933 research outputs found

    Meron-cluster algorithms and chiral symmetry breaking in a (2+1)-d staggered fermion model

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    The recently developed Meron-Cluster algorithm completely solves the exponentially difficult sign problem for a number of models previously inaccessible to numerical simulation. We use this algorithm in a high-precision study of a model of N=1 flavor of staggered fermions in (2+1)-dimensions with a four-fermion interaction. This model cannot be explored using standard algorithms. We find that the Z(2) chiral symmetry of this model is spontaneously broken at low temperatures and that the finite-temperature chiral phase transition is in the universality class of the 2-d Ising model, as expected.Comment: 18 pages, LaTe

    Meron-Cluster Simulation of a Chiral Phase Transition with Staggered Fermions

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    We examine a (3+1)-dimensional model of staggered lattice fermions with a four-fermion interaction and Z(2) chiral symmetry using the Hamiltonian formulation. This model cannot be simulated with standard fermion algorithms because those suffer from a very severe sign problem. We use a new fermion simulation technique - the meron-cluster algorithm - which solves the sign problem and leads to high-precision numerical data. We investigate the finite temperature chiral phase transition and verify that it is in the universality class of the 3-d Ising model using finite-size scaling.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Time-resolved imaging of guided wave phenomena

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    In the past decade, increasing demand and rapid developments in classical and quantum sciences resulted in advanced novel multipixel single photon detector arrays engineered on a single electronic chip. Silicon single photon avalanche detector (Si-SPAD) is one of the mainstream solution for low level light detection in visible and near-infrared wavelength region due to the dependable amplification of light signal. This thesis mainly focusses on three key experiments to showcase the potential applications of a single photon detector (Megaframe 32) consists of 32×32 square array Si-SPADs with picosecond timing circuits. With ≈ 50 ps timing resolution, each SPAD can perform time-correlated single photon counting independently. First, the concept of multiplexed single-mode wavelength-to-time mapping (WTM) of multimode light was investigated. The spacetime imaging capability of the Megaframe was then demonstrated by imaging the spatial modes emerging from a few-mode fibre enabling WTM of spatial modes. Finally, timeresolved discrete imaging in laser inscribed photonic lattices was demonstrated. By placing a photonic lattice in a linear cavity and re-injecting the output mode profile back to the lattice, the propagation of light was measured in quasi-real time manner. The experimental demonstrations using Megaframe will find applications in Raman spectroscopy, soliton imaging, quantum optics, and discrete waveguide optics

    Apnea, bradycardia and desaturation spells in premature infants: impact of a protocol for the duration of 'spell-free' observation on interprovider variability and readmission rates.

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    ObjectiveTo study the impact of implementing a protocol to standardize the duration of observation in preterm infants with apnea/bradycardia/desaturation spells before hospital discharge on length of stay (LOS) and readmission rates.Study designA protocol to standardize the duration of in-hospital observation for preterm infants with apnea, bradycardia and desaturation spells who were otherwise ready for discharge was implemented in December 2013. We evaluated the impact of this protocol on the LOS and readmission rates of very low birth weight infants (VLBW). Data on readmission for apnea and an apparent life-threatening event (ALTE) within 30 days of discharge were collected. The pre-implementation epoch (2011 to 2013) was compared to the post-implementation period (2014 to 2016).ResultsThere were 426 and 368 VLBW discharges before and after initiation of the protocol during 2011 to 2013 and 2014 to 2016, respectively. The LOS did not change with protocol implementation (66±42 vs 64±42 days before and after implementation of the protocol, respectively). Interprovider variability on the duration of observation for apneic spells (F-8.8, P=0.04) and bradycardia spells (F-17.4, P<0.001) decreased after implementation of the protocol. The readmission rate for apnea/ALTE after the protocol decreased from 12.1 to 3.4% (P=0.01).ConclusionImplementing an institutional protocol for VLBW infants to determine the duration of apnea/bradycardia/ desaturation spell-free observation period as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics clinical report did not prolong the LOS but effectively reduced interprovider variability and readmission rates


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    Objective: Levodropropizine is a novel antitussive drug, which occurs as enantiomers. They are levodropropizine (2S) [LDP] and dextrodropropizine (impurity A) (2R) [DDP]. An isocratic chiral high performance liquid chromatographic (Normal phase HPLC) method has been developed and validated for simultaneous determination of dropropizine enantiomers along with non-polar impurity-B, (1-phenyl piperazine) [1-PP] in raw material and in dosage forms. Methods: The compounds were separated on chiral stationary phase (CSP) Chiralpak AD-H column, with a mixture of n-hexane, anhydrous ethanol, diethyl amine (DEA) in the ratio of 55:45:0.1 v/v as mobile phase at a flow rate of 1.4 ml/min. UV detection was performed at 254 nm. The method was validated for accuracy, precision, specificity, linearity, and sensitivity. The developed and validated method was successfully used for quantitative analysis of commercially available Tablets. Results: Total chromatographic analysis time per sample was ~5 min. with 1-PP, levodrpropizne, dextropropizine eluting with retention times of 2.5 min., 3.05 min., and 3.66 min., respectively. Validation studies revealed the method is specific, rapid, reliable and reproducible for levodropropizne and its impurity A and non chiral impurity B. Calibration plots were linear over the concentration ranges 0.5-5 µg/ml and 0.5-5 µg/ml for levodropropizine and dextrodropropizine respectively. Conclusion: The high recovery and low relative standard deviation confirm the suitability of the method for determination of dropropizine compounds in commercial tablets

    Spectroscopy of the Kondo Problem in a Box

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    Motivated by experiments on double quantum dots, we study the problem of a single magnetic impurity confined in a finite metallic host. We prove an exact theorem for the ground state spin, and use analytic and numerical arguments to map out the spin structure of the excitation spectrum of the many-body Kondo-correlated state, throughout the weak to strong coupling crossover. These excitations can be probed in a simple tunneling-spectroscopy transport experiment; for that situation we solve rate equations for the conductance.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Ground State and Excitations of Quantum Dots with "Magnetic Impurities"

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    We consider an "impurity" with a spin degree of freedom coupled to a finite reservoir of non-interacting electrons, a system which may be realized by either a true impurity in a metallic nano-particle or a small quantum dot coupled to a large one. We show how the physics of such a spin impurity is revealed in the many-body spectrum of the entire finite-size system; in particular, the evolution of the spectrum with the strength of the impurity-reservoir coupling reflects the fundamental many-body correlations present. Explicit calculation in the strong and weak coupling limits shows that the spectrum and its evolution are sensitive to the nature of the impurity and the parity of electrons in the reservoir. The effect of the finite size spectrum on two experimental observables is considered. First, we propose an experimental setup in which the spectrum may be conveniently measured using tunneling spectroscopy. A rate equation calculation of the differential conductance suggests how the many-body spectral features may be observed. Second, the finite-temperature magnetic susceptibility is presented, both the impurity susceptibility and the local susceptibility. Extensive quantum Monte-Carlo calculations show that the local susceptibility deviates from its bulk scaling form. Nevertheless, for special assumptions about the reservoir -- the "clean Kondo box" model -- we demonstrate that finite-size scaling is recovered. Explicit numerical evaluations of these scaling functions are given, both for even and odd parity and for the canonical and grand-canonical ensembles.Comment: 16 pages; published version, corrections to figure and equation, clarification

    State-recycling and time-resolved imaging in topological photonic lattices

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    Photonic lattices - arrays of optical waveguides - are powerful platforms for simulating a range of phenomena, including topological phases. While probing dynamics is possible in these systems, by reinterpreting the propagation direction as "time," accessing long timescales constitutes a severe experimental challenge. Here, we overcome this limitation by placing the photonic lattice in a cavity, which allows the optical state to evolve through the lattice multiple times. The accompanying detection method, which exploits a multi-pixel single-photon detector array, offers quasi-real time-resolved measurements after each round trip. We apply the state-recycling scheme to intriguing photonic lattices emulating Dirac fermions and Floquet topological phases. In this new platform, we also realise a synthetic pulsed electric field, which can be used to drive transport within photonic lattices. This work opens a new route towards the detection of long timescale effects in engineered photonic lattices and the realization of hybrid analogue-digital simulators.Comment: Comments are welcom

    Kosterlitz-Thouless Universality in a Fermionic System

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    A new extension of the attractive Hubbard model is constructed to study the critical behavior near a finite temperature superconducting phase transition in two dimensions using the recently developed meron-cluster algorithm. Unlike previous calculations in the attractive Hubbard model which were limited to small lattices, the new algorithm is used to study the critical behavior on lattices as large as 128×128128\times 128. These precise results for the first time show that a fermionic system can undergo a finite temperature phase transition whose critical behavior is well described by the predictions of Kosterlitz and Thouless almost three decades ago. In particular it is confirmed that the spatial winding number susceptibility obeys the well known predictions of finite size scaling for T<TcT<T_c and up to logarithmic corrections the pair susceptibility scales as L2ηL^{2-\eta} at large volumes with 0η0.250\leq\eta\leq 0.25 for 0TTc0\leq T\leq T_c.Comment: Revtex format; 4 pages, 2 figure