuss two alternative scenarios. The first one implies the existence of two different hydrothermal/ mineralizing events (Bo-W-Sn and As-Au-Sb ones). The second one suggests the same source for all hydrothermal and mineralized structures

    Les origines de l'injection parentérale

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    Charonnat R. Les origines de l'injection parentérale. In: Revue d'histoire de la pharmacie, 40ᵉ année, n°132, 1952. pp. 320-323

    Les minéralisations aurifères tardi-hercyniennes des Cévennes (Massif central français) (cadre structural, gîtologie et modélisation 3D)

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    Le socle cévenol appartient au domaine para-autochtone de la chaîne hercynienne. Il est composé de micaschistes et gneiss dont la structuration résulte principalement de chevauchements à vergence SW daté à environ 340 Ma. La foliation régionale contemporaine de la tectonique est reprise par un métamorphisme en relation avec un stade de migmatitisation visible au coeur de l'antiforme de Masméjean, au N de la zone d'étude. Les unités métamorphiques sont recoupées par l'ensemble granitique Mt-Lozère-Borne dont la mise en place, datée du Namuro-Westphalien, est synchrone d'une extension NW-SE. Des circulations hydrothermales sont matérialisées par 5 types d'occurrences stériles ou minéralisées distinguables par leurs caractères structuraux , paragénétiques et texturaux : 1) disséminations d'aiguilles de sulfures dans les cornéennes autour du Mt-Lozère ; 2) lentilles à quartz-feldspath-tourmaline dans des fractures NE-SW et supposées précoces dans l'histoire hydrothermale ; 3) filons NE-SW à löllingite localisés dans les cornéennes ; 4) filons de quartz aurifère NE-SW dans certains niveaux quartzitiques ou démantelés et redéposés dans les conglomérats stéphaniens sous forme de galets ; 5) filonnets tardifs N-S à tourmaline et sulfures. Tous les filons présentent les caractères d'un jeu normal. Les filons de quartz aurifère sont également affectés par un décrochement senestre tardif. L'histoire tectonique tardi-hercynienne peut être résumée par la rotation anti-horaire de la direction principale d'allongement du NW-SE vers le NE-SW. La modélisation géométrique 3D du socl e à partir de mesures structurales et gravimétriques indique que le complexe Mt-Lozère-Borne est de forme laccolithique à faible pendage vers le N et enraciné à l'W. Cette forme peut être rapportée au caractère anisotrope du socle métamorphique. Le pluton est considéré comme le moteur des circulations hydrothermales à l'origine des minéralisations aurifères.ORLEANS-BU Sciences (452342104) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Report: Efficiency of concrete mixers towards qualification of mixers

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