32 research outputs found

    Dealing with Food and Eggs in Mouthbrooding Cichlids: Structural and Functional Trade-Offs in Fitness Related Traits

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    As in any vertebrate, heads of fishes are densely packed with functions. These functions often impose conflicting mechanical demands resulting in trade-offs in the species-specific phenotype. When phenotypical traits are linked to gender-specific parental behavior, we expect sexual differences in these trade-offs. This study aims to use mouthbrooding cichlids as an example to test hypotheses on evolutionary trade-offs between intricately linked traits that affect different aspects of fitness. We focused on the oral apparatus, which is not only equipped with features used to feed and breathe, but is also used for the incubation of eggs. We used this approach to study mouthbrooding as part of an integrated functional system with diverging performance requirements and to explore gender-specific selective environments within a species.Because cichlids are morphologically very diverse, we hypothesize that the implications of the added constraint of mouthbrooding will primarily depend on the dominant mode of feeding of the studied species. To test this, we compared the trade-off for two maternal mouthbrooding cichlid species: a "suction feeder" (Haplochromis piceatus) and a "biter" (H. fischeri). The comparison of morphology and performance of both species revealed clear interspecific and intersex differences. Our observation that females have larger heads was interpreted as a possible consequence of the fact that in both the studied species mouthbrooding is done by females only. As hypothesized, the observed sexual dimorphism in head shape is inferred as being suboptimal for some aspects of the feeding performance in each of the studied species. Our comparison also demonstrated that the suction feeding species had smaller egg clutches and more elongated eggs.Our findings support the hypothesis that there is a trade-off between mouthbrooding and feeding performance in the two studied haplochromine cichlids, stressing the importance of including species-specific information at the gender level when addressing interspecific functional/morphological differences

    Effects of interspecific gene flow on the phenotypic variance–covariance matrix in Lake Victoria Cichlids

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    Quantitative genetics theory predicts adaptive evolution to be constrained along evolutionary lines of least resistance. In theory, hybridization and subsequent interspecific gene flow may, however, rapidly change the evolutionary constraints of a population and eventually change its evolutionary potential, but empirical evidence is still scarce. Using closely related species pairs of Lake Victoria cichlids sampled from four different islands with different levels of interspecific gene flow, we tested for potential effects of introgressive hybridization on phenotypic evolution in wild populations. We found that these effects differed among our study species. Constraints measured as the eccentricity of phenotypic variance–covariance matrices declined significantly with increasing gene flow in the less abundant species for matrices that have a diverged line of least resistance. In contrast, we find no such decline for the more abundant species. Overall our results suggest that hybridization can change the underlying phenotypic variance–covariance matrix, potentially increasing the adaptive potential of such populations

    Sexual dimorphism in the buccal cavity of paternal mouthbrooding cardinalfishes (Pisces: Apogonidae)

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    The mechanical basis of mouthbrooding in the coral reef cardinalfish (family Apogonidae) has yet to be established. Sexual dimorphism in the anatomy of the oral jaws and buccal cavity of seven species of paternal mouthbrooding apogonids was therefore investigated. A novel silicon injecting technique was used to quantify between sexes differences in size and shape of the buccal cavity. Osteological and morphological measurements were also examined to identify the structural features associated with variation in buccal volumes. Males buccal volumes were proportionally larger by 20–42% in five of the seven species (P<0.01), a change that was largely a result of an increase in the depth of buccal cavity. Absence of distinct osteological differences between sexes suggests that changes in the soft anatomy are primarily responsible for the increased buccal volume in males. The average increase of 31% in buccal volume of males appears to reflect their role in mouthbrooding. This is the first study to demonstrate sexual dimorphism of the buccal cavity of multiple mouthbrooding species