34,842 research outputs found

    Stabilising entanglement by quantum jump-based feedback

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    We show that direct feedback based on quantum jump detection can be used to generate entangled steady states. We present a strategy that is insensitive to detection inefficiencies and robust against errors in the control Hamiltonian. This feedback procedure is also shown to overcome spontaneous emission effects by stabilising states with high degree of entanglement.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Inverted critical adsorption of polyelectrolytes in confinement

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    What are the fundamental laws for the adsorption of charged polymers onto oppositely charged surfaces, for convex, planar, and concave geometries? This question is at the heart of surface coating applications, various complex formation phenomena, as well as in the context of cellular and viral biophysics. It has been a long-standing challenge in theoretical polymer physics; for realistic systems the quantitative understanding is however often achievable only by computer simulations. In this study, we present the findings of such extensive Monte-Carlo in silico experiments for polymer-surface adsorption in confined domains. We study the inverted critical adsorption of finite-length polyelectrolytes in three fundamental geometries: planar slit, cylindrical pore, and spherical cavity. The scaling relations extracted from simulations for the critical surface charge density σc\sigma_c-defining the adsorption-desorption transition-are in excellent agreement with our analytical calculations based on the ground-state analysis of the Edwards equation. In particular, we confirm the magnitude and scaling of σc\sigma_c for the concave interfaces versus the Debye screening length 1/κ1/\kappa and the extent of confinement aa for these three interfaces for small κa\kappa a values. For large κa\kappa a the critical adsorption condition approaches the planar limit. The transition between the two regimes takes place when the radius of surface curvature or half of the slit thickness aa is of the order of 1/κ1/\kappa. We also rationalize how σc(κ)\sigma_c(\kappa) gets modified for semi-flexible versus flexible chains under external confinement. We examine the implications of the chain length onto critical adsorption-the effect often hard to tackle theoretically-putting an emphasis on polymers inside attractive spherical cavities.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, RevTe

    Critical adsorption of polyelectrolytes onto charged Janus nanospheres

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    Based on extensive Monte Carlo simulations and analytical considerations we study the electrostatically driven adsorption of flexible polyelectrolyte chains onto charged Janus nanospheres. These net-neutral colloids are composed of two equally but oppositely charged hemispheres. The critical binding conditions for polyelectrolyte chains are analysed as function of the radius of the Janus particle and its surface charge density, as well as the salt concentration in the ambient solution. Specifically for the adsorption of finite-length polyelectrolyte chains onto Janus nanoparticles, we demonstrate that the critical adsorption conditions drastically differ when the size of the Janus particle or the screening length of the electrolyte are varied. We compare the scaling laws obtained for the adsorption-desorption threshold to the known results for uniformly charged spherical particles, observing significant disparities. We also contrast the changes to the polyelectrolyte chain conformations and the binding energy distributions close to the adsorption-desorption transition for Janus nanoparticles to those for simple spherical particles. Finally, we discuss experimentally relevant physico-chemical systems for which our simulations results may become important. In particular, we observe similar trends with polyelectrolyte complexation with oppositely but heterogeneously charged proteins.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, RevTeX

    Cosmic homogeneity: a spectroscopic and model-independent measurement

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    Cosmology relies on the Cosmological Principle, i.e., the hypothesis that the Universe is homogeneous and isotropic on large scales. This implies in particular that the counts of galaxies should approach a homogeneous scaling with volume at sufficiently large scales. Testing homogeneity is crucial to obtain a correct interpretation of the physical assumptions underlying the current cosmic acceleration and structure formation of the Universe. In this Letter, we use the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey to make the first spectroscopic and model-independent measurements of the angular homogeneity scale θh\theta_{\rm h}. Applying four statistical estimators, we show that the angular distribution of galaxies in the range 0.46 < z < 0.62 is consistent with homogeneity at large scales, and that θh\theta_{\rm h} varies with redshift, indicating a smoother Universe in the past. These results are in agreement with the foundations of the standard cosmological paradigm.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, Version accepted by MNRA
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