21,872 research outputs found

    Bayesian Non-Exhaustive Classification A Case Study: Online Name Disambiguation using Temporal Record Streams

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    The name entity disambiguation task aims to partition the records of multiple real-life persons so that each partition contains records pertaining to a unique person. Most of the existing solutions for this task operate in a batch mode, where all records to be disambiguated are initially available to the algorithm. However, more realistic settings require that the name disambiguation task be performed in an online fashion, in addition to, being able to identify records of new ambiguous entities having no preexisting records. In this work, we propose a Bayesian non-exhaustive classification framework for solving online name disambiguation task. Our proposed method uses a Dirichlet process prior with a Normal * Normal * Inverse Wishart data model which enables identification of new ambiguous entities who have no records in the training data. For online classification, we use one sweep Gibbs sampler which is very efficient and effective. As a case study we consider bibliographic data in a temporal stream format and disambiguate authors by partitioning their papers into homogeneous groups. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is better than existing methods for performing online name disambiguation task.Comment: to appear in CIKM 201

    Dinâmica sucessional da vegetação de manguezal no nordeste paraense.

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    Otimização de interpoladores espaciais para estimar chuva no Sistema Agritempo.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é comparar o interpolador univariado: inverso do quadrado da distância usado pelo Sistema Agritempo com três interpoladores geoestatísticos uni e multivariados: krigagem ordinária, cokrigagem ordinária e cokrigagem colocalizada através da estatística do quadrado médio do erro, usando observações de precipitação pluvial média anual de mil e vinte e sete estações pluviométricas abrangendo todo o Estado de São Paulo, representando uma área de aproximadamente 248.808,8 km², no período de 1957 a 1997.bitstream/CNPTIA/10209/1/bp9.pdfAcesso em: 28 maio 2008

    Repeatability of traits evaluated in a split-plot or factorial experiment.

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    In this paper repeatability expressions are derived and their respective ANOVA estimators obtained by using split-plot and factorial models, both in a randomized complete block design. The paper also considers different fixed and random effect models and their assumptions and restrictions. Repeatability estimates, such as the correlation between successive measurements (over time) of the same genotype, always have the same value regardless of the model used, and this allows repeatability to be calculated using models based on the mean of the experimental units (mean of blocks) of each genotype in each time. This independence was not observed for repeatability estimates at the upper limit of broad-sense heritability based on the mean of successive measurements (over time) of the same genotype. The repeatability of traits evaluated in experimental trials of different designs is also discussed

    Experimental Observation of Quantum Correlations in Modular Variables

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    We experimentally detect entanglement in modular position and momentum variables of photon pairs which have passed through DD-slit apertures. We first employ an entanglement criteria recently proposed in [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 106}, 210501 (2011)], using variances of the modular variables. We then propose an entanglement witness for modular variables based on the Shannon entropy, and test it experimentally. Finally, we derive criteria for Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Steering correlations using variances and entropy functions. In both cases, the entropic criteria are more successful at identifying quantum correlations in our data.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, comments welcom

    Desempenho agronômico de plantas de cobertura usadas na proteção do solo no periodo de pousio.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar espécies com alta produção de fitomassa, para proteção do solo no período de pousio. O experimento foi realizado com três espécies da família Leguminosae e três da família Poaceae, de 2009 a 2010, na área experimental do campus da Universidade Federal de Lavras, Minas Gerais. As espécies avaliadas foram: crotalária anagiroide (Crotalaria anagyroides), feijão‑de‑porco (Canavalia ensiformis), guandu‑anão (Cajanus cajan), aveia‑preta (Avena strigosa), sorgo (Sorghum bicolor) e milheto (Pennisetum glaucum), semeadas em cultivo solteiro e consorciado. O feijão‑de‑porco e o sorgo apresentaram as maiores taxas de cobertura do solo em cultivo solteiro, enquanto o milheto apresentou a menor. O sorgo, em cultivo solteiro e consorciado com feijão‑de‑porco e guandu‑anão, apresenta a maior produção de matéria verde e matéria seca, enquanto o guandu‑anão apresenta a menor produção de matéria verde, e a crotalária anagiroide, a menor produção de matéria seca. Por ocasião da implantação da cultura comercial, o tratamento que proporcionou a maior quantidade de palha sobre o solo foi o consórcio entre feijão‑de‑porco e sorgo