140 research outputs found

    Актерское мастерство в китайском классическом театре

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    Des phénotypes enzymatiques (estérases et malate déshydrogénases) ont été utilisés pour la caractérisation de 90 populations de #MeloidogyneoriginairesdediffeˊrentesreˊgionsduBreˊsil.Nousavonsemployeˊunetechniquesimplifieˊepourlesanalysesderoutine.Lesproteˊinessolublessontseˊpareˊesaˋpartirduneseulefemellepareˊlectrophoreˋsehorizontale,engelde1mmdeˊpaisseuraˋ7 originaires de différentes régions du Brésil. Nous avons employé une technique simplifiée pour les analyses de routine. Les protéines solubles sont séparées à partir d'une seule femelle par électrophorèse horizontale, en gel de 1 mm d'épaisseur à 7% de polyacrylamide. Les populations se répartissent comme suit : 24 #M. incognita, 39 #M. javanica, six #M. arenaria, deux #M. exigua, huit #M. hapla, deux #M. graminicola et neuf #Meloidogyne spp. Parmi les espèces atypiques, #Meloidogyne sp. 1 ressemble à #M. javanica par la configuration périnéale et peut être différenciée en électrophorèse par l'absence d'une bande estérasique et sa capacité à se développer sur le poivron. #Meloidogyne sp. 2, le plus virulent parasite du caféier dans l'état du Parana, correspond à une espèce non encore décrite. Les profils enzymatiques ne donnent malheureusement aucune information sur les races de #M. incognita et #M. arenaria$. (Résumé d'auteur


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    Strain and slackness of achilles tendon during passive joint mobilization via imaging ultrasonography

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    Background: In vivo study of the mechanical behavior of tendons may bring advances in evaluating the impact of intervention programs for flexibility and strength, in clinical practice and sports. Objective: The aim of this study was to quantify the relative strain and slackness of achilles tendons during passive mobilization, for four ankle joint angles and two knee angles. Methods: The displacement of the muscle-tendon junction was quantified by means of ultrasound images acquired during passive ankle mobilization, with the aid of an electrogoniometer and an electromyograph to ensure the achievement of the required angles and muscle inactivity, respectively. Results: The strain values ranged from 4.28%±2.37 to -0.94%±1.58 for the fully extended knee, and from 2.38%±1.63 to -2.32%±2.16% for the flexed knee. Conclusions: The values found in this study confirm those in the literature and demonstrate how the Achilles tendon participates in length changes in the muscle-tendon unit during passive movement. These results suggest that the mechanical properties of tendinous tissues affect the relationship between the length of muscle fibers and the joint angle, even during this type of movement

    An Essential Role for ECSIT in Mitochondrial Complex I Assembly and Mitophagy in Macrophages

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    ECSIT is a mitochondrial complex I (CI)-associated protein that has been shown to regulate the production of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (mROS) following engagement of Toll-like receptors (TLRs). We have generated an Ecsit conditional knockout (CKO) mouse strain to study the in vivo role of ECSIT. ECSIT deletion results in profound alteration of macrophage metabolism, leading to a striking shift to reliance on glycolysis, complete disruption of CI activity, and loss of the CI holoenzyme and multiple subassemblies. An increase in constitutive mROS production in ECSIT-deleted macrophages prevents further TLR-induced mROS production. Surprisingly, ECSIT-deleted cells accumulate damaged mitochondria because of defective mitophagy. ECSIT associates with the mitophagy regulator PINK1 and exhibits Parkin-dependent ubiquitination. However, upon ECSIT deletion, we observed increased mitochondrial Parkin without the expected increase in mitophagy. Taken together, these results demonstrate a key role of ECSIT in CI function, mROS production, and mitophagy-dependent mitochondrial quality control

    Holographic \Lambda(t)CDM model in a non-flat universe

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    The holographic Λ(t)\Lambda(t)CDM model in a non-flat universe is studied in this paper. In this model, to keep the form of the stress-energy of the vacuum required by general covariance, the holographic vacuum is enforced to exchange energy with dark matter. It is demonstrated that for the holographic model the best choice for the IR cutoff of the effective quantum field theory is the event horizon size of the universe. We derive the evolution equations of the holographic Λ(t)\Lambda(t)CDM model in a non-flat universe. We constrain the model by using the current observational data, including the 557 Union2 type Ia supernovae data, the cosmic microwave background anisotropy data from the 7-yr WMAP, and the baryon acoustic oscillation data from the SDSS. Our fit results show that the holographic Λ(t)\Lambda(t)CDM model tends to favor a spatially closed universe (the best-fit value of Ωk0\Omega_{k0} is -0.042), and the 95% confidence level range for the spatial curvature is 0.101<Ωk0<0.040-0.101<\Omega_{k0}<0.040. We show that the interaction between the holographic vacuum and dark matter induces an energy flow of which the direction is first from vacuum to dark matter and then from dark matter to vacuum. Thus, the holographic Λ(t)\Lambda(t)CDM model is just a time-varying vacuum energy scenario in which the interaction between vacuum and dark matter changes sign during the expansion of the universe.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. version for publication in EPJC. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1112.235