34 research outputs found

    Determining Effect Of Personality Traits on Voter Behavior Using Five Factor Personality Inventory

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    The researchers have used four sub-dimensions (rule obedience, innovativeness, reactiveness and self confidence) of the five factor personality inventory redeveloped and modified by Somer, Korkmaz and Tatar (2002) for Turkish citizens to analyze the interactions of personality and voter behavior. The intentions are examined as intentions for certain groups of parties: left, right, new, new and religious. Rule obedience is found to create significant differences among respondent's intentions to vote for a specific political orientation. The influence of demographic variables (age, gender and occupation) on personality sub-dimensions and on intentions (together with personality traits) is examined. Age is found to have interactions with rule obedience, innovativeness and self-confidence while gender and occupation had interactions only with self confidence. These three demographic factors were able to explain the intentions of voters depending on their political orientations. Kisilik ve oy verme davranısı arasındaki iliskileri incelemek amacıyla Türk deneklerde kullanılmak üzere Somer, Korkmaz ve Tatar (2002) tarafından gelistirilen ve adapte edilen bes faktör kisilik envanterinde yer alan dört alt boyut (kurallara baglılık, yenilikçilik, tepkisellik ve kendine güven) kullanılmıstır. Cevaplayıcıların oy verme niyetleri politik yaklasımlarına göre dört grupta toplanmıstır: sag, sol, yeni, yeni ve dinci. Kisilik alt boyutlarından kurallara baglılıgın cevaplayıcıların oy verme niyetlerinde anlamlı derecede farklılık yarattıgı görülmüstür. Çalısmada, demografik degiskenlerin (yas, cinsiyet ve meslek) politik yaklasım ve kisilik üzerindeki etkileri de arastırılmıstır. Yasın kurallara baglılık, yenilikçilik ve kendine güven ile iliskili oldugu; cinsiyet ve meslegin ise sadece kendine güven ile iliskili oldugu görülmüstür. Bunun yanı sıra, üç demografik degiskenin oy verenlerin oy verme niyetlerini açıklayabildigi ortaya konmustur

    Kültür-kişilik çatışması: Almanyada'ki Türk işçileri

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    The aim of this paper is to compare and contrast two neighbouring provinces, Aydın and Denizli which are located in the western part of Turkey in terms of regional development criteria by utilizing a theoratical framework developed by authors. More specifically, the relationship between provincial economic development and socio-cultural factors and Networks are searched. After conducting a 36 item survey among 118 businessmen in these provincies, it can be stated that, not only economic factors but also cultural values, networks and organizations (as it is in institutional theory) seem to explain success or failure of regions

    Student Satisfaction in Higher Education: A Turkish Case

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    The aim of this paper is to determine the level and the factors for university students’ satisfaction with the institutions they are attending. Firstly, the concept of satisfaction will be defi ned. Secondly, a conceptual framework to demonstrate the relationship between the factors which lie behind university student satisfaction will be presented. Thirdly, the results and implications of a survey with which the authors tried to test the presupposed relationships within the boundaries of the conceptual framework will be given and discussed. The limitations of the research are also given. The results of the research show that, at least for some Turkish university students, the quality of education, instructors, textbooks and being female and informed ...

    Satisfaction des étudiants dans l'enseignement supérieur en Turquie

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    Il s’agit dans ce document de déterminer le degré et les motifs de satisfaction des étudiants à l’égard des établissements qu’ils fréquentent. Pour ce faire, on commence en premier lieu par défi nir la notion de satisfaction, deuxièmement on présente le cadre conceptuel qui tente de mettre en évidence la relation entre les déterminants de la satisfaction des étudiants. Troisièmement on présente et on analyse les résultats de l’enquête qui a servi aux auteurs à tester les relations présupposées dans les limites du cadre conceptuel. Les points faibles de ces travaux de recherche sont également précisés. Les enseignements tirés de ces travaux révèlent que, pour un groupe au moins de jeunes étudiants de l’université turque, les déterminants de la satisfaction sont la qualité de l’enseignement, la qualité des enseignants, la qualité ...