40 research outputs found

    Valutazione multicriteriale dello spazio pubblico: un metodo per le pubbliche amministrazioni

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    La gestione, manutenzione e riqualificazione degli spazi pubblici richiede strumenti di valutazione multicriteriali, sensibili a condizioni socio-ambientali spesso trascurate nel processo decisionale di una Pubblica Amministrazione. La ricerca ha elaborato un sistema di valutazione transcalare composto di otto indicatori. Gli indicatori concorrono, attraverso la visualizzazione su base GIS e la computazione tabellare a definire un percorso progressivo di valutazione che partendo dalla scala della cittĂ  giunge all'analisi di uno spazio verde e della sua dotazione di arredi. Il metodo sperimentale tiene conto del ciclo di vita delle dotazioni degli spazi pubblici, dei vincoli normativi, delle opportunitĂ  morfologiche del territorio, del fabbisogno sociale di spazi


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    Urban pilot project is transforming micro-communities in the heart of Italy’s Piedmont region. Concerto AL Piano is a European project aimed to demon- strate the economic and social benefits in investing in energy saving and re- newable energy in the process of urban regeneration. Thanks to the co-operation of the many players in this effort, as well as the support from the region, a previous project of a Photovoltaic Village was a success, and Alessandria became the largest PV village in Italy. Alessandria further promoted energy saving concepts, including encouraging sustainable construction under the banner of Concerto AL Piano. The project includes a mix of interventions: the recovery of existing social hous- ing, the construction of new eco-buildings and the provision of a district heat- ing system in cogeneration. The project has been governed by a partnership be- tween the local authority, public housing agencies, private building companies, universities and research centres. An urban regeneration process has been set-up to become a key action in the Strategic Energy Action Plan (SEAP). Concerto AL Piano in Alessandria has motivated many of the local residents to play a part in eco-construction and energy retrofit projects. Getting citizens involved in energy projects is proving to be the key to success for a region’s effort to promote sustainable construction and energy saving systems

    Thermal Performance Assessment of an Opaque Ventilated Façade in the Summer Period: Calibration of a Simulation Model through in-field Measurements

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    In recent years, several studies have been performed to evaluate the actual contribute of Opaque Ventilated Façades (OVF) as far as the energy efficiency of buildings in the summer period is concerned. In this framework an experimental real-scale module of an OVF was built and tested. Results demonstrated a reduction of ~58% of the thermal load obtained by using a OVF with respect to the unventilated façade configuration. In this paper the experimental measurements were used to calibrate dynamic simulations using ESP-r software, in order to identify the input factors and the key issues mainly impacting on the results discrepancy

    BLOCK_PLASTER: involucro in laterizio a elevate prestazioni energetico-ambientali. BLOCK-PLASTER: High energy/environmental performance brick building envelope.

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    Today, technological innovation in the construction field faces an important challenge: the identification of solutions that may not only allow to maximize energy saving in the use phase, but that may also reduce environmental impact throughout the entire life cycle of materials and components. The paper illustrates a research activity and experimentation – funded by the European Union – carried out in synergy by research centres and private companies. Its end purpose was the design, prototyping, and monitoring of an eco-friendly brick envelope named BLOCK_PLASTER. Alternative configurations to the system have been identified and technological environmental performances in the different phases of the life cycle have been verified through a multidisciplinary and a multi-objective approach

    LCC Analysis to evaluate the economic sustainability of technological scenarios on the district scale. - LCC Analysis per valutare la sostenibilitĂ  economica di scenari tecnologici alla scala del district

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    The analysis of the alternative project technologies shapes up as a crucial passage to verify the economic-environmental sustainability and thereby steer the choices of Public Administrations and private investors on investing in the retrofit of assets towards Energy-Efficient Buildings. When it comes, however, to new construction or energy retrofit interventions on existing buildings or clusters of buildings, you cannot overlook to place them territorially within a broader inftrastructural vision. In the essay, we suggest to apply the Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) approach to assess the economic sustainability of optional technological scenarios. Assuming the methodological principles of the LCCA approach, amply explored on the building scale, we try to reason on the district scale, tackling the complexity that this broader scale perspective entails. At the same time, we suggest application of the LCCA approach to a case already targeted by a previous retrofit intervention: a “post retrofit intervention” viewed within a differently mature technological and market context. We propose the simulation on a real case clarified by the “Concerto AL Piano” European project, developed as part of the “Concerto” programme, co-funded by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Energy and Transport, in the September 2007 – August 2013 period. We assume at the start the principle – emerging in the recent sector literature – that the integration between local energy production technologies (district heating by gas cogeneration, photovoltaic, solar heating energy) is preferable to project solutions aimed at maximising recourse to specific energy generation technologies, viewed separately. An integration of sources which, we hope, can simultaneously ensure a simple management and control. The potential offered by switching from the single building scale to the territorial sub-segment one in the simultaneous presence of several energy sources, highlighted by the results, certainly entails an increased degree of complexity, at the level of systems and at an evaluative level. Complexity that might lead, however, to important openings for territorial governance and the definition of policies compatible with the energy containment objectives and with the required performance requirements while being, at the same time, economically and financially sustainable

    Energy Assessment of A PCM–Embedded Plaster: Embodied Energy Versus Operational Energy

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    Phase change materials (PCMs) are an emerging technology that can be integrated in building envelope components. PCMs are able to stabilise indoor air temperature and increase thermal energy storage especially in lightweight constructions. Within a research activity aimed at developing advanced plasters with improved thermal properties, a plaster which incorporates a microencapsulated paraffin-based PCM was developed. The paper highlights the importance of an overall analysis, facing both operational and embodied energy, since the expected decrease of the energy consumption during the operational stage difficultly counterbalances the high energy impact related to manufacturing processes


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    Concerto AL Piano, in Alessandria at the NW of Italy, is one of the 58 integrated energy demonstration sites promoted by the European Commission within the 6th and 7th Framework Programme. Concerto AL Piano is aimed at demonstrating the economic and social benefits in investing in energy saving and renewable energy in urban regeneration. The project includes a mix of interventions: the renovation of existing social housing, the construction of new eco-buildings and the provision of a cogeneration district heating, integrated in the urban environment

    Development of Vegetal Based Thermal Plasters with Low Environmental Impact: Optimization Process through an Integrated Approach

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    The use of thermal insulating plasters represents an effective solution in energy retrofit of existing buildings. Thermal properties are usually improved through the addition on the plaster formulation of Light Weight Aggregates, as expanded polystyrene and perlite. The drawback of these thermal plasters is the higher environmental impact, especially when added to natural binders, as natural hydraulic lime. Within a research activity a process of optimization was followed in order to get the most effective blend, applying iteratively the LCA methodology, measuring the thermal conductivity and testing the environmental impact in terms of Volatile Organic Compounds and formaldehyde emission rates

    A circular approach to technological innovation with waste from the agri-industrial supply chain

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    Today's construction sector is able to act as a catalyst for circular processes in synergy with various industrial supply chains, including those that include the reuse of plant by-products, which can potentially be used as secondary raw materials (SRM). These processes fall within a research cluster described through four projects, articulated on the basis of an experimental work method, performance monitoring and assessment of environmental impact. The activities of the cluster have led to collaboration between companies and universities, laying the foundations for process and product innovation, highlighting the need to implement tools and policies to streamline SRM recovery and storage chains