111 research outputs found

    Ambizioni e strumentalizzazioni culturali come risposta alla crisi. Discorsi e metamorfosi urbane a Cagliari

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    Ambitions and cultural exploitations in response to the crisis. Discourses and urban metamorphosis in Cagliari. – This contribution reflects on how the cultural dimension is embedded in the "narrative" on the city (Cagliari) as a pos-sible answer to the problems of the current economic and social crisis. Our hypothesis is that the use of "miraculous" values of culture is the 'Trojan Horse' to legitimize neoliberal policies and actions on the city, where almost get confused public interventions of actual value but also speculative interests of private individuals. This hypothesis is argued by analyzing the speeches and achievements of some projects based on ex-plicit cultural and symbolic values, ambitions and/or exploitations. These also involve the ambition of a projection of the city on the international scene: from "Cagliari capital of the Mediterranean" to "Cagliari Europe-an Capital of Culture

    Sguardi cosmopoliti sulla cittĂ  = Cosmopolitan gazes on the city

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    L'approccio al cosmopolitismo proposto dal geografo Robert Escallier (2003) permette di mettere un po' d'ordine nella lettura dei microcosmi cosmopoliti del Mediterraneo sulla lunga durata e di procedere ad una decostruzione contestualizzata e critica dei mondi urbani. Ci aiuta a chiarire schematicamente evoluzioni, prassi, forme, contesti e situazioni a carattere urbano cosmopolita che hanno avuto luogo, sono scomparse o (ri)emerse intorno al Mediterraneo. Escallier individua tre età del cosmopolitismo che a loro volta possono dare vita a una varietà progressiva di ordini urbani. Per meglio situare lo sguardo sulla contemporaneità è utile iscrivere le analisi locali in contesti più ampi che tengano conto delle dinamiche di ricomposizione urbana delle grandi e medie città del Mediterraneo negli ultimi decenni. Da qui si propongono in conclusione tre principali linee trasversali e prospettive di lettura, focalizzate – e fra loro articolate – sulla "soggettività", sulla dimensione spaziale e sulla "politicità"

    Changer d’échelle de gouvernance? Réflexions autour de la promulgation de la Charte communale de 2002 au Maroc

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    Cette contribution propose une analyse des effets de l’adoption de la nouvelle Charte Communale au Maroc (2002). En affichant le principe d’ « unicité de la ville » la Charte Communale introduit une refonte de l’organisation administrative du territoire entamée quelques années auparavant avec l’institutionnalisation des régions comme collectivités territoriales (1996). Ainsi, ce travail s’interroge pour savoir si cette réforme introduit-elle des changements effectifs des échelles de « gouvernance », et si elle est porteuse d’une logique politique de redéfinition des relations entre le leadership local et le pouvoir central ? Trois lignes de force apparaissent pouvant répondre à ces interrogations, tout en considérant le fait que les processus observés viennent à peine de s’amorcer ou de mettre en place. D’abord, la multiplication des acteurs de la ville, de plus en plus au profil de logiques centralisatrices et marchandes. Ensuite, les évolutions des idéologies territoriales et des paradigmes d’action étatique sur la ville (depuis le modèle colonial axé sur la séparation entre habitat européen et « indigène » de l’époque de Lyautey, au modèle sécuritaire des années 1980-90, pour terminer au modèle « technocratique » actuel). Enfin, l’émergence d’une nouvelle figure : celle du Président du Conseil Communal, dénommé couramment « maire », dont les nouvelles compétences et les nouveaux pouvoirs se mesurent à l’aune des processus concomitants de décentralisation et de déconcentration

    Trame cosmopolite. MinoritĂ , migrazioni e cittĂ  intorno al Mediterraneo. Prospettive cosmopolite sulla cittĂ  = Cosmopolitan weaves. Minorities, migrations and cities around the Mediterranean. Cosmopolitan perspectives on the city

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    In conjunction with the papers in RiMe 10/I n.s., in this second Special Issue dedicated to the theme 'Cosmopolitan perspectives on the city: Readings, gazes, practices', we find alternating geographical, historical and anthropological approaches on 'Border communities (Ventimiglia), on forms of 'overlap' and 'interaction' in public spaces (Cagliari), on 'migrant histories', on 'Tunis cosmopolitan and colonial city', on the 'Jewish community of Istanbul', on the 'plural and changing' identity of Odessa and finally a reflection on the 'cosmo-political' city. The themes of cosmopolitanism are discussed through questions of urbanity, public space, the effects of international mobility and political management, as well as the subjectivities of 'communities of communities' or minorities that 'fabricate', shape and animate cities

    Youth geographies of everyday life. Methodological notes from a project of photographic storytelling in Fez

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    The paper presents some methodological notes on a fieldwork in Fez, Morocco. The research involved a group of pupils from two schools belonging to different districts and culminated in the realization of two workshops of “photographic storytelling”. The aim was to verify if and how the everyday lives of the “pupil-inhabitants” had been affected by the urban projects underway in the neighbourhoods. The images and tales by the young students bring to light hidden and invisible geographies which go beyond the simple documentation of the uses, representations or emotions that link young people and space, and reveal a much more significant upshot on the political nature of socio-spatial organization and of urban transformations

    Trame cosmopolite. MinoritĂ , migrazioni e cittĂ  intorno al Mediterraneo. Figure, attraversamenti, comunitĂ  = Cosmopolitan weaves. Minorities, migrations and cities around the Mediterranean. Figures, crossings, communities

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    Following the suggestion proposed by the philosopher Pascal Bruckner in his essay Le vertige de Babel (2000) on the capacities of societies to integrate and mobilise a "plurality of belongings", the project of RiMe Issues 10/I and 10/II n.s. was initiated. The reading of cosmopolitanism proposed here, free from the uncritical praise of a harmonious society, without tensions or conflicts between groups, communities or minorities, should be seen as an investigation and questioning of the social and pragmatic capacities that societies have (or have had) to construct forms of coexistence and inclusion in the identity and cultural complexity of the Mediterranean context. An interdisciplinary research project called “Cosmomed”, which involved some fifteen researchers, including geographers, historians, anthropologists and archivists, preceded the work presented here, and concluded with the international conference "Tracce di Cosmopolitismo intorno al Mediterraneo. Migrazioni, memorie e attualità” held in Cagliari in autumn 2019. (From the Introduction

    Co-Occurring Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders: Clinical Survey Among a Rural Cohort of Italian Patients

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    Purpose: Dual diagnosis (DD) is the co-occurrence of both a mental illness and a substance use disorder (SUD). Lots of studies have analysed the integrated clinical approach, which involves both psychiatry and toxicology medical experts. The purpose of this study is to analyse the socio-demographic characteristics and treatment strategies of patients with DD in a rural area of Italy. Patients and Methods: Clinical data of 750 patients were collected in 2016 through the analysis of health plan records. Results: The rate of co-occurring disorders is highly variable among people with SUD. In the considered area, patients with DD are 24%, of these only 46.1% have been treated with an integrated clinical program. Moreover, this percentage is further reduced (35.8%) if only patients with heroin use disorder are considered. Conclusion: A comprehensive revision of DD treatment is needed, especially for people suffering from heroin use disorder and living in remote areas. Meticulous data analysis from other addiction health services of rural areas could be necessary to identify a science-based clinical intervention

    Les marges au prisme des représentations. Mots, discours, images

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    En suivant M. Foucault (1966), il s’est agi de saisir les marges étudiées à travers le cadre des conditions discursives, symboliques et sociales ainsi que des pratiques qui président à leur apparition et à leur « avènement ». Nos travaux, conduits sur des terrains partagés entre le Nord et le Sud de la Méditerranée, nous ont confortés dans l’idée que les marges urbaines étaient le plus souvent engendrées, produites et érigées par des processus ayant trait à des systèmes de représentations et à des pratiques de stigmatisation émanant des acteurs urbains dominants, mais qu’elles pouvaient résulter aussi de processus cumulatifs ou alternatifs d’endossement ou, au contraire, de résistance, voire de renversement de sens de la part de leurs populations

    Plasma levels of matrix metalloproteinase-2, -3, -10, and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 are associated with vascular complications in patients with type 1 diabetes: The EURODIAB Prospective Complications Study

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    Impaired regulation of extracellular matrix remodeling by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP) may contribute to vascular complications in patients with type 1 diabetes. We investigated associations between plasma MMP-1, -2, -3, -9, -10 and TIMP-1, and cardiovascular disease (CVD) or microvascular complications in type 1 diabetic patients. We also evaluated to which extent these associations could be explained by low-grade inflammation (LGI) or endothelial dysfunction (ED). Methods: 493 type 1 diabetes patients (39.5 ± 9.9 years old, 51% men) from the EURODIAB Prospective Complications Study were included. Linear regression analysis was applied to investigate differences in plasma levels of MMP-1, -2, -3, -9, -10, and TIMP-1 between patients with and without CVD, albuminuria or retinopathy. All analyses were adjusted for age, sex, duration of diabetes, Hba1c and additionally for other cardiovascular risk factors including LGI and ED. Results: Patients with CVD (n = 118) showed significantly higher levels of TIMP-1 [β = 0.32 SD (95%CI: 0.12; 0.52)], but not of MMPs, than patients without CVD (n = 375). Higher plasma levels of MMP-2, MMP-3, MMP-10 and TIMP-1 were associated with higher levels of albuminuria (p-trends were 0.028, 0.004, 0.005 and 0.001, respectively). Severity of retinopathy was significantly associated with higher levels of MMP-2 (p-trend = 0.017). These associations remained significant after further adjustment for markers of LGI and ED. Conclusions: These data support the hypothesis that impaired regulation of matrix remodeling by actions of MMP-2, -3 and-10 and TIMP-1 contributes to the pathogenesis of vascular complications in type 1 diabetes
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