15 research outputs found

    Activity of praziquantel against Hymenolepis nana, at different development stages, in experimentally infected mice

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    Single doses of praziquantel were administered by oral route, at various time intervals, following the experimental infection of mice with Hymenolepis nana eggs (2000 per animal), to investigate the drug action against different development stages of the parasite. It was shown that either 25 or 50 mg/kg given on the 4th day after inoculation had just a partial effect against the cysticercoids. Moreover, 25 mg/kg given on the 7th day was not able to kill all juvenile forms as well. However, this dose administered on the 10th day, when the parasites had reached maturity taut oviposition was not yet initiated was 100% efficacious. The same degree of efficacy was achieved with the administration of 25 mg/kg on the 14th day when the fully mature worms already lay eggs. These animal findings indicate that in the treatment of human hymenolepiasis praziquantel, 25 mg/kg, should be taken twice, 10 days apart, so that the second dose kills the larval and juvenile forms which have survived the first one. This should be particularly recommended for treating H. nana infection in close communities

    Viabilidade de ovos de Ascaris lumbricoides após tratamento humano com medicamentos específicos: I— Levamisole e Pamoato de pirantel

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    Com o objetivo de testar a viabilidade do ciclo biológico, 15 pacientes (masculinos, de quatro a 14 anos) com Ascaris lumbricoides, foram selecionados ao acaso. Após tratamento clássico com sais básicos de levamisole (7 pacientes) e de pamoato de pirantel (8), os ovos retirados das fêmeas expelidas ficaram incubados por 18 dias em de H2SO4 N/10. A seguir foram administrados per os a grupos de 5 camundongos por pacientes. Decorridos 8 dias da infecção, os animais foram sacrificados para pesquisas microscópica de larvas nos fragmentos pulmonares. Dos 75 animais, somente 1, pertencente ao grupo de tratados com levamisole, não apresentou larvas nos fragmentos pulmonares. Concluiu-se que as drogas, nas doses utilizadas, não possuem ação deletéria sobre os ovos de A. lumbricoides, mas promovem a eliminação de material infectivo, com possibilidade de incrementar a poluição onde vivem comunidades sem adequadas condições de saneamento básico

    Phillocaulis variegatus: an intermediate host of Angiostrongylus costaricensis in south Brazil

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    Molluscs collected in five localities in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) were digested and examined. The infected slugs were identified as Phyllocaulis variegatus and the larvae found were inoculated per os into mice. After 50 days, worms with the caracteristics of Angiostrongylus costaricensis were recovered from the mesenteric arterial system. The results establish the role of P. variegatus as intermediate host of A. costaricensis in south Brazil, where many cases of abdominla angiostrongyliasis have been diagnosed