18 research outputs found
Presentism and the Experience of Time
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The spatial structure of lithic landscapes : the late holocene record of east-central Argentina as a case study
- Author
- A Austral
- A Austral
- A Austral
- A Austral
- A Bevan
- A Bevan
- A Massigoge
- A Massigoge
- AB Matarrese
- AE Close
- AG Journel
- AR Rogers
- B Luedtke
- B Skow
- BJ Clark
- BL Pitblado
- BL Stark
- BP Kooyman
- BS Blades
- C Barton
- C Barton
- C Bayón
- C Bayón
- C Bayón
- C Bayón
- C Beck
- C Ferring
- C Renfrew
- C Renfrew
- C Renfrew
- CD Lloyd
- Contaminated Sites Statistical Applications Guidance
- D Dincauze
- D Ebert
- D Hu
- D Loponte
- D Mazzanti
- D Ortega
- D Stoyan
- D Thomas
- DB Bamforth
- DB Bamforth
- DB Bamforth
- DS Amick
- E Eugenio
- E Linares
- E Pardo-Iguzquiza
- E Sober
- E Soja
- EA Crivelli Montero
- EB Banning
- EBW Zubrow
- English Heritage
- F Ameghino
- F Fidalgo
- F Fidalgo
- F French
- F Oliva
- F Oliva
- F Oliva
- F Outes
- Fernando Oliva
- FJ Findlow
- G Armentano
- G Gibbon
- G Martínez
- G Martínez
- G Nerlich
- G Politis
- G Politis
- GH Odell
- GN Bailey
- Gustavo Barrientos
- H Delcourt
- H Driesch
- HI Weisberg
- HJ Harrington
- HJ Miller
- I Hodder
- I Hodder
- I Rouse
- J Charlin
- J Chatters
- J Conolly
- J Frenguelli
- J Féblot-Augustins
- J Féblot-Augustins
- J Féblot-Augustins
- J Heaton
- J Kostadinoff
- J Moirano
- JB Belardi
- JB Belardi
- JE Ericson
- JE Ericson
- JH Von Thünen
- JI Ebert
- JI Ebert
- JL Chartkoff
- K Ataman
- K Biró
- K Biró
- K Johnston
- K Webb
- KE Graf
- L Atici
- L Bertalanffy von
- L Binford
- L Catella
- L Catella
- L Dalla Salda
- L Prates
- L Prates
- L Wandsnider
- L Wandsnider
- L Wandsnider
- L Wilson
- L Wilson
- L Wilson
- L Wilson
- L Witte
- LA Borrero
- LR Binford
- LR Binford
- LR Binford
- LR Binford
- LR Binford
- LS Premo
- Luciana Catella
- M Aston
- M Azpurua
- M Berón
- M Berón
- M Bonomo
- M Bonomo
- M Bórmida
- M Carrera Aizpitarte
- M Colombo
- M Grove
- M Madella
- M Saghessi
- M Strevens
- M Villatoro
- M Zvelebil
- MB Collins
- MC Nelson
- MD McCoy
- ME Gavilán
- MG Fulford
- MI González de Bonaveri
- MP Barros
- MP Barros
- MQ Patton
- MS Aldenderfer
- N Flegenheimer
- N Flegenheimer
- N Flegenheimer
- N Mazzia
- N Pal
- N Salmon
- NV Franco
- O Burger
- O Martínez
- P Dixon
- P Haggett
- P Lozano
- P Madrid
- P Madrid
- P Madrid
- P Reid
- P Shelford
- P Teltser
- P Turchin
- P Turchin
- P Verhagen
- PA Burrough
- PA Burrough
- PG Messineo
- PJ Brantingham
- PJ Brantingham
- PJ Brantingham
- R Bhaskar
- R Foley
- R Jeske
- R Robins
- R Torrence
- R Torrence
- RA Gould
- RC Dunnell
- RG Elston
- RL Bishop
- RL Kelly
- RL Kelly
- RL Kelly
- RR Andreis
- S Holdaway
- S Khun
- S Kuhn
- S Kuhn
- T Darvill
- T Doelman
- V Aldazabal
- W Andrefsky Jr
- W Roebroeks
- WR Tobler
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/2014
- Field of study
Fil: Barrientos, Gustavo. División Antropología. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Catella, Luciana. División Arqueología. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Oliva, Fernando. Centro Estudios Arqueológicos Regionales. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Argentin
Search for doubly charged Higgs boson pair production in the decay to mu(+)mu(+)mu(-)mu(-) in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
- Author
- Abazov VM
- Abbott B
- Abolins M
- Acharya BS
- Adams DL
- Adams M
- Adams T
- Agelou M
- Agram JL
- Ahmed SN
- Ahn SH
- Alexeev GD
- Alkhazov G
- Alton A
- Alverson G
- Alves GA
- Anderson S
- Andrieu B
- Anh TV
- Arnoud Y
- Askew A
- Asman B
- Autermann C
- Avila C
- Babukhadia L
- Bacon TC
- Baden A
- Baffioni S
- Baldin B
- Balm PW
- Banerjee S
- Barberis E
- Bargassa P
- Baringer P
- Barnes C
- Barreto J
- Bartlett JF
- Bassler U
- Bauer D
- Bean A
- Beauceron S
- Beaudette F
- Begel M
- Beri SB
- Bernardi G
- Bertram I
- Besancon M
- Besson A
- Beuselinck R
- Bezzubov VA
- Bhat PC
- Bhatnagar V
- Bhattacharjee M
- Binder M
- Bischoff A
- Black KM
- Blackler I
- Blazey G
- Blekman F
- Bloch D
- Blumenschein U
- Boehnlein A
- Bolton TA
- Bonamy P
- Borcherding F
- Borissov G
- Bos K
- Bose T
- Boswell C
- Brandt A
- Briskin G
- Brock R
- Brooijmans G
- Bross A
- Buchholz D
- Buehler M
- Buescher V
- Burdin S
- Burnett TH
- Busato E
- Butler JM
- Bystricky J
- Canelli F
- Carvalho W
- Casey BCK
- Casey D
- Cason NM
- Castilla-Valdez H
- Chakrabarti S
- Chakraborty D
- Chan KM
- Chandra A
- Chapin D
- Charles F
- Cheu E
- Chevalier L
- Cho DK
- Choi S
- Chopra S
- Christiansen T
- Christofek L
- Claes D
- Clark AR
- Clement C
- Coadou Y
- Colling DJ
- Coney L
- Connolly B
- Cooper WE
- Coppage D
- Corcoran M
- Coss J
- Cothenet A
- Cousinou MC
- Crepe-Renaudin S
- Cristetiu M
- Cummings MAC
- Cutts D
- D0 Collaboration .
- da Motta H
- da Silva WLP
- Davies B
- Davies G
- Davis GA
- de Jong P
- de Jong SJ
- De la Cruz-Burelo E
- De K
- Dean S
- Del Signore K
- Deliot F
- Delsart PA
- Demarteau M
- Demina R
- Demine P
- Denisov D
- Denisov SP
- Desai S
- Diehl HT
- Diesburg M
- Doidge M
- Dong H
- Doulas S
- Duflot L
- Dugad SR
- Duperrin A
- Dyer J
- Dyshkant A
- Eads M
- Edmunds D
- Edwards T
- Ellison J
- Elmsheuser J
- Eltzroth JT
- Elvira VD
- Eno S
- Ermolov P
- Eroshin OV
- Estrada J
- Evans D
- Evans H
- Evdokimov A
- Evdokimov VN
- Fast J
- Fatakia SN
- Fein D
- Feligioni L
- Ferbel T
- Fiedler F
- Filthaut F
- Fisk HE
- Fleuret F
- Fortner M
- Fox H
- Freeman W
- Fu S
- Fuess S
- Galea CF
- Gallas E
- Galyaev E
- Gao M
- Garcia C
- Garcia-Bellido A
- Gardner J
- Garzon GJOY
- Gavrilov V
- Gele D
- Gelhaus R
- Genser K
- Gerber CE
- Gershtein Y
- Geurkov G
- Ginther G
- Goldmann K
- Golling T
- Gomez B
- Gounder K
- Goussiou A
- Graham G
- Grannis PD
- Greder S
- Green JA
- Greenlee H
- Greenwood ZD
- Gregores EM
- Grinstein S
- Grivaz JF
- Groer L
- Grunendahl S
- Grunewald MW
- Gu W
- Gurzhiev SN
- Gutierrez G
- Gutierrez P
- Haas A
- Hadley NJ
- Haggerty H
- Hagopian S
- Hall I
- Hall RE
- Han C
- Han L
- Hanagaki K
- Hanlet P
- Harder K
- Hauptman JM
- Hauser R
- Hays C
- Hays J
- Hebert C
- Hedin D
- Heinmiller JM
- Heinson AP
- Heintz U
- Hensel C
- Hesketh G
- Hildreth MD
- Hirosky R
- Hobbs JD
- Hoeneisen B
- Hohlfeld M
- Hong SJ
- Hooper R
- Hou S
- Hu Y
- Huang J
- Huang Y
- Iashvili I
- Illingworth R
- Ito AS
- Jabeen S
- Jaffre M
- Jain S
- Jain V
- Jakobs K
- Jenkins A
- Jesik R
- Jiang Y
- Johns K
- Johnson M
- Johnson P
- Jonckheere A
- Jonsson P
- Jostlein H
- Juste A
- Kado MM
- Kafer D
- Kahl W
- Kahn S
- Kajfasz E
- Kalinin AM
- Kalk J
- Karmanov D
- Kasper J
- Kau D
- Ke Z
- Kehoe R
- Kermiche S
- Kesisoglou S
- Khanov A
- Kharchilava A
- Kharzheev YM
- Kim KH
- Klima B
- Klute M
- Kohli JM
- Kopal M
- Korablev V
- Kotcher J
- Kothari B
- Kotwal AV
- Koubarovsky A
- Kouchner A
- Kouznetsov O
- Kozelov AV
- Kozminski J
- Krane J
- Krishnaswamy MR
- Krzywdzinski S
- Kubantsev M
- Kuleshov S
- Kulik Y
- Kunori S
- Kupco A
- Kurca T
- Kuznetsov VE
- Lager S
- Lahrichi N
- Landsberg G
- Lazoflores J
- Le Bihan AC
- Lebrun P
- Lee SW
- Lee WM
- Leflat A
- Leggett C
- Lehner F
- Leonidopoulos C
- Lewis P
- Li J
- Li QZ
- Li X
- Lima JGR
- Lincoln D
- Linn SL
- Linnemann J
- Lipton R
- Lobo L
- Lobodenko A
- Lokajicek M
- Lounis A
- Lu J
- Lubatti HJ
- Lucotte A
- Lueking L
- Luo C
- Lynker M
- Lyon AL
- Maciel AKA
- Madaras RJ
- Magnan AM
- Maity M
- Mal PK
- Malik S
- Malyshev VL
- Manankov V
- Mao HS
- Maravin Y
- Marshall T
- Martens M
- Martin MI
- Martins CD
- Mattingly SEK
- Mayorov AA
- McCarthy R
- McCroskey R
- McMahon T
- Meder D
- Melanson HL
- Melnitchouk A
- Meng X
- Merkin M
- Merritt KW
- Meyer A
- Miao C
- Miettinen H
- Mihalcea D
- Mishra CS
- Mitrevski J
- Mokhov N
- Molina J
- Mondal NK
- Montgomery HE
- Moore RW
- Mostafa M
- Muanza GS
- Mulders M
- Mutaf YD
- Nagy E
- Nang F
- Narain M
- Narasimham VS
- Naumann NA
- Neal HA
- Negret JP
- Nelson S
- Neustroev P
- Noeding C
- Nomerotski A
- Novaes SF
- Nunnemann T
- Nurse E
- O'Dell V
- O'Neil DC
- Oguri V
- Oliveira N
- Olivier B
- Oshima N
- Padley P
- Papageorgiou K
- Parashar N
- Park J
- Park SK
- Parsons J
- Partridge R
- Parua N
- Patwa A
- Perea PM
- Perez E
- Peters O
- Petroff P
- Petteni M
- Phaf L
- Piegaia R
- Podesta-Lerma PLM
- Podstavkov VM
- Pope BG
- Popkov E
- Prosper HB
- Protopopescu S
- Przybycien MB
- Qian J
- Quadt A
- Quinn B
- Rani KJ
- Rapidis PA
- Ratoff PN
- Reay NW
- Renardy JF
- Reucroft S
- Rha J
- Ridel M
- Rijssenbeek M
- Ripp-Baudot I
- Rizatdinova F
- Royon C
- Rubinov P
- Ruchti R
- Sabirov BM
- Sajot G
- Sanchez-Hernandez A
- Sanders MP
- Santoro A
- Savage G
- Sawyer L
- Scanlon T
- Schamberger RD
- Schellman H
- Schieferdecker P
- Schmitt C
- Schukin A
- Schwartzman A
- Schwienhorst R
- Sengupta S
- Shabalina E
- Shary V
- Shephard WD
- Shpakov D
- Sidwell RA
- Simak V
- Sirotenko V
- Skow D
- Slattery P
- Smith RP
- Smolek K
- Snow GR
- Snow J
- Snyder S
- Soldner-Rembold S
- Song X
- Song Y
- Sonnenschein L
- Sopczak A
- Sorin V
- Sosebee M
- Soustruznik K
- Souza M
- Stanton NR
- Stark J
- Steele J
- Steinbruck G
- Stevenson K
- Stolin V
- Stone A
- Stoyanova DA
- Strandberg J
- Strang MA
- Strauss M
- Strohmer R
- Strovink M
- Stutte L
- Sznajder A
- Talby M
- Tamburello P
- Taylor W
- Telford P
- Temple J
- Tentindo-Repond S
- Thomas E
- Thooris B
- Tomoto M
- Toole T
- Torborg J
- Towers S
- Trefzger T
- Trincaz-Duvoid S
- Trippe TG
- Tuchming B
- Turcot AS
- Tuts PM
- Uvarov L
- Uvarov S
- Uzunyan S
- Vachon B
- Van Kooten R
- van Leeuwen WM
- Varelas N
- Varnes EW
- Vasilyev I
- Verdier P
- Vertogradov LS
- Verzocchi M
- Villeneuve-Seguier F
- Vlimant JR
- Von Toerne E
- Vreeswijk M
- Wahl HD
- Walker R
- Wallace N
- Wang ZM
- Warchol J
- Warsinsky M
- Watts G
- Wayne M
- Weber M
- Weerts H
- Wegner M
- White A
- White V
- Whiteson D
- Wicke D
- Wijngaarden DA
- Wilson GW
- Wimpenny SJ
- Wittlin J
- Wlodek T
- Wobisch M
- Womersley J
- Wood DR
- Wu Z
- Wyatt TR
- Xu Q
- Xuan N
- Yamada R
- Yasuda T
- Yatsunenko YA
- Yen Y
- Yip K
- Youn SW
- Yu J
- Yurkewicz A
- Zabi A
- Zatserklyaniy A
- Zdrazil M
- Zeitnitz C
- Zhang B
- Zhang D
- Zhang X
- Zhao T
- Zhao Z
- Zheng H
- Zhou B
- Zhou Z
- Zhu J
- Zielinski M
- Zieminska D
- Zieminski A
- Zitoun R
- Zutshi V
- Zverev EG
- Zylberstejn A
- Publication venue
- 'American Physical Society (APS)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2004
- Field of study
A search for pair production of doubly charged Higgs bosons in the process p (p) over bar -->H++H---->mu(+)mu(+)mu(-)mu(-) is performed with the D0 run II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. The analysis is based on a sample of inclusive dimuon data collected at an energy of roots=1.96 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 113 pb(-1). In the absence of a signal, 95% confidence level mass limits of M(H-L(+/-+/-))>118.4 GeV/c(2) and M(H-R(+/-+/-))>98.2 GeV/c(2) are set for left-handed and right-handed doubly charged Higgs bosons, respectively, assuming 100% branching into muon pairs
Hazardous Conditions Persist
- Author
- B Skow
- B Skow
- C Bourne
- CD Broad
- D Braddon-Mitchell
- D Braddon-Mitchell
- D Deasy
- D Kaplan
- D Pritchard
- D Zimmerman
- DH Mellor
- E Sosa
- F Correia
- G Forbes
- G Nerlich
- J Barbour
- J Russell
- J Tallant
- J Tallant
- JME McTaggart
- K Miller
- K Perović
- M Tooley
- N Markosian
- P Forrest
- R Briggs
- R Cameron
- T Button
- T Button
- T Crisp
- T Merricks
- T Sider
- T Sider
- T Williamson
- T Williamson
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Personality variation in two predator species does not impact prey species survival or plant damage in staged mesocosms
- Author
- A Sih
- A Sih
- A Sih
- AJ Carter
- AJ Carter
- AM Bell
- BA Menge
- BD Griffen
- BJ Toscano
- C Brown
- CD Hoefler
- CD Hoefler
- CD Hoefler
- CD Skow
- CN Keiser
- DL Finke
- DL Finke
- F Enders
- Henry K. Rice
- J Byrnes
- J Hawley
- J Schmidt
- JA Rosenheim
- James L. L. Lichtenstein
- JC Johnson
- JL Maupin
- JN Pruitt
- JN Pruitt
- JN Pruitt
- JN Pruitt
- Jonathan N. Pruitt
- JT Hlivko
- K Sweeney
- KD Rothley
- KE McGhee
- L Grinsted
- LA Taylor
- M Webster
- M Wolf
- MA Hixon
- MD Moran
- MH Persons
- N DiRienzo
- N DiRienzo
- NJ Dingemanse
- NJ Dingemanse
- OJ Schmitz
- OJ Schmitz
- OJ Schmitz
- P Hammerstein
- PT Niemelä
- R Giverns
- R Jackson
- R Royauté
- SD Gosling
- SE Riechert
- SJ Simpson
- SR Carpenter
- SY Strauss
- WE Snyder
- É Lucas
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Endurance, Dualism, Temporal Passage, and Intuitions
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Lewis, Change and Temporary Intrinsics
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
An Explanatory Virtue for Endurantist Presentism
- Author
- A Bird
- B Dainton
- B Skow
- B Vetter
- BA Brody
- CD Broad
- D Wiggins
- DH Mellor
- DH Mellor
- DK Lewis
- DM Armstrong
- EJ Lowe
- EJ Lowe
- EJ Lowe
- GN Schlesinger
- GN Schlesinger
- HS Hestevold
- J Bigelow
- J Bigelow
- J Carroll
- J Heil
- J Heil
- J Parsons
- JC Tallant
- JC Tallant
- K Bennett
- K Fine
- K Hawley
- M Tooley
- N McKinnon
- P Mackie
- R Harré
- R Wasserman
- RD Poidevin Le
- RD Poidevin Le
- RE Pezet
- RM Gale
- Robert E. Pezet
- RP Cameron
- S French
- S Keller
- S McCall
- S Mumford
- T Button
- T Button
- T Merricks
- T Merricks
- T Sider
- T Williamson
- WL Craig
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Place avoidance learning and memory in a jumping spider
- Author
- A Cabanac
- AJ Riopelle
- B Gerber
- B Magee
- BH Cohen
- C Margulies
- C Maximino
- CD Beck
- CD Skow
- CJ Perry
- CL Cunningham
- CM Locurto
- CR Gallistel
- DB Dusenbery
- DB Zurek
- E Bernays
- EL Serra
- EM Jakob
- EM Jakob
- F Punzo
- F Punzo
- GB Edwards
- H Huynh
- J Garcia
- J Liedtke
- JM Cimadevilla
- JV Bednarski
- K Neuser
- KL Hollis
- KR Martens
- L Pompilio
- L Renwrantz
- LA Bizo
- LDC Gomes
- LR Listerman
- LU Sneddon
- LU Sneddon
- M Bartos
- M Bateson
- M Mendl
- M Tarsitano
- M Voet van der
- ME Seligman
- MF Land
- MF Land
- Michael A Sutton
- NE Raine
- NRT Toda
- P Bateson
- P Ravassard
- PA Manzanares
- PD Balsam
- Phillip W. Taylor
- R Dantzer
- R Dukas
- R Menzel
- R Menzel
- R Menzel
- RC Bolles
- RF Foelix
- RH McGinley
- RJ Crook
- RJ Fan
- RL Rodríguez
- RR Jackson
- RR Jackson
- RW Elwood
- SC Stout
- SM Long
- SN Fry
- T Nakamura
- T Peckmezian
- T Tully
- Tina Peckmezian
- Y Dolev
- Y Hénaut
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Is our naïve theory of time dynamical?
- Author
- A Bardon
- A Elga
- A Prior
- A Prior
- A Prior
- B Dainton
- B Monton
- B Skow
- BL Whorf
- C Bourne
- C Callender
- C Callender
- C Hoerl
- C Sinha
- CD Broad
- CD Broad
- D Braddon-Mitchell
- D Casasanto
- D Zimmerman
- DH Mellor
- E Machery
- E Tegtmeier
- G Forbes
- G Lee
- G Schlesinger
- G Schlesinger
- G Torrengo
- H Mellor
- H Mellor
- H Price
- H Price
- H Price
- H Seyedsayamdost
- J Barbour
- J Barbour
- J Barbour
- J Livengood
- J Nagel
- J Tallant
- JD Norton
- JM Weinberg
- JY Chen
- K Miller
- K Miller
- L Boroditsky
- L Boroditsky
- LA Paul
- M Kim
- M Shanahan
- M Sullivan
- M Tooley
- N Deng
- N Deng
- N Markosian
- O Fuhrman
- O Fuhrman
- Q Smith
- R Le Poidevin
- R Núñez
- RM Gale
- RP Cameron
- S Baron
- S Baron
- S Baron
- S Baron
- S Prosser
- S Prosser
- S Prosser
- S Prosser
- S Stich
- T Crisp
- T Maudlin
- V Evans
- W Buckwalter
- WL Craig
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study