3 research outputs found

    O império dos mil anos e a arte do "tempo barroco": a åguia bicéfala como emblema da Cristandade

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    Das caixas da casa colonial Ă s arcas do Museu Paulista

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    A partir de uma pesquisa desenvolvida no Museu Paulista da Universidade de SĂŁo Paulo sobre o espaço domĂ©stico e a cultura material em SĂŁo Paulo colonial, buscaremos problematizar o ofĂ­cio do historiador ao lidar com documentos de natureza diversa. Comentaremos como se estabeleceu e se conformou, ao longo do trabalho, um diĂĄlogo crĂ­tico entre as fontes tridimensionais - as peças do acervo - e as fontes textuais produzidas no contexto de origem dos artefatos domĂ©sticos - sobretudo inventĂĄrios. Com base na catalogação de acervo, pretendemos discutir situaçÔes de aproximação e incompatibilidade colocadas, muitas vezes, entre os termos utilizados pelos coevos para designar determinadas peças de mobiliĂĄrio nos sĂ©culos XVIII e XIX e a classificação das peças em instituiçÔes museolĂłgicas. Para tanto, jogaremos luzes sobre caixas e arcas, pois esses mĂłveis de conter e de guardar eram onipresentes nas casas setecentistas do impĂ©rio portuguĂȘs.This paper analyzes the way historians deal with different types of historical documents (considering their origins) based on a research conducted at the Paulista Museum of the University of SĂŁo Paulo on the theme of domestic space and material culture in colonial SĂŁo Paulo. We will discuss how a critical dialogue was established between the tridimensional sources - the pieces of the collection - and the textual sources produced in the original context of the domestic artifacts - especially inventories. Based on the cataloging of the collection, we analyze situations of approximation and incompatibility often created by the use of the terms by the contemporaries to designate certain pieces of furniture in the 18th and 19th centuries and the terms used in the process of pieces classification in museological institutions. In order to do so, we will shed light on boxes and chests, because these kind of furniture to contain and store were ubiquitous in the 18th century houses of the Portuguese Empire

    Laços familiares e aspectos materiais da dinùmica mercantil na cidade de São Paulo (séculos XVIII e XIX)

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    Based on the family ties established within the active merchant community of the city of SĂŁo Paulo through the 18th and 19th centuries, the author sets out to tell the life story of nine merchants involved in matrimonial alliances, with a focus on the transactions carried out, their sociopolitical engagement and the fortunes of their descendants. Having done that, she seeks out connections between the urban development of the city center and the activities of these businessmen by means of analyses centered on the material aspects of their lives, particularly those related to their homes and home furniture