7 research outputs found

    Filamins Regulate Cell Spreading and Initiation of Cell Migration

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    Mammalian filamins (FLNs) are a family of three large actin-binding proteins. FLNa, the founding member of the family, was implicated in migration by cell biological analyses and the identification of FLNA mutations in the neuronal migration disorder periventricular heterotopia. However, recent knockout studies have questioned the relevance of FLNa to cell migration. Here we have used shRNA-mediated knockdown of FLNa, FLNb or FLNa and FLNb, or, alternatively, acute proteasomal degradation of all three FLNs, to generate FLN-deficient cells and assess their ability to migrate. We report that loss of FLNa or FLNb has little effect on migration but that knockdown of FLNa and FLNb, or proteolysis of all three FLNs, impairs migration. The observed defect is primarily a deficiency in initiation of motility rather than a problem with maintenance of locomotion speed. FLN-deficient cells are also impaired in spreading. Re-expression of full length FLNa, but not re-expression of a mutated FLNa lacking immunoglobulin domains 19 to 21, reverts both the spreading and the inhibition of initiation of migration

    Functional proteomics to dissect tyrosine kinase signalling pathways in cancer

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    Advances in the generation and interpretation of proteomics data have spurred a transition from focusing on protein identification to functional analysis. Here we review recent proteomics results that have elucidated new aspects of the roles and regulation of signal transduction pathways in cancer using the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), ERK and breakpoint cluster region (BCR)-ABL1 networks as examples. The emerging theme is to understand cancer signalling as networks of multiprotein machines which process information in a highly dynamic environment that is shaped by changing protein interactions and post-translational modifications (PTMs). Cancerous genetic mutations derange these protein networks in complex ways that are tractable by proteomics