9 research outputs found

    Receptor Modeling Source Apportionment of PM10 and Benzo(a)pyrene in Krakow, Poland

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    The main energy source in Krakow, Poland is coal combustion, which is believed to be the reason for frequent winter episodes of extremely high ambient air concentrations of particulate matter (PM10) and associated benzo(a)pyrene B(a)P. Results are presented on the source apportionment of PM10 and B(a)P during two episodes of thermal inversion (14/1 ; 2/3, 2005) at four different air monitoring stations and four apartments (indoor) in the city of Krakow, The results are compared to the Zakopane mountain site selected due to its prominent domestic coal heating and little traffic. The source apportionment was based on receptor modeling of the total of 72 ambient PM samples and 21 individual PM sources, chemically characterised for a high number of organic and inorganic compounds including polyaromatics (15 PAH and 18 azaarenes) heavy metals and trace elements (28 compounds), major ions, soot and organic carbon. An array of multivariate receptor models was used i.e. chemical mass balance (CMB), constrained matrix factorisation (CMF), constrained physical receptor modelling (COPREM) positive matrix factorization (PMF), principle component analysis with multi-linear regression analysis (PCA-MLRA), edge analysis (UNMIX), cluster analysis (CA), and self organizing maps SOM). The variation in the receptor dataset (55 compounds, 60 outdoor and 12 indoor PM samples) allowed the models of the pure factor analysis type (PMF, UNMIX, PCA-MLRA) to identify 3-5 factors of mixed sources. The interpretation of the factors was not straightforward, but pointed to a dominating primary source contribution from coal combustion (>60%) and a minor contribution from traffic (<10%). The secondary PM sources (20-30%) comprised industry and traffic. The results of cluster analysis and self organizing maps supported these indications. PMF was able to disaggregate the coal combustion into three factors i.e. ~10% related to industrial activities, ~20% related to home heating by stoves (coal) and ~30% related to boilers. The chemical fingerprints of the receptor samples and the main PM sources in Krakow and Zakopane allowed the pure chemical mass balance; type model (EPA-CMB8.2) to estimate the major contributions from two primary source types i.e. residential heating by coal combustion in small stoves and low efficiency boilers (~45%) and boilers with rudimentary PM reductions techniques such as cyclones (~15%), one major secondary source deriving from industrial and traffic emissions of SO2 + NOx + possibly HCl (~20%). Five minor primary sources were also identified i.e. traffic 5%, biomass burning ~5%, coke/fuel combustion ~5%, industrial high efficiency coal combustion 3%, and road/salt/rock re-suspension ~2%. The indoor PM10 and B(a)P were found to have the same sources as outdoor PM10 and B(a)P The results obtained by the models CMF and COPREM - which are hybrids of factor analysis and chemical mass balance generally agreed with the CMB results. However, their source contribution estimates are slightly different: residential heating ~30%, boilers with rudimentary PM reductions techniques such as cyclones ~30%, industrial high efficiency coal combustion ~15% traffic 3-7%, secondary 13-21%, road/salt/rock re-suspension 2-8%. All receptor models calculated residential heating to be the principal PM source in Zakopane (70-80%).JRC.H.4-Transport and air qualit

    JRC – Ispra Atmosphere – Biosphere – Climate Integrated monitoring Station : 2011 report

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    The Institute for Environment and Sustainability provide long-term observations of the atmosphere within international programs and research projects. These observations are performed from the research infrastructure named ABC-IS: Atmosphere-Biosphere-Climate Integrated monitoring station. Most measurements are performed at the JRC-Ispra site. Observations are also carried out from two other platforms: the forest station in San Rossore, and a ship cruising in the Western Mediterranean sea. This document reports about measurement programs, the equipment which is deployed, and the data quality assessment for each site. Our observations are presented, compared to each other, as well as to historical data obtained over the past 25 years at the Ispra site.JRC.H.2-Air and Climat

    Sources for PM air pollution in the Po Plain, Italy: I. Critical comparison of methods for estimating biomass burning contributions to benzo(a)pyrene

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    Particle-bound benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P) constitutes an air pollution problem in many areas of Europe and has been linked to biomass burning (BB). The present study, conducted in 2007 and 2009 at ten stations in the North Italian Po Plain and Valtelline Valley, examines four methods for the quantification of BB contributions to particle-bound B(a)P using data for 61 predictor compounds in more than 700 ambient PM10 and PM2.5 samples. The study was carried out during the heating season – a period of the year with minimal volatilization and atmospheric degradation of B(a)P, which favour source apportionment by receptor modelling. The lowest estimates of the source contribution (SCE) from BB were obtained with the levoglucosan tracer method and multi-linear regression analysis of daily variations in B(a)P concentrations using levoglucosan as the main predictor in combination with a few other predictors including gaseous pollutants and meteorological data. The standard uncertainty of these methods was driven by the uncertainty in the BB emission factor for levoglucosan and mounted to 90% (1 σ). Positive matrix factorization (PMF), using only PAH congeners as predictors, did not produce factors interpretable as emission sources. However, PMF utilizing a broad range of predictor compounds afforded five factors with compositions similar to emission sources. The yielded B(a)P SCEs for BB agreed well with results of chemical mass balance modelling (CMB). Both receptor models gave good predictions (p) of the observed (o) B(a)P concentrations (PMF: p/o = 89 ± 9%, CMB: p/o = 114 ± 17%) with lower uncertainties than the tracer methods (CMB 60%; PMF 54%; 1 σ). The average BB SCEs (mean ± 95% confidence interval) from these models were: 1.0 ± 0.4 ng m−3 at a kerbside in Milan, 1.0 ± 0.2 ng m−3 at six urban background stations in the Po Plain, 0.7 ± 0.3 ng m−3 at two rural background stations in the Po Plain, and 2.1 ± 1.1 ng m−3 at an urban background station in the Valtelline Valley representing 74 ± 32%, 79 ± 18%, 85 ± 33%, and 84 ± 46% of all modelled B(a)P sources, respectively.JRC.H.2-Climate change and air qualit

    Physically Constrained Receptor Modelling of PM10 from Winter Time Krakow

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    Krakow is Poland¿s second largest city and one of the most polluted cities in Europe with regards to particulate matter (PM) and associated compounds, such as benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P). The study was designed to apportion coal combustion sources in comparison with other main sources for these pollutants PM10 samples were collected in Krakow during typical winter pollution events from 5 sampling sites, all with little different source profiles, industry, traffic, residential, urban background and rural background areas. The receptor samples were chemically analyzed together with PM emissions samples from 20 major sources and the obtained data was subjected to multivariate receptor modeling. 46 individual compounds were included comprising elementary and organic carbon (EC/OC), major anions and cations, trace elements, polyaromatic hydrocarbons and azaarenes. The source apportionment was accomplished by physically constrained positive matrix factorization (CMF). The hybrid receptor model between chemical mass balance and factor analysis with physically meaningful constraints was developed in the early 90ties by Wåhlin (Wåhlin, 1993). Subject for constraints was to gain reduced rotational ambiguity and physically more interpretable factors. In this study, these ideas are developed further by not only constraining ratios of specific elements, but allowing the constraint to be variable within uncertainty limits. The limits for constraints can be obtained from experimental uncertainties of source profiles or expert knowledge about specific elemental ratios, e.g. evaporation or chemical transformation that changes the original source fingerprint from one form to an other. Furthermore, the uncertainties for semivolatile PACs were scaled using temperature corrected subcooled liquid vapor pressures (Fernández et al., 2002). CMF takes advantage of the multi-linear engine ME-2 model tool developed by Paatero,(1999), which facilitate the running of PMF in various constrained modes. The highest primary contributions to the PM10 pollution in the city of Krakow and in particularbackground site Zakopane was from Home heating. In Krakow this source covers 30-50% andin Zakopane to 80-90% of total PM10, which is in agreement with high number of small stoves in Krakow and Zakopane. The second highest primary contribution of PM10 was estimated to come from industrial power generation (coal), 30-40% in Krakow and 5-10% in Zakopane to 80-90%. Traffic and re-suspension was estimated by to be lowest primary source explains to 8-10% in Krakow and less than 2% in Zakopane. The contribution from secondary aerosols was estimated to contribute with 20-21% in Krakow and less than 8-10% in Zakopane.JRC.H.4-Transport and air qualit

    Quantifying the impact of residential heating on the urban air quality in a typical European coal combustion region

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    The present investigation, carried out as a case study in a typical major city situated in a European coal combustion region (Krakow, Poland), aims at quantifying the impact on the urban air quality of residential heating by coal combustion in comparison with other potential pollution sources such as power plants, industry, and traffic. Emissions were measured for 20 major sources, including small stoves and boilers, and the particulate matter (PM) was analyzed for 52 individual compounds together with outdoor and indoor PM10 collected during typical winter pollution episodes. The data were analyzed using chemical mass balance modeling (CMB) and constrained positive matrix factorization (CMF) yielding source apportionments for PM10, B(a)P, and other regulated air pollutants namely Cd, Ni, As, and Pb. The results are potentially very useful for planning abatement strategies in all areas of the world, where coal combustion in small appliances is significant. During the studied pollution episodes in Krakow, European air quality limits were exceeded with up to a factor 8 for PM10 and up to a factor 200 for B(a)P. The levels of these air pollutants were accompanied by high concentrations of azaarenes, known markers for inefficient coal combustion. The major culprit for the extreme pollution levels was demonstrated to be residential heating by coal combustion in small stoves and boilers (>50% for PM10 and >90% B(a)P), whereas road transport (<10% for PM10 and <3% for B(a)P), and industry (4−15% for PM10 and <6% for B(a)P) played a lesser role. The indoor PM10 and B(a)P concentrations were at high levels similar to those of outdoor concentrations and were found to have the same sources as outdoors. The inorganic secondary aerosol component of PM10 amounted to around 30%, which for a large part may be attributed to the industrial emission of the precursors SO2 and NOx