6 research outputs found

    Using Fish Assemblages to Assess the Ecological Effects of Marine Protection on Rocky Habitats in a Portuguese Natural Park

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    Intensive and regular fishing occurs in the marine area of the natural park “Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina” (PNSACV; SW coast of continental Portugal). In 2011, this area became a marine park with different protection levels (total, partial, and complementary). We assessed in 2011 and 2012 if partial protection (PP) in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) changed the taxa richness, abundance, size, and community composition of cryptic and non-cryptic fishes. We also determined if these effects were observed outside PP areas in adjacent control areas. Underwater visual censuses (UVC) of cryptic and non-cryptic fish species were conducted in rocky subtidal habitats (~10 m deep) with band transects (25 × 2 m and 25 × 4 m, respectively) to determine abundance and size classes. The northern half of the PNSACV was sampled at a scale of tens (site—two sites per area; 4–6 transects per site) and hundreds (area) of meters. Two PP and six control areas were sampled. The homogeneity and abundance of bottom habitat types were assessed at each site. Effects of protection were not detected in the community structure or univariate analyses (i.e., taxa richness and total abundance) of non-cryptic and cryptic fishes. The early phase of the MPAs may have driven the lack of significant protection effects. Replication in time within a monitoring program is recommended to assess these conservation measures’ ecological effects

    Opinião pública e política externa do Brasil do Império a João Goulart: um balanço historiográfico

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    Este artigo avalia a relação existente entre opinião pública e política externa no Brasil, desde o Império, em que se evidenciam os interesses das elites letradas enunciados no Parlamento, até a presidência de Jânio Quadros, quando se verifica o apogeu do populismo no Brasil. Procura estabelecer quais eram as correntes de opinião expressa que representavam a política externa nos diversos períodos da historiografia brasileira de relações internacionais. Pretende, também, avaliar a extensão da repercussão que teria a política internacional brasileira sobre a opinião nacional no mesmo período.<br>The purpose of this article is to evaluate the rapport between public opinion and Brazilian foreign policy. It proposes a historiographic analysis of the period going from the country's independence to the apogee of populism under João Goulart's presidency. It also aims to determine the groups which most evidently represented public opinion in the various periods of Brazilian history of international relations, as well as the importance of their expressed points of view in relation to the foreign policy decision-making process. Also pertinent is the comprehension of the impact which international relations may have had in society in the same period