19,146 research outputs found

    A study of mission duration extension problems Summary report, 1 Oct. 1966 - 1 Oct. 1967

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    Characteristics, constraints, and implications of long duration space missions based on use of available hardware and maintenance/repair actions in spac

    Advances in lightning protection that satisfies contemporary standards

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    Described here are the LEC, Inc. Spline Ball Ionizer (trademark) (SBI) and the Spline Ball Terminal (trademark) (SBT) families and how their use in a conventional lightning protection system can achieve strike prevention in a conventional setting. A properly completed standards based system which is composed of the SBI and SBT in a hybrid system will provide two modes of lightning protection: (1) a stroke prevention mode that reduces the risk of a strike to the protected facility in proportion to the size of that facility and the size and number of SBI/SBT's used; and (2) a Stroke Collector-Diverter System that is far superior to any system now in use because it collects strokes entering the protected area from any direction and angle

    A study of an Extended Lunar Orbital Rendezvous /ELOR/ mission. Volume 3 - Summary of results

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    Optimal system and mission planning for extended lunar orbital rendezvous missio

    Portable light detection system for the blind

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    System can be used to detect "ready" light on automatic cooking device, to tell if lights are on for visitors, or to tell whether it is daylight or dark outside. Device is actuated like flashlight. Light impinging on photo cell activates transistor which energizes buzzer to indicate presence of light

    Identification of a Novel 81-kDa Component of the Xenopus Origin Recognition Complex

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    The Xenopus origin recognition complex is essential for chromosomal DNA replication in cell-free extracts. We have immunopurified the Xenopus origin recognition complex with anti-Xorc2 antibodies and analyzed its composition and properties. Xorc2 (p63) is specifically associated with Xorc1 (p115) and up to four additional polypeptides (p81, p78, p45, and p40). The cDNA encoding p81 is highly homologous to various expressed sequence tags from humans and mice encoding a protein of previously unknown function. Immunodepletion of p81 from Xenopus egg extracts, which also results in the removal of Xorc2, completely abolishes chromosomal DNA replication. Thus, p81 appears to play a crucial role at S phase in higher eukaryotes

    Frictional behavior of talc-calcite mixtures

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    Faults involving phyllosilicates appear weak when compared to the laboratory-derived strength of most crustal rocks. Among phyllosilicates, talc, with very low friction, is one of the weakest minerals involved in various tectonic settings. As the presence of talc has been recently documented in carbonate faults, we performed laboratory friction experiments to better constrain how various amounts of talc could alter these fault’s frictional properties. We used a biaxial apparatus to systematically shear different mixtures of talc and calcite as powdered gouge at room temperature, normal stresses up to 50 MPa and under different pore fluid saturated conditions, i.e., CaCO3-equilibrated water and silicone oil. We performed slide-hold-slide tests, 1–3000 s, to measure the amount of frictional healing and velocity-stepping tests, 0.1–1000 μm/s, to evaluate frictional stability. We then analyzed microstructures developed during our experiments. Our results show that with the addition of 20% talc the calcite gouge undergoes a 70% reduction in steady state frictional strength, a complete reduction of frictional healing and a transition from velocity-weakening to velocity-strengthening behavior. Microstructural analysis shows that with increasing talc content, deformation mechanisms evolve from distributed cataclastic flow of the granular calcite to localized sliding along talc-rich shear planes, resulting in a fully interconnected network of talc lamellae from 20% talc onward. Our observations indicate that in faults where talc and calcite are present, a low concentration of talc is enough to strongly modify the gouge’s frictional properties and specifically to weaken the fault, reduce its ability to sustain future stress drops, and stabilize slip

    Patient's breath controls comfort devices

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    Patient assist system for totally disabled persons was developed which permits a person, so paralyzed as to be unable to move, to activate by breathing, a call system to summon assistance, turn the page of a book, ajust his bed, or do any one of a number of other things. System consists of patient assist control and breath actuated switch

    Volatility, Money Market Rates, and the Transmission of Monetary Policy

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    We explore the effect of volatility in the federal funds market on the expectations hypothesis in money markets. We find that lower volatility in the bank funding markets market, all else equal, leads to a lower term premium and thus longer-term rates for a given setting of the overnight rate. The results appear to hold for the US as well as the Euro Area and the UK. The results have implications for the design of operational frameworks for the implementation of monetary policy and for the interpretation of the changes in the Libor-OIS spread during the financial crisisMonetary transmission mechanism, expectations hypothesis, term premium

    A Neural Network Realization of Fuzzy ART

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    A neural network realization of the fuzzy Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) algorithm is described. Fuzzy ART is capable of rapid stable learning of recognition categories in response to arbitrary sequences of analog or binary input patterns. Fuzzy ART incorporates computations from fuzzy set theory into the ART 1 neural network, which learns to categorize only binary input patterns, thus enabling the network to learn both analog and binary input patterns. In the neural network realization of fuzzy ART, signal transduction obeys a path capacity rule. Category choice is determined by a combination of bottom-up signals and learned category biases. Top-down signals impose upper bounds on feature node activations.British Petroleum (89-A-1204); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (90-0083); National Science Foundation (IRI 90-00530); Office of Naval Research (N00014-91-J-4100); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (90-0175
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