71 research outputs found


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    The multidisciplinary approach for the treatment of hearing impaired children presented the work group with several tasks: the group had to integrate different competences and techniques, to share common treatment goals, to manage relational dynamics with the children and their parents, and to explore the families’ expectancies. These efforts may create stressful conditions for the work group and, consequently, might negatively affect the quality of the intervention to be carried out. Our aim was to illustrate a psychosocial analysis performed in a religious Institute for hearing impaired children, intended to break the pattern of the Institute’s stalled productivity, to avoid inefficient and fragmented treatments, to prevent unelaborated relational dynamics among the staff members and between the staff and the children’s families. By means of the Content Analysis of semi-structured interviews administered to staff-members and families we have analyzed the quality of the teamwork, the relational arrangements towards the families and local services (25 interviews with 5 staff members); the family-Institute relationship and the family’s representation and satisfaction of the Institute (7 interviews with 13 hearing impaired parents and non-hearing impaired parents). The institute activity seemed to be more characterized by the maintenance of the relationship with the families per se, rather than oriented to productive goals. The non hearing impaired parents seemed to be more satisfied than the hearing-impaired parents, possibly because the former are more prepared to receive the Institute’s help. The stalled productivity can only be overcome by the elaboration of those relational/emotional dynamics which prevent staff members and children’s parents from focusing on productive goals. The staffmembers’ training should be improved in order to develop specific competences, to perform an integrated, multidisciplinary approach in treatments, to negotiate with the families, and share the work program and treatment objectives with them.Multidisciplinarni pristup tretmanu dece oštećenog sluha postavlja pred stručni tim mnoge izazove: članovi tima treba da integrišu različite kompetencije i pristupe u radu, da dele zajedničke ciljeve tretmana, da upravljaju dinamikom odnosa između dece i njihovih roditelja i da ispituju očekivanja porodične zajednice. Za članove tima navedeni zadaci mogu biti veoma stresogeni što, posledično, može imati negativan uticaj na kvalitet planiranog tretmana. U ovom radu je dat primer psihosocijalne analize koja je sprovedena u verskom Institutu za decu oštećenog sluha. Cilj ovog postupka je da razreši pat-poziciju u radu Instituta, da izbegne neefikasne i parcijalizovane oblike tretmana, da predupredi pojavu neraščišćene relacione dinamike između zaposlenih, kao i između osoblja i članova porodice. Sadržinskom analizom semistrukturisanih intervjua sa zaposlenima i članovima porodice obuhvaćeni su: kvalitet timskog rada; relacioni dogovori sa članovima porodica i servisima lokalne zajednice (25 intervjua sa 5 članova osoblja); odnosi između porodice i Instituta, način na koji porodica sagledava rad Instituta i stepen zadovoljstva tim radom (7 intervjua sa 13 roditelja oštećenog sluha i čujućih roditelja). Po svemu sudeći, aktivnost Instituta je više usmerena ka održavanju odnosa sa porodicom, nego ka produktivnim ciljevima. Čujući roditelji su zadovoljniji radom Instituta od roditelja oštećenog sluha, verovatno zbog toga što su spremniji da prihvate pomoć koju im Institut nudi. Izlazak iz pat-pozicije može se prevazići samo detaljnom razradom svih onih relaciono-emocionalnih dinamičkih odnosa koji i osoblju i roditeljima onemogućavaju fokusiranje na produktivne ciljeve. Potrebno je poboljšati obuku zaposlenih u pravcu razvoja specifičnih kompetencija; realizacije integrisanog, multidisciplinarnog pristupa u tretmanu; ostvarivanja dogovora sa porodicama i saradnje u definisanju programa rada i ciljeva tretmana

    Psychological aspects of students with learning disabilities in e-environments: a mini review and future research directions

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    What are the main learning difficulties or advantages encountered by students with learning disabilities within e-environments? As a result of the Covid-19 emergency, e-learning is being increasingly used to support students’ learning processes. A number of countries closed their schools altogether, so face-to-face lessons were and have been replaced by distance lessons. A search of current literature via Scopus, Eric and Google Scholar electronic databases was conducted according to Prisma Guidelines. Other sources of literature were also considered, starting from the references in the full text of the articles consulted. We used the following search keywords: “learning disabilities” combined with the “AND/OR” Boolean operator and “e-learning platforms”, “well-being”, “psychological factors”, “emotional distress”, “self-regulation”. One body of literature highlights the lack of inclusive accessibility standards and a lack of attention to specific tools for addressing neuropsychological syndromes, which causes students to develop high levels of stress/anxiety and emotional distress, in addition to low levels of well-being, self-esteem and self-efficacy. Another area of literature looks at how students can develop high levels of self-regulation and emotional awareness, as well as high levels of inclusion. Results are discussed in terms of the promotion of e-learning that focuses on the psychological well-being of students and teachers use of technological tool


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    A report by the WHO’s Commission of Social Determinants stated: “Implementing a more comprehensive approach to early life includes…comprehensive support to and care of mother before, during, and after pregnancy including interventions that help to address prenatal and postnatal maternal mental health problems’’ (2008, p. 53). The aim of the symposium is to emphasize the complexity of prenatal research and intervention, by comparing researchers’ papers of University of Roma, Brescia, Genova and Cagliari. The psychic work to become parents is a process of deep transformation that begins with pregnancy plannig. The transition to parenthood seems to act as an amplifier, tuning parents in to the resources they have, and turning up the volume on their existing difficulties in managing their lives and family relationships (Seimyr et al, 2009; Cowan & Cowan, 2000). Some physical conditions such as infertility or autoimmune diseases can affect this process. These physical condition can affect, especially for women, the expectations concerning their role and capabilities as mothers. This process is also complicated by the immersion in the treatment process, stressful nature of the treatment process itself, and strained relationships with healthcare providers. Literature has revealed that women who conceived after ART and pregnant women with autoimmune diseases showed higher levels of depressive disorders, anxiety and distress compared to both their partners and women who conceived spontaneously without the disease. It has also been revealed that these women had high expectations about themselves as parents and idealized expectations in regard to their baby (Borchers et al, 2009; Monti et al, 2009; Bernstein, 1990). Improvements in technology and access to medical care has improved treatment of these conditions resulting in increasingly complex care in the prenatal period. The symposium will address these issues through theoretical reflections and presenting research data

    L’esperienza genitoriale tra normalità e rischio. Il dialogo tra ricerca e clinica

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    Ricercatori e clinici si interessano sempre di più dello sviluppo precoce del bambino e della famiglia a partire dalla gravidanza. Il processo di costruzione delle funzioni genitoriali comincia fin dalla gravidanza ed è un processo complesso e influenzato da diversi fattori: la salute mentale di ciascun genitore (presenza/assenza di psicopatologia), la sua storia affettiva (sicurezza/insicurezza dei legami di attaccamento infantile), la qualità della relazione coniugale (soddisfazione/insoddisfazione), il contesto familiare e sociale (fonte di supporto o di stress) (Deave et al, 2008; Halle et al., 2008; Cornish et al, 2005; Cummings et al, 2005; Johnson, 2001; Sroufe, 1999). Tali fattori influenzano la creazione graduale di quello spazio mentale che accoglierà il bambino reale, una volta nato, ed entro il quale verrà a costruirsi la relazione con lui. Diverse ricerche, condotte negli ultimi decenni, confermano il ruolo delle rappresentazioni genitoriali sul parenting e gli effetti sul percorso evolutivo del bambino (Favez et al, 2011; Fivaz-Depeursinge et al, 1999; Stern, 1995). L’evento nascita, come momento d’incontro tra bambino immaginario e bambino reale, è reso difficile dalla presenza di una diagnosi neonatale che può compromette la salute fisica e psichica del bambino (Zanobini, 2002). Le modalità con cui la coppia affronta questo evento influiranno notevolmente sullo sviluppo futuro del bambino e della famiglia stessa. Il presente simposio intende approfondire il tema della “genitorialità” da una parte attraverso l’analisi dei fattori che influenzano il processo di costruzione delle funzioni genitoriali e dall’altra attraverso l’analisi di condizioni, come la presenza di una disabilità alla nascita, che possono compromettere le funzioni genitoriali e la qualità della relazione con il bambino. Particolare attenzione verrà data all’analisi degli interventi precoci che accompagnano la famiglia in questo processo di adattamento


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    Traditionally, the interest of perinatal mental health professionals has focused on expectant and new mothers, but it has become clearer in more recent years that the perinatal period is a time of psychological vulnerability for expectant and new fathers too (Baldoni, 2014; Di Folco & Zavattini, 2014). As men become bonded to their infants, this helps the development of his identity as a father and is also likely to support his partner’s transition into motherhood (Lundqvist et al., 2007). Some studies have revealed that pregnancy directly affects the psychological and physiological functioning of future fathers (Genesoni & Tallandini, 2009; Poh et al, 2014), but these have examined the broader experiences and challenges encountered by fathers and their experiences of maternity services. However, the studies on the subject of the transition to parenthood, showed a substantial (relative) lack of research specifically focused on father’s mental health and wellbeing during the perinatal period (Habib & Lancaster, 2010; Gettler et al, 2011). Wong et al (2016) highlighted that men are at increased risk of mental health problems during the transition to fatherhood. Paternal mental health during the perinatal period is reported to have various effects on the health of the whole family (Darwin et al, 2017). The aim of this Symposium is to present some innovative researches about the role of the father in the perinatal period to identify risk and protective factors in the transition to fatherhood. The first of these explores the influence of intra- and interpersonal variables on the paternal-fetal attachment; the second regards the relatioship between paternal sensitivity and preterm birth; the third explores the Depression, Anxiety and Parenting Stress in father of twins and the last regards the experience of infertility in men during the assisted reproductive technology treatment

    Il ruolo della famiglia nella costruzione dell’identità

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    Il contesto familiare, fin dalla nascita di un individuo, si caratterizza come il sistema di relazioni più significative nel processo di individuazione, crescita e cambiamento di ogni suo componente. Tale contesto contribuisce a dare un senso di identità a ciascuno dei suoi membri attraverso l’esperienza sia di appartenenza, con la sperimentazione e l’acquisizione di modelli di relazione che si ripetono in quella determinata famiglia, sia di differenziazione con la partecipazione di ciascun membro della famiglia ai diversi sottosistemi familiari ed ai gruppi extrafamiliari. Ciascun individuo, nel momento in cui diventa genitore, si riavvicina emotivamente a quelle relazioni significative nelle quali ha sperimentato le modalità di accudimento necessarie per lo stabilirsi ed il consolidarsi dei legami affettivi; tali modalità guidano i sentimenti ed i comportamenti del genitore nei confronti del figlio. Solo se i neo-genitori hanno completato il proprio processo di individuazione dalla famiglia di origine possono stabilire delle relazioni, sia tra loro che con il figlio, caratterizzate da comportamenti chiari e da emozioni positive. L’esposizione, da parte del bambino, a tali modalità relazionali favorisce uno sviluppo armonico e la capacità di adattamento. Ciascun individuo, fin dalla nascita, è capace di partecipare attivamente alle interazioni diadiche e triadiche, di organizzare l’esperienza e quindi di possedere la capacità di fare previsioni su se stesso e sugli altri tenendo conto di tutte le relazioni che esperisce
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