12 research outputs found

    Control of anxiety through music in a head and neckoutpatient clinic: a randomized clinical trial

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    OBJETIVO Avaliar a efetividade de uma intervenção musical na redução de ansiedade e parâmetros vitais em pessoas acometidas por câncer de cabeça e pescoço. MÉTODO Ensaio clínico controlado, randomizado, realizado em ambulatório de cabeça e pescoço com 40 participantes, subdivididos em dois grupos (intervenção e controle). Foi utilizada como intervenção a música clássica “Suave primavera” das quatro estações de Vivaldi. Como instrumento de coleta de dados foi empregado o Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado (IDATE) e um inventário de dados sociodemográficos e clínicos. O teste t de Student foi utilizado para verificar a significância estatística intragrupo e intergrupos. RESULTADOS Os participantes apresentaram redução estatisticamente significante nos níveis de ansiedade percebida (t= 12,68; pOBJETIVO Evaluar la eficacia de una intervención musical en la reducción de la ansiedad y los parámetros vitales en personas que sufren de cáncer de cabeza y cuello. MÉTODO Ensayo clínico controlado, aleatorizado, realizado en un ambulatorio de cabeza y cuello con 40 participantes, divididos en dos grupos (intervención y control). Fue utilizado como intervención la música clásica "Suave Primavera" de Las Cuatro Estaciones de Vivaldi. Como instrumento de recolección de datos se utilizó el Inventario de Ansiedad Estado-Rasgo (STAI) y un inventario de datos socio-demográficos y clínicos. Se utilizó la prueba t de Student para evaluar la significación estadística intra-grupo y entre grupos. RESULTADOS Los participantes mostraron una reducción estadísticamente significativa en niveles percibidos de ansiedad (t = 12,68; pOBJECTIVE Evaluating the effectiveness of a musical intervention in reducing anxiety and vital parameters in people suffering from head and neck cancer. METHOD A randomized controlled clinical trial, performed in a head and neck outpatient clinic with 40 participants, subdivided into two groups (intervention and control).The classicalmusic“Spring” from The Four Seasons by Vivaldi was used as an intervention.The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) was used as the data collectioninstrument,along with an inventory of socio-demographic and clinical data. Student'st-test was used to verify intragroup and intergroup statistical significance. RESULTS Participants presented a statistically significant reduction in levels of perceived anxiety (t= 12.68;

    Path of infectious diseases in Brazil in the last 50 years: an ongoing challenge

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    ABSTRACT In this article, we comment on the main features of infectious diseases in Brazil in the last 50 years, highlighting how much of this path Revista de Saúde Pública could portray. From 1967 to 2016, 1,335 articles focusing on infectious diseases were published in Revista de Saúde Pública. Although the proportion of articles on the topic have decreased from about 50.0% to 15.0%, its notability remained and reflected the growing complexity of the research required for its control. It is noteworthy that studies design and analysis strategies progressively became more sophisticated, following the great development of epidemiology in Brazil in the recent decades. Thus, the journal has followed the success of public health interventions that permitted to control or eliminate numerous infectious diseases – which were responsible, in the past, for high rates of morbidity and mortality –, and also followed the reemergence of diseases already controlled and the emergence of until then unknown diseases, with a strong impact on the Brazilian population, establishing a little predictable and very challenging path

    Chemical Composition and Biological Activity of Extracts Obtained by Supercritical Extraction and Ethanolic Extraction of Brown, Green and Red Propolis Derived from Different Geographic Regions in Brazil

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    37th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (part 2 of 3)

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