66 research outputs found


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    Health and Household Air Pollution from Solid Fuel Use: The Need for Improved Exposure Assessment

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    Background: Nearly 3 billion people worldwide rely on solid fuel combustion to meet basic household energy needs. The resulting exposure to air pollution causes an estimated 4.5% of the global burden of disease. Large variability and a lack of resources for research and development have resulted in highly uncertain exposure estimates. Objective: We sought to identify research priorities for exposure assessment that will more accurately and precisely define exposure–response relationships of household air pollution necessary to inform future cleaner-burning cookstove dissemination programs. Data Sources: As part of an international workshop in May 2011, an expert group characterized the state of the science and developed recommendations for exposure assessment of household air pollution. Synthesis: The following priority research areas were identified to explain variability and reduce uncertainty of household air pollution exposure measurements: improved characterization of spatial and temporal variability for studies examining both short- and long-term health effects; development and validation of measurement technology and approaches to conduct complex exposure assessments in resource-limited settings with a large range of pollutant concentrations; and development and validation of biomarkers for estimating dose. Addressing these priority research areas, which will inherently require an increased allocation of resources for cookstove research, will lead to better characterization of exposure–response relationships. Conclusions: Although the type and extent of exposure assessment will necessarily depend on the goal and design of the cookstove study, without improved understanding of exposure–response relationships, the level of air pollution reduction necessary to meet the health targets of cookstove interventions will remain uncertain

    Thoracic index in the Negro

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    TypescriptM.A. University of Missouri 1905The following investigations were undertaken in order to determine the thoracic index, (i. e. the ratio of the antero-posterior to the transverse diameter) according to age and sex in the Negro, by means of a series of measurements made upon the living body. In addition, a number of observations were made to determine the character of the thoracic index in the embryo and foetus, (independent of race).Includes bibliographical reference


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    During the past several years the NATURAL LAW FORUM has achieved a distinctive and honored place among legal and philosophical journals. This has primarily been due to the diligent efforts of the board of editors under the leadership first of Professor Anton-Hermann Chroust and more recently Professor John Noonan as editors and of Professor Andrew T. Smithberger as managing editor. This degree of excellence was continued with the first issue of the FORUM under its new name of THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF JURISPRUDENCE. With the resignation of Professor Noonan the Board of Editors has appointed us co-editors of THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF JURISPRUDENCE. We are privileged and pleased to accept this appointment. It is our intention and hope that we will continue the successful record established by the past editors of this journal. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF JURISPRUDENCE, as Professor Noonan noted in the 1969 issue, will be continuous in policy and spirit with the NATURAL LAW FORUM. The NATURAL LAW FORUM has been dedicated to a critical examination of the significance of natural law for our times


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