366 research outputs found

    Sulla relazione di Enrico Berti “Saggezza o filosofia pratica?”

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    Discussione della relazione «Saggezza o filosofia pratica?» tenuta da Enrico Berti (1935-) all'Università di Cassino nell'ottobre 2004 e pubblicata nella rivista elettronica «Etica & Politica», VII/2 (2005)

    Una variante testuale in Agostino, «De trinitate» VIII, 1 e le sue implicazioni circa la struttura dell'opera

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    open1L'articolo difende la variante 'tractabimus' nel testo di Agostino, «De trinitate» VIII, 1 rispetto alla lezione 'tractavimus' preferita nell'edizione del «Corpus Christianorum» e spiega quali implicazioni essa abbia nella comprensione della struttura dell'intera opera.openGiovanni CatapanoCatapano, Giovann

    Fra teocentrismo e antropocentrismo etico: Socrate nell'interpretazione di Stelio Zeppi

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    none1Discussione dell'interpretazione di Socrate fornita da Stelio Zeppi nel libro «Il pensiero religioso dei presocratici. Alle radici dell'ateismo» (Roma: Studium, 2003).mixedCATAPANO G.Catapano, Giovann

    Hannah Arendt e Hans Jonas interpreti del concetto agostiniano di volontĂ 

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    The paper compares chapter 6 of H. Arendt’s The Life of the Mind with H. Jonas’s first book, concerning Augustine and the Pauline Problem of Freedom. Arendt follows Jonas’s interpretation of st Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, ch. 7, but her judgment on st Augustine’s relationship with Paul is quite different. According to Jonas, during the Pelagian controversy Augustine lost the Pauline concept of the antinomical nature of the will; in Arendt’s opinion, on the contrary, Augustine was the first one who stated Paul’s “discovery” of the will in philosophical terms, and in the City of God he realized the principle of “natality”, which is the real solution to the problem of freedom both in anthropology and politics

    La giustificazione dei provvedimenti antidonatisti di Costantino nel primo libro del Contra epistulam Parmeniani di Agostino

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    This paper analyses the arguments that Augustine of Hippo gives in the first book of his work Contra epistulam Parmeniani with the aim of justifying Constantine the Great’s measures against the Donatists. Although these arguments are probably preceded in time by similar remarks in the second book of Augustine’s Contra litteras Petiliani, they represent the first organic statement of Augustine’s defense of the emperor’s right to judge about religious matters and to persecute schismatics and heretics. This paper suggests that Augustine never changed his mind about such a right in principle, but only about its practical usefulness for settling religious disputes

    Una variante testuale in Agostino, De trinitate, VIII, 1 e le sue implicazioni circa la struttura dell’opera

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    The article argues for the variant ‘tractabimus’ in Book 8, ch. 1 of Augustine’s De Trinitate as opposed to the reading ‘tractavimus’ adopted in the Corpus Christianorum edition, and explains the implications of this variant for the understanding of the overall structure of the work

    L’analogia dell’essere. Testi antichi e medievali

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    Il volume contiene i testi piĂč significativi relativamente alla nascita e allo sviluppo della dottrina dell’analogia dell’essere. I passi sono riportati a fronte con traduzioni originali annotate e sono raccolti in due sezioni: quella di filosofia antica e tardoantica e quella di filosofia medievale araba e latina. La prima sezione comprende i principali testi aristotelici che della dottrina dell’analogia dell’essere hanno costituito l’origine, e i passi fra i piĂč rilevanti della tradizione commentaristica antica e tardoantica, da Alessandro di Afrodisia (II-III sec. d.C) a Simplicio di Cilicia (VI sec. d.C.), nei quali Ăš possibile individuare le prime fasi dello sviluppo di tale dottrina. La sezione di filosofia medievale araba e latina comprende passi scelti dei filosofi che rappresentano le tappe essenziali dello sviluppo della dottrina dell’analogia dell’essere nel medioevo arabo e latino, da al-FārābÄ« (m. 950 c.) a Tommaso d’Aquino (XIII sec.) a Tommaso de Vio, il “Gaetano” (XV-XVI sec.)

    The Use of Ground Penetrating Radar and Microwave Tomography for the Detection of Decay and Cavities in Tree Trunks

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    Acknowledgements This paper is dedicated to the memory of Jonathan West; a friend, a colleague, a forester, a conservationist and an environmentalist, who died following an accident in the woodland that he loved.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    GPR and microwave tomography for the assessment of hollowed tree trunks

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    The danger related to the structural stability of hollowed trees is a matter of wide discussion among the scientific community. Hollow cores in trees can extend to more than 50% of the total diameter [1] and, while the presence of a hollow tree might appear dramatic in terms of public safety, it is not always a cause of concern. It is known that hollow trees can form in many years or even decades [2] and, although the heartwood is effectively dead, the tree can continue to form sapwood on the exterior of the trunk to create a cylinder. However, robustness and structural support provided by this cylinder to the trunk and canopy above depend on the ratio of healthy to diseased tissue. In this context, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) has proven to be an effective non-invasive tool, capable of generating information about the inner structure of tree trunks in terms of existence, location, and geometry of defects [3], [4]. Nevertheless, it had been observed that the currently available and known GPR-related processing and data interpretation methods and tools are able to provide only limited information on the tree inner structure. In this study, we present a microwave tomographic approach for improved GPR data processing with the aim of detecting and characterising the geometry of hollowed trees. Tests were performed at Gunnesbury Park, London, UK. In particular, a number of 15 circular measurements were collected around the tree using the Aladdin 2 GHz hand-held antenna system manufactured by IDS GeoRadar (Part of Hexagon), covering a height of 140 cm. The tree was eventually felled and three sections were cut for validation purposes. Results presented in this abstract are part of a major research project that the authors have undertaken for the last three years
