17,802 research outputs found

    An overview of tea research in Tanzania - with special reference to the Southern Highlands.

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    The history of tea development in Tanzania from the early part of this century to the present is summarised. Average yields of made tea from well managed estates in the Mufindi district have increased from around 600 kg ha-1 in the late 1950s to 3000 kg ha-1 at the present time: by comparison, yields from smallholder farms have remained much lower, averaging only 400-500 kg ha-1. There have been a large number of technical, economic and other changes over the last 30 to 40 years. The removal of shade trees, the use of herbicides, the application of NPK compound fertilisers, the introduction of irrigation (on some estates) and changes in harvesting policy have all contributed to the increases in yield. Financial and infrastructural problems have contributed to the low yields from many smallholders and others, and have limited the uptake of new technology. The contribution of research is reviewed, from the start of the Tea Research Institute of East Africa in Kenya in 1951, through to the development of the Marikitanda Tea Research Centre in Amani in 1967; the Ngwazi Tea Research Unit in Mufindi (1967 to 1970, and from 1986), and lastly the Kifyulilo Tea Research Station, also in Mufindi in 1986. The yield potential of well fertilized and irrigated clonal tea, grown at an altitude of 1800 m, is around 6000 kg ha-1. This potential is reduced by drought, lack of fertilizer, bush vacancies and inefficient harvesting practices. The corresponding potential yields at high (2200 m) and low (1200 m) altitude sites range from 3000-3500 kg ha-1 up to 9000-10000 kg ha-1 and are largely a function of temperature. The opportunities for increasing yields of existing tea, smallholder and estate, are enormous. Tea production in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania is about to expand rapidly. Good, appropriate research is needed to sustain this development over the long term, and suggestions on how best this is done in order to assist the large scale producers as well as the smallholders, are discussed

    A comparison of the responses of mature and young clonal tea to drought.

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    To assist commercial producers with optimising the use of irrigation water, the responses to drought of mature and young tea crops (22 and 5 years after field planting respectively) were compared using data from two adjacent long-term irrigation experiments in Southern Tanzania. Providing the maximum potential soil water deficit was below about 400-500 mm for mature, and 200-250 mm for young plants (clone 6/8), annual yields of dry tea from rainfed or partially irrigated crops were similar to those from the corresponding well-watered crops. At deficits greater than this, annual yields declined rapidly in young tea (up to 22 kg (ha mm)-1) but relatively slowly in mature tea (up to 6.5 kg (ha mm)- 1). This apparent insensitivity of the mature crop to drought was due principally to compensation that occurred during the rains for yield lost in the dry season. Differences in dry matter distribution and shoot to root ratios contributed to these contrasting responses. Thus, the total above ground dry mass of well-irrigated, mature plants was about twice that for young plants. Similarly, the total mass of structural roots (>1 mm diameter), to 3 m depth, was four times greater in the mature crop than in the young crop and, for fine roots (<1 mm diameter), eight times greater. The corresponding shoot to root ratios (dry mass) were about 1:1 and 2:1 respectively. In addition, each unit area of leaf in the canopy of a mature plant had six times more fine roots (by weight) available to extract and supply water than did a young plant. Despite the logistical benefits resulting from more even crop distribution during the year when crops are fully irrigated, producers currently prefer to save water and energy costs by allowing a substantial soil water deficit to develop prior to the start of the rains, up to 250 mm in mature tea, knowing that yield compensation will occur later

    Near-Critical Gravitational Collapse and the Initial Mass Function of Primordial Black Holes

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    The recent discovery of critical phenomena arising in gravitational collapse near the threshold of black hole formation is used to estimate the initial mass function of primordial black holes (PBHs). It is argued that the universal scaling relation between black hole mass and initial perturbation found for a variety of collapsing space-times also applies to PBH formation, indicating the possibility of the formation of PBHs with masses much smaller than one horizon mass. Owing to the natural fine-tuning of initial conditions by the exponential decline of the probability distribution for primordial density fluctuations, sub-horizon mass PBHs are expected to form at all epochs. This result suggests that the constraints on the primordial fluctuation spectrum based on the abundance of PBHs at different mass scales may have to be revisited.Comment: 4 pages, uses revtex, also available at http://bigwhirl.uchicago.edu/jcn/pub_pbh.html . To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Symmetry breaking and singularity structure in Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We determine the trajectories of vortex singularities that arise after a single vortex is broken by a discretely symmetric impulse in the context of Bose-Einstein condensates in a harmonic trap. The dynamics of these singularities are analyzed to determine the form of the imprinted motion. We find that the symmetry-breaking process introduces two effective forces: a repulsive harmonic force that causes the daughter trajectories to be ejected from the parent singularity, and a Magnus force that introduces a torque about the axis of symmetry. For the analytical non-interacting case we find that the parent singularity is reconstructed from the daughter singularities after one period of the trapping frequency. The interactions between singularities in the weakly interacting system do not allow the parent vortex to be reconstructed. Analytic trajectories were compared to the actual minima of the wavefunction, showing less 0.5% error for impulse strength of (v=0.00005). We show that these solutions are valid within the impulse regime for various impulse strengths using numerical integration of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. We also show that the actual duration of the symmetry breaking potential does not significantly change the dynamics of the system as long as the strength is below (v=0.0005).Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    The water relations and irrigation requirements of lychee (litchi chinensis sonn.): a review

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    The results of research into the water relations and irrigation requirements of lychee are collated and reviewed. The stages of plant development are summarised, with an emphasis on factors influencing the flowering process. This is followed by reviews of plant water relations, water requirements, water productivity and, finally, irrigation systems. The lychee tree is native to the rainforests of southern China and northern Vietnam, and the main centres of production remain close to this area. In contrast, much of the research on the water relations of this crop has been conducted in South Africa, Australia and Israel where the tree is relatively new. Vegetative growth occurs in a series of flushes. Terminal inflorescences are borne on current shoot growth under cool (<15 °C), dry conditions. Trees generally do not produce fruit in the tropics at altitudes below 300 m. Poor and erratic flowering results in low and irregular fruit yields. Drought can enhance flowering in locations with dry winters. Roots can extract water from depths greater than 2 m. Diurnal trends in stomatal conductance closely match those of leaf water status. Both variables mirror changes in the saturation deficit of the air. Very little research on crop water requirements has been reported. Crop responses to irrigation are complex. In areas with low rainfall after harvest, a moderate water deficit before floral initiation can increase flowering and yield. In contrast, fruit set and yield can be reduced by a severe water deficit after flowering, and the risk of fruit splitting increased. Water productivity has not been quantified. Supplementary irrigation in South-east Asia is limited by topography and competition for water from the summer rice crop, but irrigation is practised in Israel, South Africa, Australia and some other places. Research is needed to determine the benefits of irrigation in different growing areas. Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2013

    Bose-Einstein condensates in standing waves: The cubic nonlinear Schroedinger equation with a periodic potential

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    We present a new family of stationary solutions to the cubic nonlinear Schroedinger equation with a Jacobian elliptic function potential. In the limit of a sinusoidal potential our solutions model a dilute gas Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a standing light wave. Provided the ratio of the height of the variations of the condensate to its DC offset is small enough, both trivial phase and nontrivial phase solutions are shown to be stable. Numerical simulations suggest such stationary states are experimentally observable.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Growth of primordial black holes in a universe containing a massless scalar field

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    The evolution of primordial black holes in a flat Friedmann universe with a massless scalar field is investigated in fully general relativistic numerical relativity. A primordial black hole is expected to form with a scale comparable to the cosmological apparent horizon, in which case it may go through an initial phase with significant accretion. However, if it is very close to the cosmological apparent horizon size, the accretion is suppressed due to general relativistic effects. In any case, it soon gets smaller than the cosmological horizon and thereafter it can be approximated as an isolated vacuum solution with decaying mass accretion. In this situation the dynamical and inhomogeneous scalar field is typically equivalent to a perfect fluid with a stiff equation of state p=ρp=\rho. The black hole mass never increases by more than a factor of two, despite recent claims that primordial black holes might grow substantially through accreting quintessence. It is found that the gravitational memory scenario, proposed for primordial black holes in Brans-Dicke and scalar-tensor theories of gravity, is highly unphysical.Comment: 24 pages, accepted for publication in Physical Review