16 research outputs found

    Dalle politiche della casa alla trasformazione urbana: I programmi complessi

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    The article analyses the urban transformation. Housing policies has implied a urban transformation and they have affected the urban planning policies, by involving private bodies to satisfy the housing needs, with particular reference to the housing needs experienced by weak social categories

    Quartieri nord di Livorno: strategie e progetti per territori in continua trasformazione

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    I quartieri nord di Livorno sono da sempre stati considerati l’area più problematica della città, sia da un punto di vista sociale che urbanistico/architettonico. Per questi motivi l’Amministrazione Comunale ha concentrato la sua attenzione in queste aree, dando vita ad un progressivo processo di trasformazione attraverso l’utilizzo dei Piani Urbani Complessi. Osservando quest’area si potrà notare la presenza di elementi di ricchezza: l’obiettivo di questa tesi si è concretizzato nel tentativo di valorizzare e riqualificare il tessuto urbano a partire dai suoi punti di forza, che saranno così in grado di incidere positivamente sul suo processo di trasformazione

    Analisi energetica ed economica sull'utilzzo di biomasse legnose per il riscaldamento di edifici residenziali

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    Analisi tramite software Ecodomus, di sei casi di studio effettuati su una porzione di bifamiliare ad impianto autonomo e cìsituata prima in zona climatica E e poi, per ipotesi, in zona climatica F. Rielaborando i dati forniti dal software si è prestato particolare attenzione all'impatto ambientale che l'utilizzo di alcune biomasse Legnose utilizzate nel settore residenziale comporta; e successivamente si è effettuata l'analisi economica delle varie soluzion

    Tecnologia dell'architettura: creativitĂ  e innovazione nella ricerca

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    The book inaugurates a series of publications created to enhance the activity conducted in the Research Doctorates of Technology of Architecture and it does so by presenting the results of the first seminar of the Italian DdR. The didactic and scientific value of this innovative experience is testified by the interventions and by the working themes addressed which outline the research scenario and the proposals for the future. For this reason, the volume and the series have a didactic function at several levels (orienting those who approach the subject on the contents that the sector deals with in Italy) and as a tool for professional training aimed at achieving the highest quality levels

    Le politiche per lo sviluppo Locale della Regione Piemonte (1994 - 2006)

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    Analisi delle politiche- Indice #7- Executive Summary/Sintesi della ricerca #11- Introduzione. Il contesto e gli obiettivi della ricerca #15- Parte prima. Politiche di sviluppo locale e progettazione integrata a livello regionale #21- Programmi integrati: dalla riqualificazione urbana allo sviluppo locale #23- Progetti Integrati di Sviluppo Turistico d'Area e Progetti Integrati di Sviluppo Turistico #42- Programmi di Iniziativa Comunitaria Leader #58- Patti territoriali #91- Progetti Integrati d'area #106- Programmi Integrati di Sviluppo Locale (PISL) #124- Programmi Territoriali Integrati (PTI) #147- Uno sguardo d'insieme #171- Parte Seconda. L'approfondimento empirico #181- Il caso del Pinerolese #183- Il caso del Verbano #204- Parte Terza. Conclusioni e suggerimenti per le politiche pubbliche #229- Riferimenti bibliografici #23

    EffettualitĂ  in un nuovo mercato. Trasformazioni urbane, fondi immobiliari e nuove culture di progetto.

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    La tesi individua come tema generale di ricerca le trasformazioni urbane innescate attraverso l’ausilio di strumenti di finanza immobiliare e più specificamente tramite i fondi d’investimento ad apporto. Questo interesse nasce dalla volontà, già nelle fasi embrionali della ricerca, di identificare un ambito d’indagine nel quale il progetto potesse essere potenzialmente decisivo nel ciclo economico post-crisi. La recessione conseguente allo scoppio della bolla immobiliare negli Stati Uniti a partire dal 2007, la cosiddetta “Great recession” , ha avuto proporzioni tali da rappresentare un vero e proprio spartiacque degli ultimi decenni. Identificando quindi tale cesura storica, la ricerca muove dall’analisi della condizione urbana italiana nel periodo che la precede analizzando condizioni economiche e politiche di sviluppo urbano, e si interroga successivamente su quali possano essere le dinamiche determinanti all’indomani di questa. Come vedremo, la tesi sostiene che gli strumenti di finanza immobiliare applicati ai processi di valorizzazione del patrimonio pubblico contengono nella loro struttura potenzialità tali da candidarli, nonostante i puntuali insuccessi, ad una forte affermazione nel prossimo ciclo economico. Da un punto di vista disciplinare, la ricerca si pone l’obiettivo di determinare quale possa essere il ruolo del progetto all’interno di queste dinamiche finanziarie. Ulteriormente, avendo rilevato in molti casi l’inefficienza delle tattiche di costruzione della legittimità progettuale, ci si interroga su quale possa essere un modo per reinterpretare il progetto, creando un nuovo modello operante che determini una maggiore capacità di produrre effetti da parte del progetto nel ciclo economico post-crisi

    Housing Estates in Europe

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    This open access book explores the formation and socio-spatial trajectories of large housing estates in Europe. Are these estates clustered or scattered? Which social groups originally had access to residential space in housing estates? What is the size, scale and geography of housing estates, their architectural and built environment composition, services and neighbourhood amenities, and metropolitan connectivity? How do housing estates contribute to the urban mosaic of neighborhoods by ethnic and socio-economic status? What types of policies and planning initiatives have been implemented in order to prevent the social downgrading of housing estates? The collection of chapters in this book addresses these questions from a new perspective previously unexplored in scholarly literature. The social aspects of housing estates are thoroughly investigated (including socio-demographic and economic characteristics of current and past inhabitants; ethnicity and segregation patterns; population dynamics; etc.), and the physical composition of housing estates is described in significant detail (including building materials; building form; architectural and landscape design; built environment characteristics; etc.). This book is timely because the recent global economic crisis and Europe’s immigration crisis demand a thorough investigation of the role large housing estates play in poverty and ethnic concentration. Through case studies of housing estates in 14 European centers, the book also identifies policy measures that have been used to address challenges in housing estates throughout Europe

    I Fondi di investimento immobiliare nell'Housing Sociale: strumento poco efficace in un rapporto pubblico/privato ancora problematico

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    The aim of the research is to verify the effectiveness and assess the social benefits of the social housing property funds. This are recent instruments of public-private partnership in Italy. Trough this tool the central and local housing policies are intended to respond to the emergence of the lack of affordable housing, opening up to the market. It was established, in this sector, in the transition between the traditional Edilizia Residenziale Pubblica (ERP, Public Residential Housing) to the Edilizia Residenziale Sociale (ERS, Affordable Residential Housing), better known as Social Housing. In the Piano Nazionale di Edilia Abitativa (PNEA, National Plan for Residential Housing) launched in 2008 (Law no. 133/08, Art. 11) was introduced the Sistema Integrato dei Fondi Immobiliari (SIF, Integrated System Property Fund) created by the cooperation of the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and Banking Foundations. It is divided into a national "fund of funds" (National Property Fund) and further streams of funding established at the local level. It aims to increase the offer of affordable housing capital maintaining a margin of profitability for the private investors involved, but taking a strong ethical stance. The national fund constitutes a form of investment and not a subsidy for social housing. Also for this reason, the hypothesis of the research is that the effectiveness of the property funds is not demonstrated as regards to the ERS objectives. As well as those of the traditional forms of spatial planning such as Piani di Zona (Law no. 167/62) concerning affordable housing and more recently urban redevelopment programs. The instrument is considered in the broader framework of public-private relationships, both in the process of spatial and urban planning and in the reconfiguration of welfare policies. The satisfaction of the general interest is assumed as the ultimate criterion of validity and critical framework of the work. It analyses the transition in the Italian planning system from a top-down prescriptive framework to a model based on agreement; in particular, the recent evolution of Italian affordable housing system. At the same time are critically analyzed both the technical, economic and social aspects of social housing, and the interim results of the PNEA. The difficult implementation of the property fund is caused by the current economic and financial global crisis, and its complex mechanism. The study takes into account the implications of an instrument technically and politically announced to pursue objectives of general interest in the social housing policy, but also oriented to support the construction industry and the actors deeply involved in the financialization of the real estate market. Therefore the study analyzes the role of the actors involved and the endogenous and exogenous variables that affect the projects implementation at the local level by means of Fondi Immobiliari. The case studies chosen (Fondo Federale Immobiliare Lombardia e Fondo Parma Social House ) were the only ones recently completed through the implementation of property funds. They address economic and financial issues, social utility and process and planning instrument within the ERS. The case studies underline the effects of this approach in connection with their economic feasibility, their technical aspects of spatial planning and the implications they have on this particular sector of real estate market. Then the study concludes that the new tools are poorly effective in responding to the current housing emergency of Italy and that the initial expectations connected with the SIF have been largely unmet. Such conclusions are also confirmed by benchmarking the property fund against similar foreign experiences of affordable housing creation within the market model (i.e. Dutch Housing Associations and the U.S. Trust Funds). All this leads to confirm the permanence, in Italy, of still problematic aspects in the process of urban transformation based on public-private partnerships with the intent to provide affordable housing. Therefore, bearing in mind the general interest and the profitability of private investment, the study proposes some solutions to enhance the capability of the ERS and of the Integrated System Property Fund. It discusses some mechanism that could better ensure the fulfillment of the affordable housing service, generating that greater social utility that justifies the activation of public resources and the locally based public-private partnership