74 research outputs found

    Reduplikasi dalam Novel Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck Karya Hamka

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    This study discusses reduplication, reduplication types, and the meaning contained in the novel reduplications Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck karya Hamka. This study aimed to describe the types of reduplication and meaning in the novel reduplications Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck karya Hamka. This study is a qualitative research and descriptive method. Techniques used in data collection in this study is engineering documentation and technical notes. Data that has been found by reading and then analyzed by several stages of identifying the type, classifying the data, analyze the data and make inferences. Data sourced from reduplication found that novel serve as a reference in the study. The object of this research that says that experiencing reduplication. In this study there were 321 data regarding the type of reduplication, reduplication of data across 111, 122 partial reduplication of data, the data reduplication affixed 82, and 6 to change the data reduplication phonemes. On the meaning of reduplication there are as many as 148 of data, 10 data contained in reduplications meaningful assortment, 50 meaningful data plural, 17 meaningful data many times or repeatedly, 31 meaningful data are taking place or carried out continuously, 15 meaningful data, 5 meaningful data relaxing, very meaningful data 3, 16 or superlative most meaningful data, and the first meaningful data specificity

    Pronomina Bahasa Jawa Tengah Dialek Solo

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    The aim of this research is to describe the types of Central Java Solo dialect pronomina. The data is formed the informant\u27s pronouncement as personal prononima, direction pronomina and introgative pronomina on Central Java Solo dialect. This reseach is qualitative reseach using descriptive method. Thetecnique are interviewing, taking notes, and recording. The data were analyzed by using pronomina data which is already gathered, observed the data, clasified the types of pronomina, selected and grouped the data, analyzed and summarized the data. The result shows that the pronomina of Central Java are persona pronomina, direction pronomina and introgative pronomina. Persona pronomina are first pronomina, second pronomina and third pronomina which is devided by singular and plural types. The examples of persona pronomina Central Java Solo dialect are aku, kulo, dhewe\u27e, kowe, sampeyan, panjenengan, kowe kabeh, panjenengan sedoyo, dhe\u27e, wong iku dan tiang niku.While the direction pronomina are devided as a public direction pronomina, place direction pronomina, and things direction pronomina. The examples of direction pronomina Central Java Solo dialect are iki, iku, niki, niku, kene, kono, ngene, ngono, ngeten, and ngono. The examples of introgative pronomina Central Java Solo dialect are iki, iku, niki, niku, kene, kono, ngene, ngono, ngeten, dan ngoten. Meanwhile, the intogative pronomina are opo, nopo, sopo, sinten, ngopo, kenging nopo, piro, pinten, kepiye, pripun, endi, pundi, and kapan

    Tuturan Imperatif dalam Ceramah Ustadz Abdul Somad

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    Penelitian ini menganalisis tuturan Imperatif dalam ceramah Ustadz Abdul Somad. Aspek yang dianalisis mencakup bentuk tuturan imperatif dalam ceramah Ustadz Abdul Somad dan makna pragmatik dalam ceramah Ustadz Abdul Somad. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah mengumpulkan data berupa video ceramah ustadz Abdul Somad di channel youtube dengan cara mengunduh video tersebut dan menggunakan teknik catat atau transkripsi data transkripsi data atau pengetikan data terkait dengan data penelitian yang diperoleh. Bentuk tuturan imperatif yang terdapat dalam ceramah Ustadz Abdul Somad adalah: perintah 21 data, larangan 13 data, ajakan 6 data, persilaan 6 data, permohonan 2 data, dan permintaan 5 data. Makna pragmatik yang terdapat dalam ceramah Ustadz Abdul Somad adalah: perintah 14 data, permintaan 9 data, desakan 1 data, bujukan 1 data, imbauan 1 data, persilaan 3 data, larangan 9 data, ajakan 1 data, harapan 7 data, anjuran 3 data, dan nasihat 4 dat

    Tuturan Direktif dalam Novel Rembulan Tenggelam di Wajahmu Karya Tere Liye

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    Penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan fungsi tindak tutur direktif dalam novel Rembulan Tenggelam di Wajahmu karya Tere Liye dan mendeskripsikan strategi penutur menyampaikan maksud kepada petutur dalam tuturan direktif pada novel Rembulan Tenggelam di Wajahmu karya Tere Liye. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data diperoleh menggunakan teknik baca dan teknik catat. Kemudian, data dianalisis dengan membaca teks tertulis terlebih dahulu kemudian mencatat bagian-bagian sesuai dengan permasalahan yang akan diteliti menggunakan buku kecil. Dari data yang diperoleh di dalam novel Rembulan Tenggelam di Wajahmu karya Tere Liye, fungsi tuturan direktif yang ditemukan antara lain tindak tutur direktif perintah yaitu fungsi memerintah, menyuruh, mengintruksikan, mengharuskan, memaksa, dan menyilakan. Tindak tutur direktif permintaan yaitu fungsi meminta, mengharap, memohon, dan menawarkan. Tindak tutur direktif ajakan yaitu fungsi mengajak, merayu, mendukung, dan mendesak. Tindak tutur direktif nasihat yaitu menasihati, menganjurkan, menyarankan, mengarahkan, menyerukan, dan mengingatkan. Tindak tutur direktif kritikan yaitu fungsi menyindir, mengumpat, mengecam, mengancam, dan marah. Tindak tutur direktif larangan yaitu fungsi melarang dan mencegah. Tindak tutur direktif pertanyaan yaitu fungsi menanyakan. dan tindak tutur direktif bujukan yaitu fungsi membujuk. Strategi yang digunakan dalam novel Rembulan Tenggelam di Wajahmu karya Tere Liye yaitu strategi tindak tutur langsung, tindak tutur langsung literal, dan tindak tutur langsung tidak literal

    Deiksis dalam Kumpulan Cerpen Kukila Karya M. Aan Mansyur

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    This jurnal purpose to describe a type of deiksis in a M. Aan Mansyur\u27s short storyes collection. The type of deiksis in a M. Aan Mansyur\u27s short storyes are (1) persona deiksis (2) place deiksis (3) time Deiksis (4) discourse deiksis (5)cocial deiksis. Deiksis persona is divided by three, (1) the first persona (2) the second persona (3) the third persona). Place deiksis is divided by three (1) di sini (2) di situ (3) di sana. Discourse deiksis is divided by two (1) anafora (2) katafora. Where as the other deiksis there is no in the division. There are 138 deiksis in M. Aan Mansyur short Story collection

    Penggunaan Konjungsi dalam Koran Harian Media Indonesia

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    This research aims to know the percentage of the use of coordinative conjunction appropriate and inappropriate, subordinatif conjunction appropriate and inappropriate, correlative conjunction appropriate and inappropriate, antarkalimat conjunction appropriate and inappropriate, and antarparagraf conjunction appropriate and inappropriate in the daily newspaper Media Indonesia. This research was used qualitative research methods. The object of this research that quotes a sentence in the daily newspaper Media Indonesia, which used the coordinative conjunction, subordinatif conjunction, correlative conjunction, antarkalimat conjunction, and antarparagraf conjunction. The data collection was obtained by using a technique of documentation. The result of research was percentage the use of coordinative conjunction appropriate and inappropriate, subordinatif conjunction appropriate and inappropriate, correlative conjunction appropriate and inappropriate, antarkalimat conjunction appropriate and inappropriate, and antarparagraf conjunction appropriate and inappropriate in the daily newspaper Media Indonesia. Based on the data analysis found that the use of coordinative conjunction are 84,3% appropriate and 15,7% inappropriate. The use of subordinative conjunction are 92,6% appropriate and 7,4% inappropriate. The use of correlative conjunction are 30% appropriate and 70% inappropriate. The use of antarkalimat conjunction are 66,7% appropriate and 33,3% inappropriate. The use of antarparagraf conjunction are 40% appropriate and 60% inappropriate. The total overall were 86,3% use of conjunction with right and 13,7% use of conjunction not right.Keys words: conjunction, coordinative, subordinative, correlative, Media Indonesi

    The Programme Stududy of Ianguage Education and Art of Indonesia FKIP University of Riau

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    This Research discussed about the Ability of on Reading Understanding of the first year students at SMP Daniel HKBP Rumbai, Pekanbaru. the Method of this research was descriptive method, which is the data was is explained in research as it is. The technique of this research was test this use technique of tes. this research descriptive about the ability on reading understanding of the first year students at SMP Daniel HKBP Rumbai, Pekanbaru, in aspect of mean indeas, supporting ideas, conclusion, and recommendation of content. the population of this research was 22 students and been the tofal sample. the resvit of this research were (1) the ability on reading understanding in finding mean ideas in medium level, (2) the ability on reading understanding in finding supporting Ideas in lowest level, (3) the ability on reading understanding in finding conclusion in lowest level, and (4) the ability on reading understanding in finding recommendation of content in lowest level