9 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Rhizobium isolates from Melilotus officinalis nodules at various stress conditions New approaches for grassland research in a context of climate and socio-economic changes Zaragoza : CIHEAM Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Médi

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    Fungicide, antibiotic, heavy metal resistance and salt tolerance of root nodule isolates from Vicia palaestina

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of fungicides, antibiotics, heavy metal and salt on growth of Rhizobium isolates which isolated from the Vicia palaestina from Sanlıurfa, Turkey. Twenty Rhizobium bacteria were isolated. Isolates were tested for their tolerance to mancozeb, carbendazim or mancozeb + carbendazim. The effect of the fungicides on the isolates of Rhizobium was variable, depending on the fungicide and isolate. All of the rhizobial isolates showed resistance to the antibiotic (μg ml-1); streptomycin sulphate (75) and to heavy metals Cu (0.5 mmol), Cd (0.065 mmol), Zn (0.125 and 0.250 mmol) and Mn (0.75 mmol). An experiment was conducted to find out the effects of varying salt concentrations ranging from 1 to 4 % NaCl. Isolates (V1, V9, V13, V14, V15, V18 and V20) were found to tolerate a relatively high salt concentration.Key words: Rhizobium, Vicia palaestina, fungicide, antibiotic, heavy metal and salinity


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    WOS: 000530720800002This phytosociological study was carried out in the steppe of Fatik Mountains in Sanliurfa, between the years 2002-2005. At the end of this study, it was underlined that the dominant vegetation type was steppe in the region and different steppe associations were determined. These were also; Festuco callieri-Teucrietum poliae ass. nova, Astragalo sfrictifolii-Salvietum sclarea ass. nova, Phlomido bruguieri-Thymbretum spicatae ass. nova, Asphodelo aestivum-Teucrietum poliae ass. nova, Cynodo dactyloni-Bromoetum danthoniae ass. nova, and Prosopo . farctae-Avenetum erianthae ass. nova. During the floristic surveys, 153 taxa belonging to 26 families and 107 genera were identified. Poaceae with 31 taxa (20.3%), Asteraceae with 24 taxa (15.7%), Fabaceae with 22 (14.4%), and Apiaceae with 13 taxa (8.5%) were the richest families


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    WOS: 000375333900017The aim of the study is to determine the changes of steppe flora at upper Mesopotamia according to seasons. Depending on the blooming phenophase of the plants picked from the research area, the seasonal conditions of the pasture flora and vegatation have been examined. Replacements of plant associations are also detatinined according to the seasons. According to the results, the spring and summer flora seemed to have the highest densities (386 and 207 taxa, respectively). There are 102 taxa in the autumn flora and only 42 taxa in the winter flora. At the results of soil analysis, salinisation has been determined in some areas. Halophytic plants and associations are expressed. the region climatic data are also discussed. the change of flora and vegetation is described according to climate. Additionally, the productivitiy of pastures and threat factors are also discussed. Excessive grazing causes to transforming of primary steppe to secondary and than semi-desert to desert vegetation


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    The aim of the study is to determine the changes of steppe flora at upper Mesopotamia according to seasons. Depending on the blooming phenophase of the plants picked from the research area, the seasonal conditions of the pasture flora and vegatation have been examined. Replacements of plant associations are also detatinined according to the seasons. According to the results, the spring and summer flora seemed to have the highest densities (386 and 207 taxa, respectively). There are 102 taxa in the autumn flora and only 42 taxa in the winter flora. At the results of soil analysis, salinisation has been determined in some areas. Halophytic plants and associations are expressed. The region climatic data are also discussed. The change of flora and vegetation is described according to climate. Additionally, the productivitiy of pastures and threat factors are also discussed. Excessive grazing causes to transforming of primary steppe to secondary and than semi-desert to desert vegetation

    Element content, botanical composition and nutritional characteristics of natural forage of Şanli{dotless}urfa, Turkey

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    This study was carried out to assess the macro and micro element contents of forage plants in natural pasture, Şanliurfa, Turkey. Bromus inermis, Aegilops biuncialis Vis., Vicia hybrida L., Vicia mollis, Vicia palaestina Boiss, Vicia cracca L. subsp. stenophylla, Vicia sativa subsp. nigra var. nigra, Trigonella mesopotamica, Trifolium purpureum var. purpureum, Trifolium repens var. repens, Trifolium tomentosum L., Trifolium campestre, Onobrychis gracilis, Onobrychis crista-galli (L.) Lan., Medicago sativa, Medicago truncatula var. truncatula, Medicago orbicularis (L.) Bart., Lathyrus cassius, Hippocrepis unisiliquosa subsp. unisiliquosa, Astragalus hamosus, Pisum sativum subsp. sativum var. arvense, Lens culinaris Medik. and Cicer echinospermum P.H. Davis (Endemic) were identified and used to determine macro and micro element analysis, crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF). Macro and micro element contents in the plants were found to be species and family dependent. The micro elements were in the ranges: B 4.1-13.4, Cu 2.3-4.8, Fe 90.9-1211, Mn 10.6-40.3, Na 140.2-553.6, Al 44.8-852.7 and Zn 8.0- 27.8 mg/kg, the macro elements having values of N (1.27-2.95 %), P (383.5-850.9 mg), K (4127-12310 mg), Ca (3059-13830 mg) and Mg (602-1728 mg), respectively