8 research outputs found

    Iconografia tropical: motivos locais na arte colonial brasileira

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    Este artigo estuda a representação visual da natureza tropical na arte sacra do período colonial brasileiro, entre os séculos XVI e XVIII, época em que as artes visuais do país se desenvolveram no contexto do barroco introduzido pelos missionários católicos. Foi na decoração das igrejas que apareceram algumas das primeiras representações artísticas de elementos da natureza local, notadamente as frutas tropicais, produzindo novas combinações junto à tradicional ornamentação fitomórfica europeia, constituída de folhas de acantos e vinhas. Após um levantamento das ocorrências dessas manifestações da temática local na decoração dos templos presentes nas regiões nordeste e sudeste do país, este trabalho aborda, nos textos dos viajantes e missionários produzidos no período, as interpretações cristãs da natureza tropical que permitiram o aproveitamento desses motivos como parte da estratégia de pregação e conversão católica por meio da alegorização moral e religiosa da natureza do Novo Mundo.This paper studies the visual representation of local nature in the sacred art developed during the colonial period of Brazilian history. In this period, between the XVIth and the XVIIIth centuries, the visual arts in the country evolved in the context of the Baroque introduced by Catholic missionaries. It was in the decoration of the churches in which the first representations of aspects of local nature, mostly the tropical fruits, appeared in Brazilian visual arts, producing new combinations together with the traditional European phytomorphic ornamentation of acanthus leaves and grapes. This research draws upon texts written by travellers and missionaries during the period to demonstrate how the Europeans interpreted and represented tropical nature and used these representations as part of the Catholic preaching strategy by means of moral and religious allegorization of the New World nature

    Os bordados de João Cândido João Cândido's embroideries

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    Dois bordados, pela primeira vez revelados, feitos por João Cândido, servem de base para revisão e ampliação dos conhecimentos sobre a personalidade do mais conhecido lider da Revolta dos Marinheiros de 1910, também conhecida como a Revolta da Chibata. Os bordados permitem ainda esclarecer aspectos da vida cotidiana dos marinheiros da época.<br>Now brought to light for the first time, two pieces of embroidery stitched by João Cândido provide the basis for revising and expanding knowledge about the personality of the most well-known leader of the 1910 Sailors' Revolt, also known as the Revolta da Chibata ("rebellion of the whip"). These pieces also clarify aspects of sailors' day-to-day lives back at that time

    ZIKV Strains Elicit Different Inflammatory and Anti-Viral Responses in Microglia Cells

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    In recent years, the Zika Virus (ZIKV) has caused pandemic outbreaks associated with a high rate of congenital ZIKV syndrome (CZS). Although all strains associated with worldwide outbreaks derive from the Asian lineage, the reasons for their enhanced spread and severity are not fully understood. In this study, we conducted a comparative analysis of miRNAs (miRNA-155/146a/124) and their cellular targets (SOCS1/3, SHP1, TRAF6, IRAK1), as well as pro- and anti-inflammatory and anti-viral cytokines (IL-6, TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-10, and IFN-β) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPAR-γ) expression in BV2 microglia cells infected with ZIKV strains derived from African and Asian lineages (ZIKVMR766 and ZIKVPE243). BV2 cells were susceptible to both ZIKV strains, and showed discrete levels of viral replication, with delayed release of viral particles without inducing significant cytopathogenic effects. However, the ZIKVMR766 strain showed higher infectivity and replicative capacity, inducing a higher expression of microglial activation markers than the ZIKVPE243 strain. Moreover, infection with the ZIKVMR766 strain promoted both a higher inflammatory response and a lower expression of anti-viral factors compared to the ZIKVPE243 strain. Remarkably, the ZIKKPE243 strain induced significantly higher levels of the anti-inflammatory nuclear receptor—PPAR-γ. These findings improve our understanding of ZIKV-mediated modulation of inflammatory and anti-viral innate immune responses and open a new avenue to explore underlining mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of ZIKV-associated diseases