16,191 research outputs found

    Large Scale Morphological Segregation in Optically Selected Galaxy Redshift Catalogs

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    We present the results of an exhaustive analysis of the morphological segregation of galaxies in the CfA and SSRS catalogs through the scaling formalism. Morphological segregation between ellipticals and spirals has been detected at scales up to 15-20 h−1^{-1} Mpc in the CfA catalog, and up to 20-30 h−1^{-1} Mpc in the SSRS catalog. Moreover, it is present not only in the densest areas of the galaxy distribution, but also in zones of moderate density.Comment: 9 pages, (1 figure included), uuencode compressed Postscript, (accepted for publication in ApJ Letters), FTUAM-93-2

    Renormalization of the vacuum angle in quantum mechanics, Berry phase and continuous measurements

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    The vacuum angle Ξ\theta renormalization is studied for a toy model of a quantum particle moving around a ring, threaded by a magnetic flux Ξ\theta. Different renormalization group (RG) procedures lead to the same generic RG flow diagram, similar to that of the quantum Hall effect. We argue that the renormalized value of the vacuum angle may be observed if the particle's position is measured with finite accuracy or coupled to additional slow variable, which can be viewed as a coordinate of a second (heavy) particle on the ring. In this case the renormalized Ξ\theta appears as a magnetic flux this heavy particle sees, or the Berry phase, associated with its slow rotation.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Anisotropic brane cosmologies with exponential potentials

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    We study Bianchi I type brane cosmologies with scalar matter self-interacting through combinations of exponential potentials. Such models correspond in some cases to inflationary universes. We discuss the conditions for accelerated expansion to occur, and pay particular attention to the influence of extra dimensions and anisotropy. Our results show that the associated effects evolve in such a way that they become negligible in the late time limit, those related to the anisotropy disappearing earlier. This study focuses mainly on single field models, but we also consider a generalization yielding models with multiple non-interacting fields and examine its features briefly. We conclude that in the brane scenario, as happens in general relativity, an increase in the number of fields assists inflation.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Hierarchy and Competition in CSCW applications: Model and case study

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    CSCW applications need to adapt themselves to the functional and organizational structures of people that use them. However they do not usually support division in groups with a certain hierarchical structure among them. In this paper, we propose and study a theoretical model of groupware appliations that reflects those hierarchical interactions. The proposed model is also intended to evaluate the effects in performance derived from competitive and collaborative relationships among the components of a hierarchy of groups. In order to demonstrate the above ideas, a groupware game, called Alymod, was designed and implemented using a modified version of a well-known CSCW Toolkit, namely Groupkit. Groupkit was modified in order to support group interactions in the same CSCW application. In Alymod, participants compete or collaborate within a hierarchical structure to achieve a common goal (completing gaps in a text, finishing numerical series, resolving University course examinations, etc.).Publicad

    The effect of microbial selection on the occurrence-abundance patterns of microbiomes

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    Theoretical models are useful to investigate the drivers of community dynamics. In the simplest case of neutral models, the events of death, birth and immigration of individuals are assumed to only depend on their abundance—thus, all types share the same parameters. The community level expectations arising from these simple models and their agreement to empirical data have been discussed extensively, often suggesting that in nature, rates might indeed be neutral or their differences might not be important. However, how robust are these model predictions to type-specific rates? Also, what are the consequences at the level of types? Here, we address these questions moving from simple neutral communities to heterogeneous communities. For this, we build a model where types are differently adapted to the environment. We compute the equilibrium distribution of the abundances. Then, we look into the occurrence-abundance pattern often reported in microbial communities. We observe that large immigration and biodiversity—common in microbial systems—lead to such patterns, regardless of whether the rates are neutral or non-neutral. We conclude by discussing the implications to interpret and test empirical data

    Principais liçÔes de um projeto agroflorestal com pequenos produtores no Baixo Rio Negro (Amazonas).

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    O projeto "Implantação de sistemas agroflorestais com pequenos produtores da AmazÎnia Central" teve por objetivo adaptar tecnologias agroflorestais às condiçÔes de pequenas comunidades do Baixo Rio Negro, Amazonas. Neste trabalho são relatados os primeiros cinco anos do projeto e as principais liçÔes aprendidas, importantes para outros projetos que abordem a questão agroflorestal em propriedades rurais

    Stochastic colonization of hosts with a finite lifespan can drive individual host microbes out of equilibrium

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    Author summary Microbial communities are prevalent not only in the environment but also in hosts. Although the drivers of environmental microbiomes have been studied extensively, less is known about the drivers distinguishing a host environment. Recent experimental observations have highlighted the influence of ecological drift in hosts with short lifespan, including model organisms like C. elegans, D. melanogaster and D. rerio. We have developed a theoretical model to study the effect of a finite host lifespan on relevant observables of the microbiome, including the microbial load, probability of colonization of a microbial taxon, and distribution of microbiome composition in a host population. Although we focus on a case free of any selection, our results indicate the possible coexistence of hosts with alternative microbiome composition, and to a larger extent the coexistence of colonized and microbe-free hosts. A quantitative description is provided

    A New Species of Paraturbanella Remane, 1927 (Gastrotricha, Macrodasyida) from the Brazilian Coast, and the Molecular Phylogeny of Turbanellidae Remane, 1926

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    The family Turbanellidae includes Paraturbanella and five other genera. Despite the fact that the monophyly of these genera were not satisfactorily tested, species belonging to the genus Paraturbanella are distinguished from turbanellids by sharing a peculiar group of tubes on the ventrolateral side of the anterior pharyngeal region known as “dohrni” tubes. In this study, Paraturbanella tricaudata species nova (sp. nov.) from the intertidal zone of a sandy beach in Trindade (Rio de Janeiro State) and the sublittoral sand of Prumirim Island (São Paulo State), Brazil, is described. The new species can be distinguished from all other Paraturbanella species by the presence of three caudal cones (one medial and two laterals to it) and peculiar arrangement of the male system. This is the first description of a Paraturbanella species from Brazil and the third registered from the Southern Hemisphere (as opposed to 19 species in the Northern Hemisphere); thus, knowledge of marine gastrotrichs biodiversity in this region is far from satisfactory
