3,022 research outputs found

    Produção de biomassa e características fisiológicas do feijoeiro cv. Pérola na safra de inverno.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os índices fisiológicos de plantas de feijão cv. Pérola semeadas em diferentes datas, na safra de inverno

    Frações fibrosas dos materiais originais e das silagens de três genótipos de milheto (Pennisetum glaucum (L.). R. Br.), em diferentes períodos de fermentação.

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    Foram determinadas as frações fibrosas (FDN, FDA, celulose, hemicelulose e lignina) do material original e das silagens de três genótipos de milheto (CMS-1, BRS-1501 e BN-2) após um, três, cinco, sete, 14, 28 e 56 dias de fermentação, em silos de laboratório. Os teores de FDN variaram de 46,96 a 62,43% e os de FDA de 27,86 a 34,56%. Os teores de hemicelulose no material original foram significativamente maiores do que os encontrados para as silagens, após 56 dias de fermentação. Os valores médios de FDN, FDA, celulose, hemicelulose e lignina encontrados no material original e nas silagens após 56 de fermentação, foram, respectivamente, de 60,76 e 51,80%; 33,58 e 31,54%; 29,25 e 27,66%; 27,18 e 20,26% e 4,33 e 3,89%. Os teores médios de FDN e FDA encontrados neste experimento foram menores do que os normalmente relatados na literatura para a silagem de milheto. A fração hemicelulose serviu como fonte de substrato adicional ao longo do processo fermentativo. Os menores teores de FDN e FDA foram obtidos para o genótipo BRS-1501

    Health technology performance assessment : real-world evidence for public healthcare sustainability

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    Objective: Health technology financing is often based on randomized controlled trials (RCTs), which are often the same ones used for licensing. Since they are designed to show the best possible results with typically Phase III studies conducted under ideal and highly controlled conditions to seek high internal validity and maximize the chance of demonstrating clinical benefit, they often do not reflect likely effectiveness in routine clinical care. Consequently, it is not surprising that technologies do not always perform in real life in the same way as controlled conditions. Since financing (and price paid) decisions can be made with overestimated results, health authorities need to ask whether health systems achieve the results they expect when they choose to pay for a technology. The optimal way to answer this question is to assess the performance of financed technologies in real world settings. Health technology performance assessment (HTpA) refers to the systematic evaluation of the properties, effects, and/or impact of a health intervention or health technology in the real world to provide information for investment/ disinvestment decisions and clinical guideline updates. The objective is to describe the development and principal aspects of the Guideline for HTpA commissioned by the Brazilian Ministry of Health. Method: Extensive literature review, refinement with experts across countries and public consultation. Results: A comprehensive guideline was developed, which has been adopted by the Brazilian government. Conclusion: We believe the guideline, with its particular focus on disinvestment, along with the creation of a specific program for HTpA, will allow the institutionalization and continuous improvement of the scientific methods to use real world evidence to optimize available resources not only in Brazil but across countries

    Emissões de metano entérico em búfalas na Amazônia Oriental: TIER 2 e hexafluoreto de enxofre.

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    No Brasil, a agropecuária é apontada como grande emissora de gases de efeito estufa (GEE), sendo os setores da pecuária e o uso do solo os que contribuem significativamente. Neste artigo se comparam as emissões de metano entérico, através do uso de equações do TIER 2, que considera a categoria do animal, o sistema de produção e a dieta, e pela técnica do gás traçador hexafluoreto de enxofre (SF6). Vinte búfalas adultas foram mantidas em baias individuais, onde recebiam dieta controlada, com níveis de adição de 0,00, 0,25, 0,50 e 1,00% de torta de dendê (Elaeis guineensis). As dietas foram semelhantes nas duas metodologias, em energia digestível e metabolizável. Esses dados experimentais foram obtidos no âmbito do Projeto PECUS. Os resultados evidenciaram médias de emissão similares entre as metodologias, exceto no tratamento com 1% de adição da torta de dendê (Tukey, 5%). A medição com o gás traçador SF6 possui sensibilidade para avaliar as emissões, entretanto, envolve custos elevados. O TIER 2 pode ser considerado alternativa de baixo custo para estimar as emissões de metano entérico de ruminantes no Bioma Amazônia

    Mixed models in nonlinear regression for description of the growth of Nelore Cattle.

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    Body weight records were used to characterize the growth curve of Nelore cattle. Body weight was regressed as a function of age, for both sexes, by using nonlinear models through the functions of Brody, Gompertz, Logistic, Richards, Meloun 1, Von Bertalanffy, and Von Bertalanffy. The quality of the model arrangements was evaluated by employing Akaike and Bayesian Schwarz information criteria. The Brody function provided the best adaptations by the evaluators and, considering the asymptotic weight and the maturation rate as random, a reduction in residual variance of 79% for males and 83% for females was obtained in relation to the models under fixed contexts. In males, the absolute and relative growth rates ranged from 0.921 to 0.261 kg/day and 2.39 to 0.08%, respectively. For the same rates, under another approach, females ranged from 0.922 to 0.198 kg/day and 2.55 to 0.06%, respectively. Males showed greater growth acceleration at the beginning of the growth trajectory, being equal to females at 397 days of age and from that age onward they presented lower estimates. The nonlinear regression model approach under the mixed-models context allows reduction of residual variance, increasing model accuracy