26 research outputs found

    Engaging (Past) Participants: The Case of radicalprintshops.org

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    Wikis have for some time been heralded for their democratic and participatory potential and there has been significant research into the use of wikis in a variety of contexts. Within academic research they tend to be used by closed groups to manage material rather than for research per se. This chapter describes an experiment and the challenges to do the latter through the instigation of the open access wiki radicalprintshops.org

    Vampires in the village Žrnovo on the island of Korčula: following an archival document from the 18th century

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    Središnja tema rada usmjerena je na raščlambu spisa pohranjenog u Državnom arhivu u Mlecima (fond: Capi del Consiglio de’ Dieci: Lettere di Rettori e di altre cariche) koji se odnosi na događaj iz 1748. godine u korčulanskom selu Žrnovo, kada su mještani – vjerujući da su se pojavili vampiri – oskvrnuli nekoliko mjesnih grobova. U radu se podrobno iznose osnovni podaci iz spisa te rečeni događaj analizira u širem društvenom kontekstu i prate se lokalna vjerovanja.The main interest of this essay is the analysis of the document from the State Archive in Venice (file: Capi del Consiglio de’ Dieci: Lettere di Rettori e di altre cariche) which is connected with the episode from 1748 when the inhabitants of the village Žrnove on the island of Korčula in Croatia opened tombs on the local cemetery in the fear of the vampires treating. This essay try to show some social circumstances connected with this event as well as a local vernacular tradition concerning superstitions

    The impact of hardware scheduling mechanisms on the performance and cost of processor designs

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    Hardware schedulers supporting out-of-order execution are widespread nowadays. Nevertheless, studies quantifying the impact of schedulers on the performance and cost of processors are rare. The paper tries to close this gap. It turns out that the hardware schedulers can double the performance at a moderate increase (10–24%) in a processor’s gate count. Earlier rearranging of instructions allows for better performance, but it does not guarantee it. The lack of features like forwarding and non-blocking resources can nullify this gain. Despite of its out-of-order dispatch capability, the original Scoreboard scheduler, for example, performs significantly worse than a standard in-order pipeline. The paper also identifies the aspects responsible for this poor performance and quantifies their impact. The single most important aspect is the lack of result forwarding