1,762 research outputs found

    Toward a Broader Understanding of Split Alliances in Family Therapy: Adding the Therapist to the Mix

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract] To broaden our understanding of a split alliance in fam-ily therapy, we investigated the frequencies and correlates of sessions in which therapists, youth, and caregivers re-ported markedly different perceptions of the alliance. The sample consisted of 156 Spanish families who received Alliance Empowerment Family Therapy (Escudero, Adolescentes y familias en conf licto, 2013) for child mal-treatment. Family members and therapists rated the al-liance on the SOFTA-s (Friedlander et al., Journal of Counseling Psychology, 2006, 53, 214) after sessions 3, 6, and 9; family members rated their perceptions of treat-ment progress before sessions 4, 7, and 10. A cluster analy-sis differentiated sessions with a split adult- youth alliance(27.7%) from a split family- therapist alliance (44.1%), and a balanced alliance (similar ratings across the three per-spectives; 28.2%). Client- rated treatment progress was dif-ferentially associated with the type of alliance split and the average alliance rating, whereas better posttreatment outcomes (child functioning and family goal attainment) were associated with fewer sessions having either type of split allianceThis study was carried out with the collaboration of the Program for Therapeutic Treatment of Children and Adolescents at Risk, financed by the Xunta de Galicia, Spai

    A cosmological dust model with extended f(chi) gravity

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    Introducing a fundamental constant of nature with dimensions of acceleration into the theory of gravity makes it possible to extend gravity in a very consistent manner. At the non-relativistic level a MOND-like theory with a modification in the force sector is obtained, which is the limit of a very general metric relativistic theory of gravity. Since the mass and length scales involved in the dynamics of the whole universe require small accelerations of the order of Milgrom's acceleration constant a_0, it turns out that the relativistic theory of gravity can be used to explain the expansion of the universe. In this work it is explained how to use that relativistic theory of gravity in such a way that the overall large-scale dynamics of the universe can be treated in a pure metric approach without the need to introduce dark matter and/or dark energy components.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure. Accepted for publication in the European Physical Journal

    Osteomielitis subaguda en paciente con diabetes mellitus complicada

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    La osteomielitis subaguda es una infección hematógena del hueso definida como una forma de osteomielitis no supurativa esclerosante que habitualmente pasa desapercibida en estadios precoces dada su clínica insidiosa caracterizada por buen estado del paciente, así como una historia de dolor de larga evolución.Presentamos un caso de osteomielitis subaguda que, por la edad de presentación, la patología asociada del paciente y la localización de la misma, debe hacer replantearnos las distintas opciones de tratamiento asumiendo las posibles complicaciones y fracasos.Subacute osteomyelitis is a haematogenous infection of bone defined as a non-suppurative, sclerosing form of osteomyelitis which usually escapes detection in its early stages because of its insidious clinical features (good general condition of the patient and a long-lasting history of pain). We report one case of subacute osteomyelitis which, because of its location, the age at presentation and the patient's associated pathology should prompt consideration of the various therapeutic options and assumption of the possible complications and therapeutic failures

    Composición y estructura de la ictiofauna del río Hondo, México-Belice, con base en el uso del arpón

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    ResumenSe determinó la composición y estructura de la ictiofauna del río Hondo y la variación espacial de éstas en función de los parámetros ambientales. Se realizaron 3 muestreos durante marzo, abril y mayo de 2012, en 6 sitios a lo largo del río. Los datos usados para determinar la estructura se obtuvieron con ayuda de un arpón de 58.5cm, utilizado durante 2h de buceo libre en cada punto de muestreo. Para complementar la lista de especies se utilizaron redes agalleras, palangres, nasas y anzuelos. Además, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica y se consultó material de la colección de peces de ECOSUR en Chetumal. La lista sistemática se conformó por 40 especies en 33 géneros, 18 familias y 11 órdenes. La familia mejor representada fue Cichlidae, incluida la especie exótica Oreochromis niloticus. Los parámetros ambientales que mejor describieron la variación de la distribución y abundancia en los peces en el río Hondo fueron: la anchura del río, distancia a la boca, transparencia, profundidad, concentración de oxígeno disuelto y conductividad. La relación entre las especies y las variables ambientales fue alta en ambos ejes (0.89 y 0.79). Ambientalmente, el río se puede zonificar en 3 partes, aunque su ictiofauna puede dividirse en 2 conjuntos principales.AbstractComposition and structure of the Hondo River ichthyofauna and its spatial variation were determined as a function of environmental parameters. Six sites along the river were sampled in March, April and May 2012. Data for estimating structure of fish assemblages was obtained by means of a 58.5cm harpoon during 2 hours of free diving at each sampling site. The species list for the study area was completed with the aid of gillnets, longlines, double-cone traps, and hook-and-line. In addition, a bibliographical research performed as well as the ichthyological collection of ECOSUR at Chetumal was checked. The systematic list includes 40 species in 33 genera, 18 families and 11 orders. The richest family was Cichlidae, including the exotic Oreochromis niloticus. The environmental parameters that best described distribution and abundance of fish in the Hondo River were river width, distance to mouth, transparency, depth, dissolved oxygen concentration, and conductivity. Correlation between species and environmental parameters was high in both axis (0.89 and 0.79). The river was classified into 3 environmental zones, although its fish fauna could be divided in 2 main assemblages

    Spatial and temporal arrival patterns of Madagascar's vertebrate fauna explained by distance, ocean currents, and ancestor type

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    How, when, and from where Madagascar's vertebrates arrived on the island is poorly known, and a comprehensive explanation for the distribution of its organisms has yet to emerge. We begin to break that impasse by analyzing vertebrate arrival patterns implied by currently existing taxa. For each of 81 clades, we compiled arrival date, source, and ancestor type (obligate freshwater, terrestrial, facultative swimmer, or volant). We analyzed changes in arrival rates, with and without adjusting for clade extinction. Probability of successful transoceanic dispersal is negatively correlated with distance traveled and influenced by ocean currents and ancestor type. Obligate rafters show a decrease in probability of successful transoceanic dispersal fromthe Paleocene onward, reaching the lowest levels after the mid- Miocene. This finding is consistent with a paleoceanographic model [Ali JR, HuberM(2010) Nature 463:653-656] that predicts Early Cenozoic surface currents periodically conducive to rafting or swimming fromAfrica, followed by a reconfiguration to present-day flow15-20 million years ago that significantly diminished the ability for transoceanic dispersal to Madagascar from the adjacent mainland

    Expression of USP18 and IL2RA is increased in individuals receiving latent tuberculosis treatment with isoniazid

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    Background. The treatment of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) in individuals at risk of reactivation is essential for tuberculosis control. However, blood biomarkers associated with LTBI treatment have not been identified. Methods. Blood samples from tuberculin skin test (TST) reactive individuals were collected before and after one and six months of isoniazid (INH) therapy. Peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMC) were isolated, and an in-house interferon-γ release assay (IGRA) was performed. Expression of chemokine ligand 4 (CCL4), chemokine ligand 10 (CXCL10), chemokine ligand 11 (CXCL11), interferon alpha (IFNA), radical S-adenosyl methionine domain-containing 2 (RSAD2), ubiquitin-specific peptidase 18 (USP18), interferon-induced protein 44 (IFI44), interferon-induced protein 44 like (IFI44L), interferon-induced protein tetratricopeptide repeats 1(IFIT1), and interleukin 2 receptor subunit alpha (IL2RA) mRNA levels were assessed by qPCR before, during, and after INH treatment. Results. We observed significantly lower relative abundances of USP18, IFI44L, IFNA, and IL2RA transcripts in PBMC from IGRA-positive individuals compared to levels in IGRA-negative individuals before INH therapy. Also, relative abundance of CXCL11 was significantly lower in IGRA-positive than in IGRA-negative individuals before and after one month of INH therapy. However, the relative abundance of CCL4, CXCL10, and CXCL11 mRNA was significantly decreased and that of IL2RA and USP18 significantly increased after INH therapy, regardless of the IGRA result. Our results show that USP18, IFI44L, IFIT1, and IL2RA relative abundances increased significantly, meanwhile the relative abundance of CCL4, CXCL11, and IFNA decreased significantly after six months of INH therapy in TST-positive individuals. Conclusions. Changes in the profiles of USP18, IL2RA, IFNA, CCL4, and CXCL11 expressions during INH treatment in TST-positive individuals, regardless of IGRA status, are potential tools for monitoring latent tuberculosis treatment