65 research outputs found
Wittgenstein: an expressivist approach about emotions
This paper aims to show that Wittgenstein’s approach to the concepts of sensation and emotion can shed light on many philosophical dilemmas that remain present in the contemporary debate. My analysis will start by characterizing Jesse Prinz’s approach to emotions (heavily influenced by the physiological theory of William James) and, then, it will proceed to show that Prinz is subject to the same criticisms that Wittgenstein expressed about William James’s theory. Finally, I will argue that Wittgenstein, in Philosophical Investigations, advocated for a peculiar kind of expressivism that, while having profound differences from traditional expressivism, is able to appear as a non-cognitivist position. I will argue further that William James’s error (and hence also Prinz’s) is disregarding the multiple uses of psychological terms (that is, to think that psychological terms have a uniform use)
Os aspectos normativos da linguagem impõem uma restrição substancial sobre as teorias aceitáveis do significado – na medida em que se supõe que o significado é uma noção intrinsecamente normativa. Esta suposição acaba por vetar a possibilidade de se oferecer considerações puramente naturalistas ou descritivistas do significado. Meu objetivo neste artigo é mostrar que não é necessário supor que o significado seja de fato uma noção intrinsecamente normativa. Não negarei que a linguagem esteja permeada de normatividade, ou ao menos, que a linguagem tenha aspectos normativos importantes – como sentenças com conteúdo normativo – mas eu creio que estes fenômenos podem realmente ser explicados de outra maneira. Em outras palavras, o que eu quero mostrar é que a normatividade da linguagem pode não oferecer razões fortes para se rejeitar completamente as considerações não-normativas da noção de significado. Mesmo os aspectos fortemente convencionais da linguagem poderiam ser mostrados como essencialmente não-prescritivos ou não-normativos (contra uma longa tradição defendida por filósofos adeptos da segunda fase do pensamento de Wittgenstein). Começo, portanto, por apresentar as raÃzes do problema; ou seja, mostrando como surge a restrição à s considerações naturalistas ou reducionistas do significado linguÃstico em função da suposição da tese forte da normatividade
Wittgenstein: Uma Solução Fundacionista ao Problema do Regresso Epistêmico
As notas que compõem a obra Da Certeza (Ãœber Gewissheit) expressam nitidamente a preocupação de Ludwig Wittgenstein com os problemas clássicos da epistemologia, em especial o uso dos termos epistêmicos tradicionais e os erros costumeiros dos filósofos que negligenciam suas profundas estruturas gramaticais. Em diversas passagens é fácil observar a tentativa de esclarecer os erros de realistas, idealistas e céticos no que diz respeito à s nossas alegações ordinárias de conhecimento em contextos céticos moderados. A questão do ceticismo sobre a justificação é um tema recorrente na epistemologia analÃtica contemporânea e, de certo modo, as soluções ofertadas a este problema ainda não são completamente adequadas. Existem muitas passagens de Da Certeza que possuem o potencial de lançar luz sobre questões fundamentais que encontram-se imbricadas neste debate, cuja discussão contemporânea tem sido fomentada pela instigante análise de Daniele Moyal-Sharrock (2005, 2007). O objetivo deste artigo é justamente tentar esboçar uma reposta wittgensteiniana ao problema do regresso epistêmico
Mangrove bacterial diversity and the impact of oil contamination revealed by pyrosequencing:Bacterial proxies for oil pollution
BACKGROUND: Mangroves are transitional coastal ecosystems in tropical and sub-tropical regions and represent biologically important and productive ecosystems. Despite their great ecological and economic importance, mangroves are often situated in areas of high anthropogenic influence, being exposed to pollutants, such as those released by oil spills. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A microcosm experiment was conducted, which simulated an oil spill in previously pristine mangrove sediment. The effect of the oil spill on the extant microbial community was studied using direct pyrosequencing. Extensive bacterial diversity was observed in the pristine mangrove sediment, even after oil contamination. The number of different OTUs only detected in contaminated samples was significantly higher than the number of OTUs only detected in non-contaminated samples. The phylum Proteobacteria, in particular the classes Gammaproteobacteria and Deltaproteobacteria, were prevalent before and after the simulated oil spill. On the other hand, the order Chromatiales and the genus Haliea decreased upon exposure to 2 and 5% oil, these are proposed as sensitive indicators of oil contamination. Three other genera, Marinobacterium, Marinobacter and Cycloclasticus increased their prevalence when confronted with oil. These groups are possible targets for the biomonitoring of the impact of oil in mangrove settings. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We suggest the use of sequences of the selected genera as proxies for oil pollution, using qPCR assessments. The quantification of these genera in distinct mangrove systems in relation to the local oil levels would permit the evaluation of the level of perturbance of mangroves, being useful in field monitoring. Considering the importance of mangroves to many other environments and the susceptibility of such areas to oil spills this manuscript will be of broad interest
Monitoring is an important practice for analyzing the quality of forest restoration projects. This study evaluates the success of forest restoration in three areas of riparian forest, in the state of Mato Grosso, in the transition between the Amazon and Cerrado biomes. Eleven plots measuring 12 x 30 m were installed in areas 1 (A1) and 3 (A3) and 12 in area 2 (A2). Planting and natural regeneration, área coverage by grasses and calculation of phytosociological parameters were evaluated. A total of 1107 planted individuals, 30 species and 18 families were marked and identified, with emphasis on Fabaceae, Bignoniaceae and Anacardiaceae. The mean density and basal area were 902 ind/ha and 10.51 m²/ha, respectively. Senegalia tenuifolia (L.) Britton & Rose, Hymenaea courbaril L. and Inga vera Willd. stood out as the most representative species in the study, with emphasis on S. tenuifolia in A2, with a regenerating overpopulation (8,425.93 ind/ there is). The average canopy cover was 27.8% and the incidence of grasses was significant in two of the three areas. After seven years, the areas cannot be considered restored and adaptive management practices would facilitate the direction to the planned ecological trajectory, however, further assessments are needed to better support these actions.Este estudo avaliou o sucesso da restauração florestal de três áreas de mata ciliar, na transição entre os biomas Amazônia e Cerrado em Mato Grosso. Onze parcelas de 12 x 30 m foram instaladas nas áreas 1 (A1) e 3 (A3) e doze parcelas na área 2 (A2). Foram avaliados o plantio e a regeneração natural através de análise fitossociológica, Ãndices de diversidade e similaridade e cobertura das áreas por gramÃneas. Um total de 1107 indivÃduos plantados, 30 espécies e 18 famÃlias foram avaliadas, com destaque para Fabaceae, Bignoniaceae e Anacardiaceae. A densidade variou entre 752 e 981 ind./ha e a área basal entre 7,58 e 12,64 m²/ha. Senegalia tenuifolia (L.) Britton & Rose, Hymenaea courbaril L. e Inga vera Willd. destacaram-se como espécies mais representativas no plantio segundo o IVI, com ênfase para S. tenuifolia na A2, com uma superpopulação regenerante (8.425,93 ind./ha). A cobertura de copa média foi de 27,8% e a incidência de gramÃneas foi expressiva em duas das três áreas. Após sete anos, as áreas não podem ser consideradas totalmente restauradas e práticas de manejo adaptativo facilitariam o direcionamento à trajetória ecológica desejável, entretanto, são necessárias novas avaliações da dinâmica e trajetória sucessional desses ecossistemas.
Palavras-chave: monitoramento; florestas tropicais; recuperação de áreas degradadas.
Evaluation of the success of forest restoration of riparian forests in the Amazon-Cerrado transition in Mato Grosso
ABSTRACT: This study evaluated the success of forest restoration in three areas of riparian forest, in the transition between the Amazon and Cerrado biomes in Mato Grosso. Eleven 12 x 30 m plots were installed in areas 1 (A1) and 3 (A3) and twelve plots in area 2 (A2). The evaluation was made and the natural sociological coverage through the evaluation, diversity and similarity indices and coverage of grassy areas. A total of 1107 planted individuals, 30 species and 18 families were evaluated, with emphasis on Fabaceae, Bignoniaceae and Anacardiaceae. The density varied between 752 and 981 ind./ha and the basal area between 7.58 and 12.64 m²/ha. Senegalia tenuifolia (L.) Britton & Rose, Hymenaea courbaril L. and Inga vera Willd. they stood out as the most representative species in planting according to the IVI, with emphasis on S. tenuifolia in A2, with a regenerating overpopulation (8,425.93 ind./ha). The average canopy cover was 27.8% and the incidence of grasses was significant in two of the three areas. After seven years, the areas cannot be considered fully restored and adaptive management practices would facilitate the direction to the desirable ecological trajectory, however, new assessments of the dynamics and successional trajectory of these ecosystems are needed.
Keywords: monitoring; tropical forests; recovery of degraded areas
A Companion to Naturalism
Offering a engaging and accessible portrait of the current state of the field, A Companion to Naturaslim shows students how to think about the relation between Philosophy and Science, and why is both essencial and fascinating to do so. All the authors in this collection reconsider the core questions in Philosophical Naturalism in light of the challenges raised in Contemporary Philosophy. They explore how philosophical questions are connected to vigorous current debates - including complex questions about metaphysics, semantics, religion, intentionality, pragmatism, reductionism, ontology, metaethics, mind, science, belief and delusion, among others – showing how these issues, and philosopher’s attempts to answer them, matter in the Philosophy. In this sense, this collection is also compelling and illuminating reading for philosophers, philosophy students, and anyone interested in Naturalism and their place in current discussions
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