10,533 research outputs found

    Fracture toughness testing data: A technology survey

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    Technical abstracts for about 90 significant documents relating to fracture toughness testing for various structural materials including information on plane strain and the developing areas of mixed mode and plane stress test conditions are presented. An overview of the state-of-the-art represented in the documents that have been abstracted is included. The abstracts in the report are mostly for publications in the period April 1962 through April 1974. The purpose of this report is to provide, in quick reference form, a dependable source for current information in the subject field

    Register of experts for information on mechanics of structural failure

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    This register is comprised of a list of approximately 300 experts from approximately 90 organizations who have published results of theoretical and/or experimental research related to six problem areas in the mechanics of structural failure: (1) life prediction for structural materials, (2) fracture toughness testing, (3) fracture mechanics analysis; (4) hydrogen embrittlement; (5) protective coatings; and (6) composite materials. The criteria for the selection of names for the register are recent contributions to the literature, participation in or support of relevant research programs, and referral by peers. Each author included is listed by organizational affiliation, address, and principal field of expertise. The purpose of the register is to present, in easy reference form, sources for dependable information regarding failure modes and mechanisms of aerospace structures. The register includes two indexes; an alphabetical listing of the experts and an alphabetical listing of the organizations with whom they are affiliated

    NDE: An effective approach to improved reliability and safety. A technology survey

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    Technical abstracts are presented for about 100 significant documents relating to nondestructive testing of aircraft structures or related structural testing and the reliability of the more commonly used evaluation methods. Particular attention is directed toward acoustic emission; liquid penetrant; magnetic particle; ultrasonics; eddy current; and radiography. The introduction of the report includes an overview of the state-of-the-art represented in the documents that have been abstracted

    Life prediction of materials exposed to monotonic and cyclic loading: A new technology survey

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    Reviewed and evaluated technical abstracts for about 100 significant documents are reported relating primarily to life prediction for structural materials exposed to monotonic and cyclic loading, particularly in elevated temperature environments. The abstracts in the report are mostly for publications in the period April 1962 through April 1974. The purpose of this report is to provide, in quick reference form, a dependable source for current informatio

    dARTMAP: A Neural Network for Fast Distributed Supervised Learning

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    Distributed coding at the hidden layer of a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) endows the network with memory compression and noise tolerance capabilities. However, an MLP typically requires slow off-line learning to avoid catastrophic forgetting in an open input environment. An adaptive resonance theory (ART) model is designed to guarantee stable memories even with fast on-line learning. However, ART stability typically requires winner-take-all coding, which may cause category proliferation in a noisy input environment. Distributed ARTMAP (dARTMAP) seeks to combine the computational advantages of MLP and ART systems in a real-time neural network for supervised learning, An implementation algorithm here describes one class of dARTMAP networks. This system incorporates elements of the unsupervised dART model as well as new features, including a content-addressable memory (CAM) rule for improved contrast control at the coding field. A dARTMAP system reduces to fuzzy ARTMAP when coding is winner-take-all. Simulations show that dARTMAP retains fuzzy ARTMAP accuracy while significantly improving memory compression.National Science Foundation (IRI-94-01659); Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409, N00014-95-0657

    Five Roles of the Agricultural Editor in Communications Research

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    There\u27s a place for the practicing agricultural editor in communications research. It may not be a big place, but if you\u27re really interested, you can make a contribution to the field, and probably answer some of the questions about your work that nag you from time to time

    F-region drift velocities from incoherent-scatter measurements at Millstone Hill

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    F-region drift velocities measured at Millstone Hill from 1968 to 1974 are presented in tabular form. A brief description of the measurement procedures is also given

    Calculation of conductivities and currents in the ionosphere

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    Formulas and procedures to calculate ionospheric conductivities are summarized. Ionospheric currents are calculated using a semidiurnal E-region neutral wind model and electric fields from measurements at Millstone Hill. The results agree well with ground based magnetogram records for magnetic quiet days

    Growth mechanisms of perturbations in boundary layers over a compliant wall

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    The temporal modal and nonmodal growth of three-dimensional perturbations in the boundary-layer flow over an infinite compliant flat wall is considered. Using a wall-normal velocity/wall-normal vorticity formalism, the dynamic boundary condition at the compliant wall admits a linear dependence on the eigenvalue parameter, as compared to a quadratic one in the canonical formulation of the problem. This greatly simplifies the accurate calculation of the continuous spectrum by means of a spectral method, thereby yielding a very effective filtering of the pseudospectra as well as a clear identification of instability regions. The regime of global instability is found to be matching the regime of the favorable phase of the forcing by the flow on the compliant wall so as to enhance the amplitude of the wall. An energy-budget analysis for the least-decaying hydroelastic (static-divergence, traveling-wave-flutter and near-stationary transitional) and Tollmien--Schlichting modes in the parameter space reveals the primary routes of energy flow. Moreover, the flow exhibits a slower transient growth for the maximum growth rate of a superposition of streamwise-independent modes due to a complex dependence of the wall-boundary condition with the Reynolds number. The initial and optimal perturbations are compared with the boundary-layer flow over a solid wall; differences and similarities are discussed. Unlike the solid-wall case, viscosity plays a pivotal role in the transient growth. A slowdown of the maximum growth rate with the Reynolds number is uncovered and found to originate in the transition of the fluid-solid interaction from a two-way to a one-way coupling. Finally, a term-by-term energy budget analysis is performed to identify the key contributors to the transient growth mechanism

    Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory beam tube component and module leak testing

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    Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) is a joint project of the California Institute of Technology and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology funded by the National Science Foundation. The project is designed to detect gravitational waves from astrophysical sources such as supernova and black holes. The LIGO project constructed observatories at two sites in the U.S. Each site includes two beam tubes (each 4 km long) joined to form an "L" shape. The beam tube is a 1.25 m diam 304 L stainless steel, ultrahigh vacuum tube that will operate at 1×10^–9 Torr or better. The beam tube was manufactured using a custom spiral weld tube mill from material processed to reduce the outgassing rate in order to minimize pumping costs. The integrity of the beam tube was assured by helium mass spectrometer leak testing each component of the beam tube system prior to installation. Each 2 km long, isolatable beam tube module was then leak tested after completion
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