1,518 research outputs found

    Multiscale fluid--particle thermal interaction in isotropic turbulence

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    We use direct numerical simulations to investigate the interaction between the temperature field of a fluid and the temperature of small particles suspended in the flow, employing both one and two-way thermal coupling, in a statistically stationary, isotropic turbulent flow. Using statistical analysis, we investigate this variegated interaction at the different scales of the flow. We find that the variance of the fluid temperature gradients decreases as the thermal response time of the suspended particles is increased. The probability density function (PDF) of the fluid temperature gradients scales with its variance, while the PDF of the rate of change of the particle temperature, whose variance is associated with the thermal dissipation due to the particles, does not scale in such a self-similar way. The modification of the fluid temperature field due to the particles is examined by computing the particle concentration and particle heat fluxes conditioned on the magnitude of the local fluid temperature gradient. These statistics highlight that the particles cluster on the fluid temperature fronts, and the important role played by the alignments of the particle velocity and the local fluid temperature gradient. The temperature structure functions, which characterize the temperature fluctuations across the scales of the flow, clearly show that the fluctuations of the fluid temperature increments are monotonically suppressed in the two-way coupled regime as the particle thermal response time is increased. Thermal caustics dominate the particle temperature increments at small scales, that is, particles that come into contact are likely to have very large differences in their temperature. This is caused by the nonlocal thermal dynamics of the particles..

    Application of the nonuniform fast Fourier transform to the direct numerical simulation of two-way coupled particle laden flows

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    We present the application of the Nonuniform Fast Fourier Transform (NUFFT) to the pseudo-spectral Eulerian–Lagrangian direct numerical simulation of particle-laden flows. In the two-way coupling regime, when the particle feedback on the flow is taken into account, a spectral method requires not only the interpolation of the flow fields at particle positions, but also the Fourier representation of the particle back-reaction on the flow fields on a regular grid. Even though the direct B-spline interpolation is a well-established tool, to the best of our knowledge the reverse projection scheme has never been used, replaced by less accurate linear reverse interpolation or Gaussian regularization. We propose to compute the particle momentum and temperature feedback on the flow by means of the forward NUFFT, while the backward NUFFT is used to perform the B-spline interpolation. Since the backward and forward transformations are symmetric and the (non local) convolution computed in physical space is removed in Fourier space, this procedure satisfies all constraints for a consistent interpolation scheme, and allows an efficient implementation of high-order interpolations. The resulting method is applied to the direct numerical simulation of a forced and isotropic turbulent flow with different particle Stokes numbers in the two-way coupling regime. A marked multifractal scaling is observed in the particle statistics, which implies that the feedback from the particles on the fields is far from being analytic and therefore only high-order methods, like the one here proposed, can provide an accurate representation

    STRATEGIE DI INSOURCING E DI OUTSOURCING. Analisi del fenomeno e impatti sulla creazione di valore.

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    Nella presente tesi vengono descritte le strategie di insourcing e di outsourcing. Dopo un'analisi dettagliata delle due strategie, si approfondisce l'impatto che queste hanno sulla creazione di valore

    Gauge symmetry and dimensionality reduction of the anisotropic pressure Hessian

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    Analyzing the fluid velocity gradients in a Lagrangian reference frame provides an insightful way to study the small-scale dynamics of turbulent flows, and further insight is provided by considering the equations in the eigenframe of the strain-rate tensor. The dynamics of the velocity gradient tensor is governed in part by the anisotropic pressure Hessian, which is a non-local functional of the velocity gradient field. This anisotropic pressure Hessian plays a key role in the velocity gradient dynamics, for example in preventing finite-time singularities, but it is difficult to understand and model due to its non-locality and complexity. In this work a gauge symmetry for the pressure Hessian is introduced to the eigenframe equations of the velocity gradient, such that when the gauge is added to the original pressure Hessian, the dynamics of the eigenframe variables remain unchanged. We then exploit this gauge symmetry to perform a rank reduction on the three-dimensional anisotropic pressure Hessian, which, remarkably, is possible everywhere in the flow. The dynamical activity of the newly introduced rank-reduced anisotropic pressure Hessian is confined to two dimensional manifolds in the three dimensional flow, and exhibits striking alignment properties with respect to the strain-rate eigenframe and the vorticity vector. The dimensionality reduction, together with the strong preferential alignment properties, leads to new dynamical insights for understanding and modelling the role of the anisotropic pressure Hessian in three-dimensional flows

    Turbulent anisotropic transport in a model cloud interface

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    Small-scale turbulence in cumuli can make a significant contribution to the droplet growth by coalescence (Grabowski & Wang, ARFM 2013, Wang & Grabowski Atm.Sci.Lett. 2009), with a consequent significant impact of the onset of warm rain. We study the transport of energy and water vapour at the interface between two turbulent regions with a different kinetic energy and vapour concentration in a stratified environment through direct numerical simulations by applying the Boussinesq approximation. This configuration (Iovieno et al. JoT 2014, Gallana et al. JoP:CS 2015) mimics the inhomogeneity observed at the edge of a cloud between a more energetic cloud and the calmer drier ambient. Both stable and unstable stratifications are considered. In presence of a stable stratification we show the onset of two intermittent layers which confine a low kinetic energy sublayer, which acts as a barrier and blocks entrainment. On the opposite situation, a fast growth of an intermittent mixing layer enhances the entrainment till the bouyancy forces overcome inertial forces. We consider also the motion of droplets subject to the Stokes drag, gravitational acceleration and condensational growth. Their motion is coupled with the advection-diffusion of vapour in the air by using Mason’s model (Villancourt et al., J.Atm.Sci. 2000, Devenish et al. QJRMS 2012, Kumar et al. TCFD 2013). Unlikely most simulations, which use the "ghost collision approximation" (e.g. Ayala et al. 2008), we assume coalescence of the droplets. By means of this formulation, we will verigy our ansatz that the concentration of fluid elements across the cloud interface (shearless mixing layer) can ehnance collision rate and coalescence. We will show how the flow inhomogeneity influences the droplet growth and their spatial distribution. Collision kernels and the spectral density function of particle size will be also given

    Modeling and control of 5-DoF boom crane

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    Automation of cranes can have a direct impact on the productivity of construction projects. In this paper, we focus on the control of one of the most used cranes, the boom crane. Tower cranes and overhead cranes have been widely studied in the literature, whereas the control of boom cranes has been investigated only by a few works. Typically, these works make use of simple models making use of a large number of simplifying assumptions (e.g. fixed length cable, assuming certain dynamics are uncoupled, etc.) A first result of this paper is to present a fairly complete nonlinear dynamic model of a boom crane taking into account all coupling dynamics and where the only simplifying assumption is that the cable is considered as rigid. The boom crane involves pitching and rotational movements, which generate complicated centrifugal forces, and consequently, equations of motion highly nonlinear. On the basis of this model, a control law has been developed able to perform position control of the crane while actively damping the oscillations of the load. The effectiveness of the approach has been tested in simulation with realistic physical parameters and tested in the presence of wind disturbances.Comment: the paper was published in 37th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2020


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    Kassapoglou has recently proposed a model for fatigue of composite materials which seems to suggest that the fatigue SN curve can be fully predicted on the basis of the statistical distribution of static strengths. The original abstract writes expressions for the cycles to failure as a function of R ratio are derived. These expressions do not require any curve fitting and do not involve any experimentally determined parameters. The fatigue predictions do not require any fatigue tests for calibration". These surprisingly ambitious claims and attractive results deserve careful scrutiny. We contend that the result, which originates from the reliability theory where exponential distributions is sometimes used to model distribution of failures when age (or wearout) has no influence on the probability of failure, does not conform to a fatigue testing with the resulting SN curve distribution. Despite Kassapoglou's attempt to use a wearout law which seems to confirm this result even with wearout, we contend that a proper statistical treatment of the fatigue process should not make wear-out constants disappear, and hence the SN curves would depend on them, and not just on scatter of static data. These concerns explain the large discrepancies found by 3 independent studies which have tried to apply Kassapoglou's model to composite fatigue data

    Monoclonal Antibodies for Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma: State of the Art and Perspectives

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    Monoclonal antibodies have been the most successful therapeutics ever brought to cancer treatment by immune technologies. The use of monoclonal antibodies in B-cell Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL) represents the greatest example of these advances, as the introduction of the anti-CD20 antibody rituximab has had a dramatic impact on how we treat this group of diseases today. Despite this success, several questions about how to optimize the use of monoclonal antibodies in NHL remain open. The best administration schedules, as well as the optimal duration of rituximab treatment, have yet to be determined. A deeper knowledge of the mechanisms underlying resistance to rituximab is also necessary in order to improve the activity of this and of similar therapeutics. Finally, new antibodies and biological agents are entering the scene and their advantages over rituximab will have to be assessed. We will discuss these issues and present an overview of the most significant clinical studies with monoclonal antibodies for NHL treatment carried out to date