441 research outputs found

    A Multinational Analysis of Mutations and Heterogeneity in PZase, RpsA, and PanD Associated with Pyrazinamide Resistance in M/XDR Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

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    Pyrazinamide (PZA) is an important first-line drug in all existing and new tuberculosis (TB) treatment regimens. PZA-resistance in M. tuberculosis is increasing, especially among M/XDR cases. Noted issues with PZA Drug Susceptibility Testing (DST) have driven the search for alternative tests. This study provides a comprehensive assessment of PZA molecular diagnostics in M/XDR TB cases. A set of 296, mostly XDR, clinical M. tuberculosis isolates from four countries were subjected to DST for eight drugs, confirmatory Wayne's assay, and whole-genome sequencing. Three genes implicated in PZA resistance, pncA, rpsA, and panD were investigated. Assuming all non-synonymous mutations cause resistance, we report 90% sensitivity and 65% specificity for a pncA-based molecular test. The addition of rpsA and panD potentially provides 2% increase in sensitivity. Molecular heterogeneity in pncA was associated with resistance and should be evaluated as a diagnostic tool. Mutations near the N-terminus and C-terminus of PZase were associated with East-Asian and Euro-American lineages, respectively. Finally, Euro-American isolates are most likely to have a wild-type PZase and escape molecular detection. Overall, the 8-10% resistance without markers may point to alternative mechanisms of resistance. Confirmatory mutagenesis may improve the disconcertingly low specificity but reduce sensitivity since not all mutations may cause resistance

    Kepler observations of A-F pre-main sequence stars in Upper Scorpius: Discovery of six new δ\delta~Scuti and one γ\gamma~Doradus stars

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    We present light curves and periodograms for 27 stars in the young Upper Scorpius association (age=11±111 \pm 1\,Myr) obtained with the Kepler spacecraft. This association is only the second stellar grouping to host several pulsating pre-main sequence (PMS) stars which have been observed from space. From an analysis of the periodograms, we identify six δ\delta~Scuti variables and one γ\gamma~Doradus star. These are most likely PMS stars or else very close to the zero-age main sequence. Four of the δ\delta~Scuti variables were observed in short-cadence mode, which allows us to resolve the entire frequency spectrum. For these four stars, we are able to infer some qualitative information concerning their ages. For the remaining two δ\delta~Scuti stars, only long-cadence data are available, which means that some of the frequencies are likely to be aliases. One of the stars appears to be a rotational variable in a hierarchical triple system. This is a particularly important object, as it allows the possibility of an accurate mass determination when radial velocity observations become available. We also report on new high-resolution echelle spectra obtained for some of the stars of our sample.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication on MNRA

    A case of primary Hodgkin's lymphoma of the parotid gland. Case report and differentian diagnosis from Kuttner's Syndrom

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    Abstract We report a rare case of primary Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) of the submandibular gland, with initially diagnosis of Kuttner’s Syndrom. A 48 years old man was referred to our hospital foe evaluation of a submandibular mass. Although the initial Fine Needle Aspiration and subsequent cytology was highly suggestive for a cronic sialadenitis with lymphoid cells. After surgical gland removal we obtained a definitive diagnosis of Hodgkin’s lymphoma in submandibular gland a seat where the most common lymphoma tipe is B

    Which is the most accurate diagnostic procedure in Tamoxifen treated breast cancer patients

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of bi-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS), hysterosonography (HSSG) and hysteroscopy in the detection of endometrial pathology in women treated with tamoxifen (TMX) for breast cancer. Methods: Forty-two patients, affected by breast cancer under treatment with TMX, underwent 2D-3D TVUS, HSSG and hysteroscopy completed by biopsy, after abnormal findings following a routine 2D TVUS examination. Results: 3D-TVUS was more accurate than 2D-TVUS in the detection of atrophic endometrium confirmed by biopsy and in the detection of endometrial polyps. HSSG and hysteroscopy detected atrophic endometrium and endometrial polyps significantly better than ultrasound scan. Endometrial carcinoma was detected in two cases, and in both HSSG and hysteroscopy were 100% diagnostic. Conclusion: In TMX treated breast cancer patients, HSSG and hysteroscopy provide more accurate diagnosis than 2D-3D ultrasound in the detection of treatment related endometrial lesions

    An evolution strategy approach for the balanced minimum evolution problem

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    Motivation: The Balanced Minimum Evolution (BME) is a powerful distance based phylogenetic estimation model introduced by Desper and Gascuel and nowadays implemented in popular tools for phylogenetic analyses. It was proven to be computationally less demanding than more sophisticated estimation methods, e.g. maximum likelihood or Bayesian inference while preserving the statistical consistency and the ability to run with almost any kind of data for which a dissimilarity measure is available. BME can be stated in terms of a nonlinear non-convex combinatorial optimization problem, usually referred to as the Balanced Minimum Evolution Problem (BMEP). Currently, the state-of-the-art among approximate methods for the BMEP is represented by FastME (version 2.0), a software which implements several deterministic phylogenetic construction heuristics combined with a local search on specific neighbourhoods derived by classical topological tree rearrangements. These combinations, however, may not guarantee convergence to close-to-optimal solutions to the problem due to the lack of solution space exploration, a phenomenon which is exacerbated when tackling molecular datasets characterized by a large number of taxa. Results: To overcome such convergence issues, in this article, we propose a novel metaheuristic, named PhyloES, which exploits the combination of an exploration phase based on Evolution Strategies, a special type of evolutionary algorithm, with a refinement phase based on two local search algorithms. Extensive computational experiments show that PhyloES consistently outperforms FastME, especially when tackling larger datasets, providing solutions characterized by a shorter tree length but also significantly different from the topological perspective

    Sonic hedgehog medulloblastoma cancer stem cells mirnome and transcriptome highlight novel functional networks

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    Molecular classification has improved the knowledge of medulloblastoma (MB), the most common malignant brain tumour in children, however current treatments cause severe side effects in patients. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) have been described in MB and represent a sub population characterised by self-renewal and the ability to generate tumour cells, thus representing the reservoir of the tumour. To investigate molecular pathways that characterise this sub population, we isolated CSCs from Sonic Hedgehog Medulloblastoma (SHH MB) arisen in Patched 1 (Ptch1) heterozygous mice, and performed miRNA-and mRNA-sequencing. Comparison of the miRNA-sequencing of SHH MB CSCs with that obtained from cerebellar Neural Stem Cells (NSCs), allowed us to obtain a SHH MB CSC miRNA differential signature. Pathway enrichment analysis in SHH MB CSCs mirnome and transcriptome was performed and revealed a series of enriched pathways. We focused on the putative targets of the SHH MB CSC miRNAs that were involved in the enriched pathways of interest, namely pathways in cancer, PI3k-Akt pathway and protein processing in endoplasmic reticulum pathway. In silico analysis was performed in SHH MB patients and identified several genes, whose expression was associated with worse overall survival of SHH MB patients. This study provides novel candidates whose functional role should be further investigated in SHH MB

    Hemidesmus indicus induces apoptosis via proteasome inhibition and generation of reactive oxygen species.

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    Proteasome inhibition represents an important anticancer strategy. Here, we studied the mechanisms at the basis of the pro-apoptotic activity of the standardized decoction of Hemidesmus indicus, a plant evoking a complex anticancer activity, and explored its inhibition of proteasome activity in human leukemia cells. Additionally, we preliminary tested the cytotoxicity of some H. indicus's phytochemicals on leukemia cells and their intestinal absorption on a human intestinal epithelium model consisting of a monolayer of differentiated Caco2 cells. We observed a potent antileukemic effect for H. indicus, imputable to the modulation of different critical targets at protein and mRNA levels and the reduction of the 26S proteasome expression. We found that some phytomarkers of H. indicus decoction passed through the enterocyte monolayer. Overall, our study supports the pharmacological potential of H. indicus, which can represent an interesting botanical drug in the oncological area

    Lithium and age of pre-main sequence stars: The case of Parenago 1802

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    With the aim to test the present capability of the stellar surface lithium abundance in providing an estimation for the age of PMS stars, we analyze the case of the detached, double-lined, eclipsing binary system PAR 1802. For this system, the lithium age has been compared with the theoretical one, as estimated by applying a Bayesian analysis method on a large grid of stellar evolutionary models. The models have been computed for several values of chemical composition and mixing length, by means of the code FRANEC updated with the Trojan Horse reaction rates involving lithium burning
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