1,091 research outputs found

    Anomalous superfluidity in 2+1 dimensional two-color lattice QCD

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    We study thermodynamics of strongly coupled lattice QCD with twotwo colors of staggered fermions in (2+1)(2+1) dimensions. The partition function of this model can be written elegantly as a statistical mechanics of dimers and baryonloops. The model is invariant under an SO(3)×U(1)SO(3)\times U(1) symmetry. At low temperatures we find evidence for superfluidity in the U(1) symmetry sector while the SO(3) symmetry remains unbroken. The finite temperature phase transition appears to belong to the Kosterlitz-Thouless universality class, but the superfluid density jump ρs(Tc)\rho_s(T_c) at the critical temperature TcT_c is anomalously higher than the normal value of 2Tc/π2 T_c/\pi. We show that by adding a small SO(3) symmetry breaking term to the model, the superfluid density jump returns to its normal value implying that the extra symmetry causes anomalous superfluid behavior. Our results may be of interest to researchers studying superfluidity in spin-1 systems.Comment: Minor revisions. Added a paragraph. to be published in PR

    Fermion bag solutions to some sign problems in four-fermion field theories

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    Lattice four-fermion models containing NN flavors of staggered fermions, that are invariant under Z2Z_2 and U(1) chiral symmetries, are known to suffer from sign problems when formulated using the auxiliary field approach. Although these problems have been ignored in previous studies, they can be severe. Here we show that the sign problems disappear when the models are formulated in the fermion bag approach, allowing us to solve them rigorously for the first time.Comment: references adde

    The fermion bag approach to lattice field theories

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    We propose a new approach to the fermion sign problem in systems where there is a coupling UU such that when it is infinite the fermions are paired into bosons and there is no fermion permutation sign to worry about. We argue that as UU becomes finite fermions are liberated but are naturally confined to regions which we refer to as {\em fermion bags}. The fermion sign problem is then confined to these bags and may be solved using the determinantal trick. In the parameter regime where the fermion bags are small and their typical size does not grow with the system size, construction of Monte Carlo methods that are far more efficient than conventional algorithms should be possible. In the region where the fermion bags grow with system size, the fermion bag approach continues to provide an alternative approach to the problem but may lose its main advantage in terms of efficiency. The fermion bag approach also provides new insights and solutions to sign problems. A natural solution to the "silver blaze problem" also emerges. Using the three dimensional massless lattice Thirring model as an example we introduce the fermion bag approach and demonstrate some of these features. We compute the critical exponents at the quantum phase transition and find ν=0.87(2)\nu=0.87(2) and η=0.62(2)\eta=0.62(2).Comment: 31 pages, 9 figures, 5 table

    From Spin Ladders to the 2-d O(3) Model at Non-Zero Density

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    The numerical simulation of various field theories at non-zero chemical potential suffers from severe complex action problems. In particular, QCD at non-zero quark density can presently not be simulated for that reason. A similar complex action problem arises in the 2-d O(3) model -- a toy model for QCD. Here we construct the 2-d O(3) model at non-zero density via dimensional reduction of an antiferromagnetic quantum spin ladder in a magnetic field. The complex action problem of the 2-d O(3) model manifests itself as a sign problem of the ladder system. This sign problem is solved completely with a meron-cluster algorithm.Comment: Based on a talk by U.-J. Wiese, 6 pages, 12 figures, to be published in computer physics communication

    Solution of the Complex Action Problem in the Potts Model for Dense QCD

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    Monte Carlo simulations of lattice QCD at non-zero baryon chemical potential μ\mu suffer from the notorious complex action problem. We consider QCD with static quarks coupled to a large chemical potential. This leaves us with an SU(3) Yang-Mills theory with a complex action containing the Polyakov loop. Close to the deconfinement phase transition the qualitative features of this theory, in particular its Z(3) symmetry properties, are captured by the 3-d 3-state Potts model. We solve the complex action problem in the Potts model by using a cluster algorithm. The improved estimator for the μ\mu-dependent part of the Boltzmann factor is real and positive and is used for importance sampling. We localize the critical endpoint of the first order deconfinement phase transition line and find consistency with universal 3-d Ising behavior. We also calculate the static quark-quark, quark-anti-quark, and anti-quark-anti-quark potentials which show screening as expected for a system with non-zero baryon density.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure

    Phase-diagram of two-color lattice QCD in the chiral limit

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    We study thermodynamics of strongly coupled lattice QCD with two colors of massless staggered fermions as a function of the baryon chemical potential μ\mu in 3+1 dimensions using a new cluster algorithm. We find evidence that the model undergoes a weak first order phase transition at μ=0\mu=0 which becomes second order at a finite μ\mu. Symmetry considerations suggest that the universality class of these phase transitions should be governed by an O(N)×O(2)O(N)\times O(2) field theory with collinear order, with N=3 at μ=0\mu=0 and N=2 at μ0\mu \neq 0. The universality class of the second order phase transition at μ0\mu\neq 0 appears to be governed by the decoupled XY fixed point present in the O(2)×O(2)O(2)\times O(2) field theory. Finally we show that the quantum (T=0) phase transition as a function of μ\mu is a second order mean field transition.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figure

    An Introduction to Chiral Symmetry on the Lattice

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    The SU(Nf)LSU(Nf)RSU(N_f)_L \otimes SU(N_f)_R chiral symmetry of QCD is of central importance for the nonperturbative low-energy dynamics of light quarks and gluons. Lattice field theory provides a theoretical framework in which these dynamics can be studied from first principles. The implementation of chiral symmetry on the lattice is a nontrivial issue. In particular, local lattice fermion actions with the chiral symmetry of the continuum theory suffer from the fermion doubling problem. The Ginsparg-Wilson relation implies L\"uscher's lattice variant of chiral symmetry which agrees with the usual one in the continuum limit. Local lattice fermion actions that obey the Ginsparg-Wilson relation have an exact chiral symmetry, the correct axial anomaly, they obey a lattice version of the Atiyah-Singer index theorem, and still they do not suffer from the notorious doubling problem. The Ginsparg-Wilson relation is satisfied exactly by Neuberger's overlap fermions which are a limit of Kaplan's domain wall fermions, as well as by Hasenfratz and Niedermayer's classically perfect lattice fermion actions. When chiral symmetry is nonlinearly realized in effective field theories on the lattice, the doubling problem again does not arise. This review provides an introduction to chiral symmetry on the lattice with an emphasis on the basic theoretical framework.Comment: (41 pages, to be published in Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. Vol. 53, issue 1 (2004)

    Meron-Cluster Approach to Systems of Strongly Correlated Electrons

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    Numerical simulations of strongly correlated electron systems suffer from the notorious fermion sign problem which has prevented progress in understanding if systems like the Hubbard model display high-temperature superconductivity. Here we show how the fermion sign problem can be solved completely with meron-cluster methods in a large class of models of strongly correlated electron systems, some of which are in the extended Hubbard model family and show s-wave superconductivity. In these models we also find that on-site repulsion can even coexist with a weak chemical potential without introducing sign problems. We argue that since these models can be simulated efficiently using cluster algorithms they are ideal for studying many of the interesting phenomena in strongly correlated electron systems.Comment: 36 Pages, 13 figures, plain Late

    Gauge and matter fields as surfaces and loops - an exploratory lattice study of the Z(3) Gauge-Higgs model

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    We discuss a representation of the Z(3) Gauge-Higgs lattice field theory at finite density in terms of dual variables, i.e., loops of flux and surfaces. In the dual representation the complex action problem of the conventional formulation is resolved and Monte Carlo simulations at arbitrary chemical potential become possible. A suitable algorithm based on plaquette occupation numbers and link-fluxes is introduced and we analyze the model at zero temperature and finite density both in the weak and strong coupling phases. We show that at zero temperature the model has different first order phase transitions as a function of the chemical potential both for the weak and strong coupling phases. The exploratory study demonstrates that alternative degrees of freedom may successfully be used for Monte Carlo simulations in several systems with gauge and matter fields.Comment: Typos corrected and some statements refined. Final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Solutions to sign problems in lattice Yukawa models

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    We prove that sign problems in the traditional approach to some lattice Yukawa models can be completely solved when the fermions are formulated using fermion bags and the bosons are formulated in the worldline representation. We prove this within the context of two examples of three dimensional models, symmetric under UL(1)×UR(1)×Z2(Parity)U_L(1) \times U_R(1) \times Z_2 ({Parity}) transformations, one involving staggered fermions and the other involving Wilson fermions. We argue that these models have interesting quantum phase transitions that can now be studied using Monte Carlo methods.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure (Fixed minor typographical errors, expanded the discussion to include solution to the sign problem with the conventional bosonic action and added a reference.