10,726 research outputs found

    Testing strong gravity with gravitational waves and Love numbers

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    The LIGO observation of GW150914 has inaugurated the gravitational-wave astronomy era and the possibility of testing gravity in extreme regimes. While distorted black holes are the most convincing sources of gravitational waves, similar signals might be produced also by other compact objects. In particular, we discuss what the gravitational-wave ringdown could tell us about the nature of the emitting object, and how measurements of the tidal Love numbers could help us in understanding the internal structure of compact dark objects

    Dual Brane Pairs, Chains and the Bekenstein-Hawking Entropy

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    A proposal towards a microscopic understanding of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy for D=4 spacetimes with event horizon is made. Since we will not rely on supersymmetry these spacetimes need not be supersymmetric. Euclidean D-branes which wrap the event horizon's boundary will play an important role. After arguing for a discretization of the Euclidean D-brane worldvolume based on the worldvolume uncertainty relation, we count chainlike excitations on the worldvolume of specific dual Euclidean brane pairs. Without the need for supersymmetry it is shown that one can thus reproduce the D=4 Bekenstein-Hawking entropy and its logarithmic correction.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Vorticity and magnetic shielding in a type-II superconductor

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    We study in detail, solving the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations, the magnetic field, supercurrent and order parameter profiles originated by a solenoid or magnetic whisker inserted in a type-II superconductor. We consider solutions of different vorticities, n, in the various cases. The results confirm the connection between the vorticity, the internal currents and the boundstates in a self-consistent way. The number of boundstates is given by the vorticity of the phase of the gap function as in the case with no external solenoid. In the limiting case of an infinitely thin solenoid, like a Dirac string, the solution is qualitatively different. The quasiparticle spectrum and wave functions are a function of n-n_ext, where n_ext is the vorticity of the solenoid. The flux is in all cases determined by the vorticity of the gap function.Comment: revised version, 25 pages, LaTex, 10 figure

    Nernst branes from special geometry

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    We construct new black brane solutions in U(1)U(1) gauged N=2{\cal N}=2 supergravity with a general cubic prepotential, which have entropy density sT1/3s\sim T^{1/3} as T0T \rightarrow 0 and thus satisfy the Nernst Law. By using the real formulation of special geometry, we are able to obtain analytical solutions in closed form as functions of two parameters, the temperature TT and the chemical potential μ\mu. Our solutions interpolate between hyperscaling violating Lifshitz geometries with (z,θ)=(0,2)(z,\theta)=(0,2) at the horizon and (z,θ)=(1,1)(z,\theta)=(1,-1) at infinity. In the zero temperature limit, where the entropy density goes to zero, we recover the extremal Nernst branes of Barisch et al, and the parameters of the near horizon geometry change to (z,θ)=(3,1)(z,\theta)=(3,1).Comment: 37 pages. v2: numerical pre-factors of scalar fields q_A corrected in Section 3. No changes to conclusions. References adde

    Large Charge Four-Dimensional Non-Extremal N=2 Black Holes with R^2-Terms

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    We consider N=2 supergravity in four dimensions with small R^2 curvature corrections. We construct large charge non-extremal black hole solutions in all space, with either a supersymmetric or a non-supersymmetric extremal limit, and analyze their thermodynamic properties. This generalizes some of the extremal solutions presented in [arXiv:0902.0831]. The indexed entropy of the non-extremal extension of the supersymmetric black hole, has the form of the extremal entropy, with the charges replaced by a function of the charges, the moduli at infinity and the non-extremality parameter. This is the same behavior as in the case without R^2-terms.Comment: 13 pages. v2: stripped down to letter format, based on the background given in [arXiv:0902.0831]. v3: up to date with CQG versio

    Quasinormal modes of d-dimensional spherical black holes with a near extreme cosmological constant

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    We derive an expression for the quasinormal modes of scalar perturbations in near extreme d-dimensional Schwarzschild-de Sitter and Reissner-Nordstrom-de Sitter black holes. We show that, in the near extreme limit, the dynamics of the scalar field is characterized by a Poschl-Teller effective potential. The results are qualitatively independent of the spacetime dimension and field mass.Comment: 5 pages, REVTeX4, version to be published in Physical Review

    Alternativa para o descarte de palhada resultante da produção de sementes de capim.

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    A utilização da varredura, como método de colheita de sementes dessas plantas, requer corte e enleiramento das plantas, para que as sementes acumuladas sobre a superfície do solo possam ser varridas e coletadas; Em razão do grande rendimento proporcionado e da maior qualidade fisiológica das sementes resultantes, esse procedimento tornou-se o mais popular método de colheita de sementes de forrageiras no Brasil.bitstream/CPPSE/14628/1/PROCICT39FHDS2003.00211.pd

    Gravitational instabilities of superspinars

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    Superspinars are ultracompact objects whose mass M and angular momentum J violate the Kerr bound (cJ/GM^2>1). Recent studies analyzed the observable consequences of gravitational lensing and accretion around superspinars in astrophysical scenarios. In this paper we investigate the dynamical stability of superspinars to gravitational perturbations, considering either purely reflecting or perfectly absorbing boundary conditions at the "surface" of the superspinar. We find that these objects are unstable independently of the boundary conditions, and that the instability is strongest for relatively small values of the spin. Also, we give a physical interpretation of the various instabilities that we find. Our results (together with the well-known fact that accretion tends to spin superspinars down) imply that superspinars are very unlikely astrophysical alternatives to black holes.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, 1 table. v2: Fig. 8 and Section I improved. v3: minor changes to match the published versio

    Electromagnetic Properties of Kerr-Anti-de Sitter Black Holes

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    We examine the electromagnetic properties of Kerr-anti-de Sitter (Kerr-AdS) black holes in four and higher spacetime dimensions. Assuming that the black holes may carry a test electric charge we show that the Killing one-form which represents the difference between the timelike generators in the spacetime and in the reference background can be used as a potential one-form for the associated electromagnetic field. In four dimensions the potential one-form and the Kerr-AdS metric with properly re-scaled mass parameter solve the Einstein-Maxwell equations, thereby resulting in the familiar Kerr-Newman-AdS solution. We solve the quartic equation governing the location of the event horizons of the Kerr-Newman-AdS black holes and present closed analytic expressions for the radii of the horizons. We also compute the gyromagnetic ratio for these black holes and show that it corresponds to g=2 just as for ordinary black holes in asymptotically flat spacetime. Next, we compute the gyromagnetic ratio for the Kerr-AdS black holes with a single angular momentum and with a test electric charge in all higher dimensions. The gyromagnetic ratio crucially depends on the dimensionless ratio of the rotation parameter to the curvature radius of the AdS background. At the critical limit, when the boundary Einstein universe is rotating at the speed of light, it tends to g=2 irrespective of the spacetime dimension. Finally, we consider the case of a five dimensional Kerr-AdS black hole with two angular momenta and show that it possesses two distinct gyromagnetic ratios in accordance with its two orthogonal 2-planes of rotation. In the special case of two equal angular momenta, the two gyromagnetic ratios merge into one leading to g=4 at the maximum angular velocities of rotation.Comment: Typos corrected; 31 pages, REVTe