509 research outputs found

    Returning home: heritage work among the Stl'atl'imx of the Lower Lillooet River Valley

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    This article focusses on heritage practices in the tensioned landscape of the Stl’atl’imx (pronounced Stat-lee-um) people of the Lower Lillooet River Valley, British Columbia, Canada. Displaced from their traditional territories and cultural traditions through the colonial encounter, they are enacting, challenging and remaking their heritage as part of their long term goal to reclaim their land and return ‘home’. I draw on three examples of their heritage work: graveyard cleaning, the shifting ‘official’/‘unofficial’ heritage of a wagon road, and marshalling of the mountain named Nsvq’ts (pronounced In-SHUCK-ch) in order to illustrate how the past is strategically mobilised in order to substantiate positions in the present. While this paper focusses on heritage in an Indigenous and postcolonial context, I contend that the dynamics of heritage practices outlined here are applicable to all heritage practices

    A comparison of the measurement properties of the Juvenile Arthritis Functional Assessment Scale with the childhood health assessment questionnaire in daily practice

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    We compared the measurement properties of a performance test (Juvenile Arthritis Functional Assessment Scale; JAFAS) with a questionnaire-based instrument (Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire; CHAQ) to measure functional ability in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis on the level of individual items. In 28 consecutive children visiting an outpatient paediatrics clinic, the JAFAS (range 0–20) and CHAQ (range 0–3) were applied, and measures of disease activity and joint range of motion (ROM) were determined. Twenty-eight children with a median age of 10 years and median disease duration of 3.2 years were included. The median JAFAS score was 0, and the median CHAQ score was 0.125. Cronbach’s alpha was 0.92 for the JAFAS and 0.96 for the CHAQ. The Spearman correlation coefficient between the JAFAS and the CHAQ was 0.55 (P < 0.01). With six out of ten items, the JAFAS classified the child as less disabled than with corresponding CHAQ activities. Overall, associations with measures of disease activity and ROM were higher for the CHAQ than for the JAFAS. A performance test (JAFAS) does not appear to have an added benefit over the questionnaire-based assessment (CHAQ) of physical function in a cross-sectional study

    Failure of SOX9 Regulation in 46XY Disorders of Sex Development with SRY, SOX9 and SF1 Mutations

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    In human embryogenesis, loss of SRY (sex determining region on Y), SOX9 (SRY-related HMG box 9) or SF1 (steroidogenic factor 1) function causes disorders of sex development (DSD). A defining event of vertebrate sex determination is male-specific upregulation and maintenance of SOX9 expression in gonadal pre-Sertoli cells, which is preceded by transient SRY expression in mammals. In mice, Sox9 regulation is under the transcriptional control of SRY, SF1 and SOX9 via a conserved testis-specific enhancer of Sox9 (TES). Regulation of SOX9 in human sex determination is however poorly understood.We show that a human embryonal carcinoma cell line (NT2/D1) can model events in presumptive Sertoli cells that initiate human sex determination. SRY associates with transcriptionally active chromatin in NT2/D1 cells and over-expression increases endogenous SOX9 expression. SRY and SF1 co-operate to activate the human SOX9 homologous TES (hTES), a process dependent on phosphorylated SF1. SOX9 also activates hTES, augmented by SF1, suggesting a mechanism for maintenance of SOX9 expression by auto-regulation. Analysis of mutant SRY, SF1 and SOX9 proteins encoded by thirteen separate 46,XY DSD gonadal dysgenesis individuals reveals a reduced ability to activate hTES.We demonstrate how three human sex-determining factors are likely to function during gonadal development around SOX9 as a hub gene, with different genetic causes of 46,XY DSD due a common failure to upregulate SOX9 transcription

    Use of Cross-Taxon Congruence for Hotspot Identification at a Regional Scale

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    One of the most debated problems in conservation biology is the use of indicator (surrogate) taxa to predict spatial patterns in other taxa. Cross-taxon congruence in species richness patterns is of paramount importance at regional scales to disclose areas of high conservation value that are significant in a broader biogeographical context but yet placed in the finer, more practical, political context of decision making. We analysed spatial patterns of diversity in six arthropod taxa from the Turkish fauna as a regional case study relevant to global conservation of the Mediterranean basin. Although we found high congruence in cross-taxon comparisons of species richness (0.241<r<0.645), hotspots of different groups show limited overlap, generally less than 50 per cent. The ability of a given taxon to capture diversity of other taxa was usually modest (on average, 50 percent of diversity of non-target taxa), limiting the use of hotspots for effective conservation of non-target groups. Nevertheless, our study demonstrates that a given group may partially stand in for another with similar ecological needs and biogeographical histories. We therefore advocate the use of multiple sets of taxa, chosen so as to be representative of animals with different ecological needs and biogeographical histories

    The Role of Thioredoxin Reductases in Brain Development

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    The thioredoxin-dependent system is an essential regulator of cellular redox balance. Since oxidative stress has been linked with neurodegenerative disease, we studied the roles of thioredoxin reductases in brain using mice with nervous system (NS)-specific deletion of cytosolic (Txnrd1) and mitochondrial (Txnrd2) thioredoxin reductase. While NS-specific Txnrd2 null mice develop normally, mice lacking Txnrd1 in the NS were significantly smaller and displayed ataxia and tremor. A striking patterned cerebellar hypoplasia was observed. Proliferation of the external granular layer (EGL) was strongly reduced and fissure formation and laminar organisation of the cerebellar cortex was impaired in the rostral portion of the cerebellum. Purkinje cells were ectopically located and their dendrites stunted. The Bergmann glial network was disorganized and showed a pronounced reduction in fiber strength. Cerebellar hypoplasia did not result from increased apoptosis, but from decreased proliferation of granule cell precursors within the EGL. Of note, neuron-specific inactivation of Txnrd1 did not result in cerebellar hypoplasia, suggesting a vital role for Txnrd1 in Bergmann glia or neuronal precursor cells

    Clues to Neuro-Degeneration in Niemann-Pick Type C Disease from Global Gene Expression Profiling

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    BACKGROUND: Niemann-Pick Type C (NPC) disease is a neurodegenerative disease that is characterized by the accumulation of cholesterol and glycosphingolipids in the late endocytic pathway. The majority of NPC cases are due to mutations in the NPC1 gene. The precise function of this gene is not yet known. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using cDNA microarrays, we analyzed the genome-wide expression patterns of human fibroblasts homozygous for the I1061T NPC1 mutation that is characterized by a severe defect in the intracellular processing of low density lipoprotein-derived cholesterol. A distinct gene expression profile was identified in NPC fibroblasts from different individuals when compared with fibroblasts isolated from normal subjects. As expected, NPC1 mutant cells displayed an inappropriate homeostatic response to accumulated intracellular cholesterol. In addition, a number of striking parallels were observed between NPC disease and Alzheimer's disease. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Many genes involved in the trafficking and processing of amyloid precursor protein and the microtubule binding protein, tau, were more highly expressed. Numerous genes important for membrane traffic and the cellular regulation of calcium, metals and other ions were upregulated. Finally, NPC fibroblasts exhibited a gene expression profile indicative of oxidative stress. These changes are likely contributors to the pathophysiology of Niemann-Pick Type C disease

    Measuring bank efficiency: DEA application

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    The paper aims to improve the methodology of measuring efficiency of Latvian banks. Efficiency scores were calculated with application of non-parametric frontier technique Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Input-oriented DEA model under Variable Returns to Scale (VRS) assumption was used. Potential model variables were selected based on the intermediation and profitability approach. Fourteen alternative models with different inputs-outputs combinations were developed for the research purposes. To substantiate the variables selection for DEA model the received data was processed, using such methods, as correlation analysis, linear regression analysis, analysis of mean values, and two-samples Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The research results assisted the authors in providing general recommendations about the variables selection for DEA application in the Latvian banking sector. The present research contributes to the existing analytical data on bank performance in Latvia. The empirical findings provide a background for further studies, in particular, the efficiency of Latvian banks could be analysed in the extended time period