7,373 research outputs found

    Weyl geometry, anti-De Sitter space, and Φ4\Phi^4-theory

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    We study the Gaussian approximation to the quantum fluctuations of the metric of the four dimensional anti-De Sitter spacetime. The associated massless scalar field has a quartic self interaction, for which we construct the generating functional of the nn-point correlation functions. The concomitant infrared divergence is cured by a mass renormalization provided by the cosmological constant, which is also responsible for the renormalization of the coupling constant of the field theory.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    SP-Sephadex equilibrium chromatography of bradykinin and related peptides: Application to trypsin-treated human plasma

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    An analytical method is deseribed for the separation of bradykinin, Lys-bradykinin, and Met-Lys-bradykinin by equilibrium chromatography on SP-Sephadex C-25 eluted in 0.02 Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.10, 0.12 NaCl. A second elution buffer, 0.02 Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.70, 0.06 NaCl, serves as a second parameter for the identification of bradykinin and also separates the hormone from plasma bradykinin-potentiating peptides. Ten to one-hundred nanomoles of each peptide can be recovered in high yields, identified by elution position, and measured by bioassay with the isolated guinea pig ileum. The identification of bradykinin as the peptide released by trypsin acting on acid-denatured plasma is documented as an illustration of the method

    Avaliação geral, resultados, perspectivas e uso de ferramentas de agricultura de precisão.

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    Resumo: A agricultura de Precisão aplica o conceito da espacialização ou da análise da variabilidade espacial dos fatores que influenciam a produção agropecuária. Dessa forma, a AP é bastante dependente de instrumentos que auxiliam na aquisição, tratamento e transmissão dos dados nos campos agrícolas, transformando-os em informações úteis para o manejo sítio específico. Neste projeto componente estão sendo desenvolvidos e adaptados equipamentos, sensores, métodos, programas computacionais e uma plataforma de rede de sensores sem fio, denominadas de ferramentas de AP São apresentados resultados de equipamentos para a medida da matéria orgânica e umidade dos solos e de doenças de plantas; bancada de ensaios para a aplicação de insumos; esfera instrumentada para a avaliação de impactos no transporte de hortifrútis; modelagem, processamento de imagens e visão computacional; rede de sensores sem fio; robótica e projetos de sistemas embarcados para máquinas e implementos agrícolas. Participam deste Projeto Componente as seguintes Unidades da Embrapa e parceiros: Embrapa Instrumentação, Embrapa Informática, CSEM Brasil, Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste, Embrapa Pecuária Sul, Embrapa Trigo, Embrapa Hortaliças, Embrapa Florestas, Centro Internacional de la Papa (Peru) e membros da Força Tarefa ISOBUS

    Employment generation in Brazilian coffee regions

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    Due to the specific characteristics of coffee production on each of the main Brazilian states producers of arabica (Coffea arabica) and robusta coffee (Coffea canephora), a better understanding of the structural links between production and industrialization of coffee on those states and the national economy can provide subsides for implementation of public policies, essential to plan the coffee production and increase the sector competitiveness. Therefore, this study analyzed the employment generation in production and coffee industrialization in the major Brazilian production regions, based on an inter-regional input-output model, with seven regions, which represent the main coffee-producing states - Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo, São Paulo, Paraná, Bahia and Other States - with 44 sectors each, in a system of 308 sectors. The results indicated that the production of robusta coffee is the sector that generates more employments (total) per currency unit, and that arabica production sector is the fourth largest generator of employments, among the 44 sectors considered for the country. The results for each state emphasized the importance of farming and coffee industry for national and state economies.Coffee; Coffee Production; Input-Output

    Astrometry of mutual approximations between natural satellites. Application to the Galilean moons

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    Typically we can deliver astrometric positions of natural satellites with errors in the 50-150 mas range. Apparent distances from mutual phenomena, have much smaller errors, less than 10 mas. However, this method can only be applied during the equinox of the planets. We developed a method that can provide accurate astrometric data for natural satellites -- the mutual approximations. The method can be applied when any two satellites pass close by each other in the apparent sky plane. The fundamental parameter is the central instant t0t_0 of the passage when the distances reach a minimum. We applied the method for the Galilean moons. All observations were made with a 0.6 m telescope with a narrow-band filter centred at 889 nm with width of 15 nm which attenuated Jupiter's scattered light. We obtained central instants for 14 mutual approximations observed in 2014-2015. We determined t0t_0 with an average precision of 3.42 mas (10.43 km). For comparison, we also applied the method for 5 occultations in the 2009 mutual phenomena campaign and for 22 occultations in the 2014-2015 campaign. The comparisons of t0t_0 determined by our method with the results from mutual phenomena show an agreement by less than 1-sigma error in t0t_0, typically less than 10 mas. This new method is particularly suitable for observations by small telescopes.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures and 8 tables. Based on observations made at the Laborat\'orio Nacional de Astrof\'isica (LNA), Itajub\'a-MG, Brazi

    Vascular smooth muscle contraction in hypertension

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    Hypertension is a major risk factor for many common chronic diseases, such as heart failure, myocardial infarction, stroke, vascular dementia and chronic kidney disease. Pathophysiological mechanisms contributing to the development of hypertension include increased vascular resistance, determined in large part by reduced vascular diameter due to increased vascular contraction and arterial remodelling. These processes are regulated by complex interacting systems such as the renin angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS), sympathetic nervous system, immune activation and oxidative stress, which influence vascular smooth muscle function. Vascular smooth muscle cells are highly plastic and in pathological conditions undergo phenotypic changes from a contractile to a proliferative state. Vascular smooth muscle contraction is triggered by an increase in intracellular free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i), promoting actin-myosin cross-bridge formation. Growing evidence indicates that contraction is also regulated by calcium-independent mechanisms involving RhoA-Rho kinase (ROCK), protein kinase C (PKC) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling, reactive oxygen species and reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. Activation of immune/inflammatory pathways and noncoding RNAs are also emerging as important regulators of vascular function. Vascular smooth muscle cell [Ca2+]i, not only determines the contractile state but also influences activity of many calcium-dependent transcription factors and proteins thereby impacting the cellular phenotype and function. Perturbations in vascular smooth muscle cell signaling and altered function influence vascular reactivity and tone, important determinants of vascular resistance and blood pressure. Here we discuss mechanisms regulating vascular reactivity and contraction in physiological and pathophysiological conditions and highlight some new advances in the field, focusing specifically on hypertension

    Aligning physical elements with persons' attitude: an approach using Rasch measurement theory

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    Affective engineering uses mathematical models to convert the information obtained from persons' attitude to physical elements into an ergonomic design. However, applications in the domain have not in many cases met measurement assumptions. This paper proposes a novel approach based on Rasch measurement theory to overcome the problem. The research demonstrates that if data fit the model, further variables can be added to a scale. An empirical study was designed to determine the range of compliance where consumers could obtain an impression of a moisturizer cream when touching some product containers. Persons, variables and stimulus objects were parameterised independently on a linear continuum. The results showed that a calibrated scale preserves comparability although incorporating further variables
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