11,535 research outputs found

    Differentiability properties of Rank-Linear Utilities.

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    We study the differentiability properties of concave functionals defined as integrals of the quantile. These functionals generalize the rank dependent expected utility and are called rank-linear utilities in decision theory. Their superdifferential is described as well as the set of random variables where they are Gâteaux-differentiable. Our results generalize those obtained for the rank dependent expected utility in Ref. [Carlier, G., Dana, R.-A., 2003. Core of a convex distortion of a probability. Journal of Economic Theory 113, 199–222.].Optimization and control;

    On systems of continuity equations with nonlinear diffusion and nonlocal drifts

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    This paper is devoted to existence and uniqueness results for classes of nonlinear diffusion equations (or systems) which may be viewed as regular perturbations of Wasserstein gradient flows. First, in the case. where the drift is a gradient (in the physical space), we obtain existence by a semi-implicit Jordan-Kinderlehrer-Otto scheme. Then, in the nonpotential case, we derive existence from a regularization procedure and parabolic energy estimates. We also address the uniqueness issue by a displacement convexity argument

    Remarks on existence and uniqueness of Cournot-Nash equilibria in the non-potential case

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    This article is devoted to various methods (optimal transport, fixed-point, ordinary differential equations) to obtain existence and/or uniqueness of Cournot-Nash equilibria for games with a continuum of players with both attractive and repulsive effects. We mainly address separable situations but for which the game does not have a potential. We also present several numerical simulations which illustrate the applicability of our approach to compute Cournot-Nash equilibria

    Exponential convergence for a convexifying equation and a non-autonomous gradient flow for global minimization

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    We consider an evolution equation similar to that introduced by Vese and whose solution converges in large time to the convex envelope of the initial datum. We give a stochastic control representation for the solution from which we deduce, under quite general assumptions that the convergence in the Lipschitz norm is in fact exponential in time. We then introduce a non-autonomous gradient flow and prove that its trajectories all converge to minimizers of the convex envelope

    From Nash to Cournot-Nash equilibria via the Monge-Kantorovich problem

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    The notion of Nash equilibria plays a key role in the analysis of strategic interactions in the framework of NN player games. Analysis of Nash equilibria is however a complex issue when the number of players is large. In this article we emphasize the role of optimal transport theory in: 1) the passage from Nash to Cournot-Nash equilibria as the number of players tends to infinity, 2) the analysis of Cournot-Nash equilibria

    Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations for the optimal control of a state equation with memory

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    This article is devoted to the optimal control of state equations with memory of the form: ?[x(t) = F(x(t),u(t), \int_0^{+\infty} A(s) x(t-s) ds), t>0, with initial conditions x(0)=x, x(-s)=z(s), s>0.]Denoting by yx,z,uy_{x,z,u} the solution of the previous Cauchy problem and: v(x,z):=infuV{0+eλsL(yx,z,u(s),u(s))ds}v(x,z):=\inf_{u\in V} \{\int_0^{+\infty} e^{-\lambda s} L(y_{x,z,u}(s), u(s))ds \} where VV is a class of admissible controls, we prove that vv is the only viscosity solution of an Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation of the form: λv(x,z)+H(x,z,xv(x,z))+Dzv(x,z),z˙>=0\lambda v(x,z)+H(x,z,\nabla_x v(x,z))+D_z v(x,z), \dot{z} >=0 in the sense of the theory of viscosity solutions in infinite-dimensions of M. Crandall and P.-L. Lions